The Pollinator Health Strategy and Action Plan Pollination Guelph Symposium March 25, 2017
Message from Minister Jeff Leal “ A collaborative approach is at the core of our efforts to protect pollinators, Looking ahead, we continue to welcome and build new partnerships while maintaining current relationships”. “As Ontario continues to take a leadership role in the protection of pollinators, I encourage us all to work together and achieve our goals”. PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Ontario’s Pollinators Animal pollinators in Ontario include managed honey bees and some managed bumble bees, as well as thousands of species of wild bees, butterflies, moths, wasps, and some flies and beetles. Estimated that pollination services provide nearly $1 Billion to Ontario agriculture annually. Insect pollination is important for most fruit, vegetable and nut crops, some forage (e.g. alfalfa) and oilseed crops, (e.g. canola). Pollinators and pollination form an irreplaceable cornerstone of biodiversity and environmental health in the province. A variety of stressors have impacted the health and populations of Ontario’s pollinators, resulting in significant population declines of some species. Similar trends are seen world-wide. Ontario is taking action to address many of those stressors. PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Ontario Pollinator Health Strategy: Components Bee Mortality Production Insurance Program Regulation of Neonicotinoid-treated Corn and Soybean Seed Pollinator Health Action Plan PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Pollinator Health Strategy Vision: Ontario is home to healthy pollinator populations that contribute to a sustainable food supply and support resilient ecosystems and a strong economy. Strategic Outcomes: Abundant and healthy pollinator habitats Adequate wild pollination of both natural ecosystems and agricultural crops Beekeeping sector able to meet demand for pollination services, honey products and honey bees Reduction in acute in-season incidents and lower over-winter mortality rates for honey bees PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Pollinator Health Strategy Goals Improved genetics, reduced impacts of diseases and pests on pollinators Reduced level of exposure of pollinators to pesticides Improved habitats and nutrition for pollinators Increased resilience of pollinators to climate change and weather Improve understanding and evidence related to pollinator populations and their health Increased awareness and knowledge about pollinators and ways to support them. PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Pollinator Health Strategy Three Aspirational Targets Reduce overwinter mortality rates for managed honey bees to 15% by 2020 80% reduction in acreage planted with Neonicotinoid-treated corn and soybean seed by 2017 Restore, enhance and protect one million acres of pollinator habitat in Ontario PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
The Pollinator Health Action Plan: The Four Stressors Diseases, Pests, Genetics Exposure to Pesticides Reduced Habitat and Poor Nutrition Climate Change and Weather PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Stressor: Diseases, Pests, Genetics Diseases and pests can effect both managed bees and wild pollinators; Examples: Varroa mite; American Foulbrood; Small hive beetle, viruses Risks of pathogen cross over between managed bees and wild pollinators and vice versa. Genetic improvements can improve honey bee health and increase resistance to diseases and pests. What will Ontario and partners do: Review Beekeeping Sector Legislation - Ontario’s Bees Act Strengthen Beekeeper Best Management Practices Continue to Understand Honey Bee Genetics Continue to fund research to combat honey bee pests and diseases PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Stressor: Reduced Habitat and Poor Nutrition Pollinator habitat is being threatened by degradation, fragmentation and direct loss; primarily in Southern Ontario. Every new road, residential, commercial or industrial development or new agricultural field almost always results in the permanent loss of large areas of habitat and forage (food) for pollinators. In other cases, specific plants that are beneficial to pollinators may disappear from the landscape, resulting in poorer nutrition for pollinators. PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Reduced Habitat and poor nutrition To address reduced habitat, Ontario and its agencies are undertaking a wide range of actions. Government partners include: Several government ministries; Agriculture and Food, Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change; Ontario Parks Hydro One, Ontario Power Generation Niagara Parks Commission; Royal Botanical Gardens At the same time, a broad range of organizations and individuals are taking their own actions to restore, enhance and protect pollinator habitat. Ontario Horticultural Association; horticultural societies Conservation Authorities Conservation organizations and other environmental groups Individual municipalities Numerous homeowners and landowners. PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Stressor: Exposure to Pesticides Pesticides, including Insecticides and Herbicides are widely used in agriculture and in other applications around