EUEM (End User Experience Monitoring) Training ITRS EUEM (End User Experience Monitoring) Training 20 September 201820 September 2018 Anuja Nadarajah Support Intern
What is EUEM? This is a Netprobe plugin that measures aspects of a user’s experience and interaction with a website. 20 September 2018
Baby steps… Mozilla Firefox allows you to record the scenario (interacting with a web page and its elements as in a normal browser session). EUEM plugin translates this scenario into a format that can be uploaded into the GSE. The scenario script is then transformed into executable JavaScript that is utilized by PhantomJS, an open-source headless WebKit implementation Information gathered by PhantomJS is then visualised on the Active Console (AC2). 20 September 2018
Scenarios There are three main parts to the EUEM plugin which are: Scenarios – represents a users interaction with a web page or a series of web pages. Steps - Scenarios consist of steps which correspond to a single command carried out on a web page. These steps are carried out in sequence Elements - Each step has one to many elements. A step to open a web page will include all of the elements that make up a web page – the HTML, the images, and the JavaScript files that are included with the page. 20 September 2018
Open source technology needed PhantomJS ( A headless WebKit implementation that we're using as the engine to playback scenarios in order to monitor websites. CasperJS ( A PhantomJS API. Selenium IDE ( We use this for recording scenarios. 20 September 2018
There are three stages in using EUEM: Scenario Creation - the recording of a scenario as a user uses a web site. Scenario Playback - the playback of a scenario script to collect data for monitoring the user experience. Scenario Visualisation - the visual presentation of data collected from scenario playback. 20 September 2018
Exercise 20 September 2018
Installing EUEM Firefox Plugin Pre-Requisites: Install Mozilla Firefox Browser ( Install Selenium IDE Firefox Plugin ( Go to - Extremely important to download Selenium IDE before installing any AC2 components Download the latest Selenium IDE. Using Firefox it will automatically install after downloading, if Selenium IDE was downloaded using other browser. Follow next steps. Open Firefox Browser Drag the downloaded file (.XPI extension) to the Browser Window Wait until the Installation Dialog appears Click Install button when enabled to start installation Restart Firefox Browser after installation is completed 20 September 2018
EUEM Firefox Plugin… In AC2 working directory, go to doc folder. Drag geneos-euem.xpi to Firefox Browser Window Wait until Installation Dialog appears Click Install button when enabled to start installation Restart Firefox Browser after installation is completed 20 September 2018
Record a Scenario 20 September 2018
Running the Netprobe No configuration needed for the Netprobe therefore run the Netprobe in the desired port. Student1 – 1991 Student2 – 1992 Student3 – 1993 Student4 – 1994 Run the Netprobe using: nohup ./euem-netprobe.linux_64 -port PORT_NUMBER & 20 September 2018
Create a Netprobe – giving it the correct port number Active Console Create a Netprobe – giving it the correct port number Create a new Managed Entity Create a new Sampler 20 September 2018
Thank you