Overcoming Barriers to Implement Research Projects Shauna Hallmark AASHTO RAC July 26, 2016
Barriers to Implementation of Research Held seminar with Iowa agencies to identify barriers Early input from practitioners to guide Make sure methodology is appropriate Focus Ensure output is in form that has value Spreadsheet, tools, etc. Communicating results Quantify impact and value
Follow project and determine where implemented Document Impact Follow project and determine where implemented Surveys at county engineer focus group Anecdotal Estimate impact Develop impact briefs
Evaluation of the Buena Vista Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment Program Bridge Funding agency: Iowa DOT Researchers: Phares and Wipf Description: evaluated effectiveness of innovative materials and construction techniques for new bridge structures Included in FHWA’s Accelerated Bridge Construction Manual (ABC Manual) Project results reduce typical 3 day construction to 1 day Benefits Savings of $5700 per bridge in terms of savings from truck detours Using methodology for 10% of NHS bridges would result in savings $68 million nationally
Transportation Research Webinars: Moving Research into Practice Co-developed and co-host webinars with Roadway Safety Institute at the University of Minnesota Select research ready for implementation or recently implemented Features researcher and practioner
Case Study Safety Edge Pavement edge drop-off: vertical elevation difference between adjacent roadway surfaces Safety Edge Creates a fillet along the outside edge of the paved section of a roadway Placed during Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) paving Provides a sloped surface for errant vehicles to transition from an unpaved shoulder to paved surface
Safety Edge in Iowa First use in 2008: HMA resurfacing project on County Road Z-36 in Clinton County 2010: Iowa DOT adopted Safety Edge as Standard Practice for construction and rehabilitation projects Research showed magnitude of issue 20% of crashes on rural 2-lane Twice as likely to be fatal Subsequent study developed crash modification factors CMF =0.87 all crashes CMF = 0.84 injury crashes
Implementation of Safety Edge in Iowa Emphasis by FHWA (Every Day Counts) Slow to be adopted in Iowa Iowa DOT Design Manual requires use of the Safety Edge on all primary highways unless one of the following is met: Roadway is an interchange ramp or loop Roadway or shoulder has curbs Paved shoulder width ≥ 4 ft Iowa DOT funded marketing and outreach of Safety Edge to local agencies
Marketing/Outreach of Safety Edge in Iowa Team conducted marketing/outreach activities to encourage use: Attended pre-con to answer questions about equipment Loaned Safety Edge “shoes: Conducted open houses to provide information and demonstrate application Sites visits Provided technical assistance Measured slope Developed recommendations on application of Safety Edge
Implementation Benefits easily described Most agencies using Safety Edge in the 2010 construction season “bought in” once advantages were explained Maintenance benefits easily understood Early outreach critical Pre-letting assistance Pre-construction assistance Open houses
Webinar Teamed with Executive Vice President of the Asphalt Paving Association of Iowa (APAI) Discussed issues in implementation Discussed successes
Impact 473 miles of known installation Annually reduces 41 crashes Societal savings >$3.5 million