The Thorny Devil
Inherited Traits It has spiky thorns all over it’s body. The color is yellow, white, brown and orange The spiky thorns protect it from getting eaten
Eating and surviving The Thorny Devil can eat 1,000 ants in one day It has no ears The thorny devil has a false head. To protect it’s head, it hides it between it’s front legs. The false head tricks enemies.
Eyes that protect The Thorny Devil eats ants. From the ants, it gets a poison that it shoots out of it’s eye when scared.
Habitat It lives in Australia Australian Desert
Spikes It uses it’s spikes to protect it from a predator. It makes it so hard for a predator to swallow it. The water goes through the Thorny Devil’s spikes directly into it’s mouth.
Interesting Facts Thorny Devils grow up to 20cm long While walking, they raise their tail slowly and with jerky motions.
By Brian and Emanuel