The SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS SCIENCE PARK From Land to Technology 1969 - 2008 20/09/2018
HISTORICAL LANDMARKS main steps (1) 1969 Creation of " SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS association " and the concept of « city of science and wisdom » 1970 Creation of SAVALOR 1972 CIAT: - operation branded as « national interest development project » - land control over 2300 hectares - creation of an interministerial coordination group - creation of SYMISA, public development authority. 20/09/2018
HISTORICAL LANDMARKS main steps (2) 1974 Interministerial committee: - master plan approved - the first company settles 1980 First housing program delivered 1988 Creation of SAEM SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS 1999 Concept of « associated parks » on Côte d’Azur 2002 Intercommunality : creation of CASA (communauté d’agglomération de Sophia Antipolis) 2005 Creation of poles of competitiveness : Sophia tenants active in 7 poles, incl. SCS, worldwide level 20/09/2018
To buy land which is then resold at cost to SYMISA. About US$ 600M has been invested since the creation of Sophia Antipolis. State General Council (County level) SYMISA More than US $200 M To buy land which is then resold at cost to SYMISA. To invest in secondary and higher education before the 1982 decentralisation laws Today, the State only has an advisory role and oversees the broad strategic objectives of Sophia-Antipolis. More than US$ 240 M The main funder of the parc to invest in infrastructure , road infrastructures and further education More than US$ 160 M The 9 districts taking part into SYMISA To finance public equipments (schools...) and general maintenance of the Park Funds particularly come from professional taxes paid by companies. 20/09/2018
KEY FIGURES (1) buildings 1 900 000 m² built upon completion 180 000 m² housing programs 1 037 000 m² presently occupied by corporations 450 000 m² of which are rented in commercial real estate programs 25 000 projected m² of speculative office buildings 2 200 housing units to date + about 100 additional flats to come in 2007 and 2008 9 hotels 6 students’ residences, soon to be 8 20/09/2018
KEY FIGURES (2) amenities International secondary school (C.I.V.) 2 secondary education colleges 4 primary and elementary schools golf : 3x18 h and 2x9 h courses - 1 complete practice ground 30 tennis courts / 2 gymnasiums / 1 stadium 1 fitness centre 1 new media library 2 700 m² of proximity shops 6 000 approved m² for next shopping and service centre (2007) 1 x concert hall and 1 x swimming pool about to be built 20/09/2018
KEY FIGURES (3) people AT THE HEART OF A 1 MILLION INHABITANTS AREA 27300 jobs in 1.300 companies 150 foreign capital companies 68 nationalities among the staff 4.500 researchers and 5500 students 20/09/2018
A CONCENTRATION OF SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES (1) 1. Information technologies 330 corp / 12600 empl. Electronics Software development Telecom / Networks / Multimedia E-commerce / Internet 2. Education and training 65 establ / 3 275 empl. from elementary schools to engineering studies 3. Life sciences and fine chemistry 45 corp / 2 150 empl. Pharmacy Dermatology Biotechnology Medical imaging 4. Environment and energy saving 19 establ / 260 empl. From solar energy to new materials 20/09/2018
A CONCENTRATION OF SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES (2) 4 types of actors involved have created the « cluster » effect Major and multinational companies SMEs and start-ups Public research and higher education Thematic associations, networks, such as Telecom Valley, club High Tech, Data Base Forum, Sophia croissance etc .. Officially acknowledged as a worldwide competitiveness cluster (secured communicating solutions) by the French government – July 2005 - + 6 other clusters 20/09/2018
Some key ingredients to success Creation of a strong steering committee representing all parties involved in order to achieve consensus and support the strategy A tracking of market trends in order to adapt to improve according to the local production factors Foster inward investment by creating incubator or venture funds so as to increase support of others financers Assess and improve the work force, the skills and the knowledge required for the good development of the park 20/09/2018