the world to control pests and diseases. While herbicides can control weeds that compete with food crops, they can also eliminate plants that have nutritional value for pollinators. Insecticides have improved over the years: less danger to human health and the environment; more targeted to specific pests; education efforts have improved. Neonicotinoid pesticides (“Neonics”) have been used since the 1990s and are now the most widely used class of pesticides in the world. However, scientific evidence is showing that some Neonics are highly toxic (lethal and sub-lethal) to bees and other pollinators. Ontario is the first jurisdiction in North America to restrict the use of Neonics on corn and soybean seeds. In 2009, the Ontario government introduced a ban on the use of cosmetic pesticides for lawns, gardens, parks and schoolyards. PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Stressor: Climate Change and Weather Temperature extremes combined with an inconsistent food supply can put intense pressure on pollinators and may lead to disease and death. Recent studies have shown that wild pollinators are highly vulnerable to climate change. Geographic ranges of pollinators may shift as temperatures increase. Extreme weather can kill individual insects, but, can also negatively impact entire colonies or local populations (e.g. by interrupting foraging and mating. The Pollinator Health Action Plan links with the province’s: Climate Change Strategy; Climate Change Action Plan; and, Climate Change Adaptation Plan. Ontario will explore opportunities to align climate change objectives with agriculture and the natural system to support pollinator health PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Research and Monitoring To increase our knowledge about pollinators and to see what progress we’re making under the Action Plan, Ontario is investing in: Research, including a $1 million New Directions Research call for bee research; and, Monitoring areas such as habitat (e.g. land cover data related to habitat); wild pollinator and honey bees (e.g. Bumble bee diversity and abundance); and, environment (e.g. pesticide residues) A compendium of all research and monitoring results is being assembled. Benchmark data being collected on: Soil (pesticide residues) Stream Water (pesticide residues) Benthic invertebrates (insects, snails, clams, leeches) (pesticide residues) Drinking water (pesticide residues) Pollen samples in bee yards (pesticide residues) Bumble bee populations in southern Ontario PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
Education and Awareness Several provincial initiatives already promoting education and awareness of pollinators, e.g.: A digital campaign to promote the planting of pollinator-friendly gardens A pollinator health website – a one stop shop for pollinator health information and resources An interactive pollinator health trade show booth A provincial pollinator health day The Plan identifies over 60 groups and individuals that are working to support pollinator health in Ontario with internet links to most of them; additional groups will be listed going forward. Public engagement and action is critical for the success of the Action Plan. Your contribution is important! PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
The need for “A Collaborative Approach” All of us benefit from the pollination services that we receive from pollinators through the food we eat and the agriculture that produces our food. Our environment relies on pollinators to remain healthy, vigorous and diverse. We benefit from having a fully functioning eco-system. It is in our best interest to work together to improve and maintain the health of pollinators everywhere. However, Government cannot do it alone. PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017 What can you do? Take Action! For example… Support the work of groups like Pollination Guelph and others, such as: Ontario Nature and Ontario Nature Youth Council Pollinator Partnership Canada Wildlife Preservation Canada North American Native Plant Society David Suzuki Foundation (Milkweed campaign) … and many others doing important work Consider partnering with to make your community a “Bee City”. Support Citizen Science projects, e.g.:; PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017 What can you do? Continue to educate yourself about the importance of pollinators and how you can help them; Encourage your family, friends, neighbours and elected officials to do the same. If you have a garden – even a small one - Include a variety of species of plants that include different shapes, colours and sizes and that bloom successively throughout the season. Replace some lawn with pollinator-friendly plants, including many native Ontario plants; you’ll be helping Ontario’s biodiversity in your neighbourhood. Support projects in your community that provide habitat for pollinators. Be aware of the effects of various types of pesticides and how they can harm pollinators. If you must use them, carefully follow the instructions on the label. Buy Ontario honey to support Ontario beekeepers. Look for the Foodland Ontario logo. PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017
PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017 Thank you! Questions? PHAP: Pollination Guelph Symposium 2017