BA (Hons) Primary Education: Year 1 School Based Training


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Presentation transcript:

BA (Hons) Primary Education: Year 1 School Based Training 2017-18 Placement Briefing for Class Mentors BA1 Unit Lead: Helen Ryan-Atkin

Focus of the BA1 placement 10 placement days and a six-week block Understanding… learners, educational institutions, the role of the teacher, learning within an EY setting, learning and pedagogy in PE. Observing…learning and learners. Teaching…groups and whole classes 10 days, plus 6 week block.

Key Dates Tuesdays: 9th Jan- 20th March (10 in total) Placement Days If school has a two week half term student to negotiate another day visit during these 10 weeks. w/c 4th December Send a letter of introduction to the Head teacher. Friday 16th March, 4-6, Geoffrey Manton LT1 SBT Briefing for Block Placement February/March EYFS Workshops with Elly Hoskins Once you know your UVT: Nearer to Block: Make contact with UVT, and email them: Name of Class Mentor and email address Year group taught Timetable for the first week of block A plan that will be used during the first week of block Targets from action plan (if decided) Initial contextual analysis First Weekly Review Meeting Record (if taken place) 24th January, 2018 3-4.30 TBC Class Mentor briefings

Key dates (cont.) 16th April– 25th May Block placement 26.3.18 – 13.4.18 MMU Easter holiday period w/c 16th April – w/c 30th April Interim Report window: UVT and CM joint observation w/c 23rd April Interim Report completed and grades sent to placements office (by 27th April)* Week 41 – look out on your PDR Moodle page. Students return to University for PDR tutorial following Interim assessment week. w/c 14th May or 21st May Senior Moderator Visit w/b 21st May 2018 University Tutor visit Final Report ** 25th May 2018 End of Placement The school Easter holidays may be different from the SBT planner dates.. Find this out during your day visits and let me know via email if school dates are different. ** This is the week in which the report is due but the visit from the University Tutor may fall within a three week window – between 16th April and 4th May 2017. We imagine any UVT visiting in that first week, will do so towards the end, but it is dictated by their timetable. *** This is the week in which the Final Report is due, unless a student has had days absence and needs to continue the assessed part of the placement after the block placement: this will have to be arranged between you, the UVT and the BA1 Unit Lead. We shall say more on student absences later in the briefing. SBT Final Reports will need to be received by the end of this week.

Who’s who? Class Mentor Professional Mentor University Visiting Tutor Partnership Tutor BA1 School-Based Training Unit Leader

Counselling Services: 0161 247 3493 Communicating with Tutors Unit Specific Problem Academic Problem Pastoral problem School Based Training Problem – University Based School Based Training Problem – School Based Personal Tutor Personal Tutor Personal Tutor Class Mentor and/or Professional Mentor Unit Tutor Unit Leader Student Hub Student experience team lead – Mairead Owens Partnership coordinator – Helen Ryan-Atkin University visiting tutor and/or Deputy Head Teacher Quality teaching and learning team lead – Karin Boyd Partnership coordinator – Helen Ryan-Atkin Counselling Services: 0161 247 3493

What is involved in your role? Putting everything in place - who is who..? what to do if ..? where is .? Agreeing timetable on a weekly basis Provide Schemes of Work/Medium Term Plans Lesson Observations - 1 per week, agreed, written feedback, focus on the Standards (where possible, in addition to phonics and numeracy RoLOs) Progress Meeting - 1 per week, timetabled, protected – recorded on Weekly Review and Reflection Student’s files – comment on planning, teaching, assessment, evaluations, reflections and tasks - check and sign (Appx 1) Complete SBT Reports - Interim and Final Joint observation with MMU tutor - first visit Agree a timetable with the student Please provide the student with your Schemes of Work or Medium Term Plans - so that they can begin to plan their own lessons. The students may well work from your plans in the early days. Then with support - but the expectation is that they are independently planning towards Interim We ask that you observe the student formally at least once a week and give them written feedback on the ROLO - Record of Lesson Observation Many School Tutors type these out – although hand written is perfectly acceptable - it is good practice to feedback as soon as possible. Please arrange a weekly time to meet with your student to review progress, discuss planning and set targets for next week. We know students REALLY value this quality time. The Weekly Review and Reflection sheet should be used at these meetings, for both you and your student to discuss and complete. Use this time to look at their files - these should be up to date, organised and show the student’s thinking and reflections At Interim and Final - write a report on the student and highlight where they are at in their 6 areas of practice + grade for Part 2 – professional standards

