Manager Team Sign Up in Activenet
Visit and click on the Activenet link in the top right corner
Click on the Activenet link
Click the Sign In OR the Create an Account button in the top right corner
You are now set up to sign up for one of our programs!
Select Activities
Select YOUR softball night- each night will be listed separately on this page
Add the activity to your cart
Select who will be participating
MANAGERS ONLY- Create a new team
Confirm your contact information You have the option to be notified when you have players sign up
Team Name should be your Last Name First Name- BroekemaKatie Set your maximum number of players high- 50 or above Set your team password
Invite players to join- Use the link Be sure to send your password to your players
Initial and Click to agree to the Waiver
You must enter payment, but your card will not be charged without your consent
Click Proceed to Checkout to continue From this page you can add another participant
Enter your card information
Click Pay and Finish Do NOT select the Automatic Charge
You are signed up and have a team! Print a receipt – this will serve as an invoice for your sponsor