Overview of changes to procedures and documentation Contents page of SBT file (Appendix 1) Contextual Analysis to be ongoing. Action Plan completed with CM. Weekly Review Meetings record. Early Reading and Phonics booklet SBT report RoLO – new format Lessons taught to be core and/or foundation Planning – greater flexibility to move to weekly plans Students making up absences Paired and Pod Placement Guidance

Placement Documentation Handbooks, proformas and other key documents: All documentation is electronic and available on the Partnership website – see link below. There are several areas: BA1 Placement – Relates specifically to this placement Students: Relates to all placements Mentors and Tutors: Relates to all placements Available at Some of the documents are in the student handbook, but the majority are just on the website..

Students getting ready to begin the School Placement DBS: no DBS, no placement! Send a letter of introduction to the HT (copy in file). Re-read the handbook Look at school website Check the school’s OFSTED report Start your Contextual Analysis (Appx 9) Plan your journey there Students were asked to send their letter to HT before Christmas. Letter to HT: say how pleased you are to be going to their school, and show that you know a little bit about it. Give some idea of your experiences working with children, what you have so far learnt and understood about being a good teacher, and that you hope to contribute to the life of the school in as many ways as possible (give some examples if you are interested in extra curricular activities). CONTEXUTAL ANALYSIS: There has been a change to how we ask the students to complete the Contextual Analysis. We ask students ‘to gather contextual information about the setting from relevant websites and begin to write your contextual analysis using the ‘Contextual Analysis Proforma’ (Appendix 9a and b). Continue working on this throughout your placement, and be prepared to share with your UVT when he/she visits. It is a working document’. It seemed more sensible and useful to do it this way, rather than trying to get it all done before they started. They don’t send it to their UVT, but keep it in their file.

Negotiate with school, inform UVT PT and Placements Team. Absences Handbook p8 Known absence: Negotiate with school, inform UVT PT and Placements Team. If possible, ensure that you have left a copy of any of your plans with your class mentor. Unexpected absence: Contact the school YOURSELF by TELEPHONE as early as possible (8.30 at the latest). Keep the school informed on a daily basis. Email the Placements Team, UVT and PT. Text messages to CM are NOT acceptable Students will not be allowed to take time off from setting for family celebrations, weddings etc. It is the student’s responsibility to inform family and friends of these regulations. If you already know that you are going to be absent, negotiate this with the school and inform your University SBT Tutor and Personal Tutor. Inform the Placements Team. If possible, ensure that you have left a copy of any of your plans with your class mentor. We have already had a couple of students ask about a) a wedding in Pakistan, planned some time ago, and a graduation ceremony in the last 2 days of placement. We have not said ‘no’, but that they must negotiate with you how they intend to make up the days.

All absences must be made up. Absences (cont.) Doctor’s note if you are absent for more than five consecutive school days. All absences must be made up. You will need to apply for Exceptional Factors (click to follow the link to the guidance) if you have an absence that will impact on your placement being delayed in any way and at any stage, i.e. if you are not able to complete your placement at the scheduled time. The student must:   Contact the setting – telephone the setting personally Contact their University Visiting Tutor Contact the Programmes Office, tel: 0161 247 2436 University Visiting Tutor should be notified about planned absences, ie trips, as soon as the date of absence is known. Unplanned absences should be notified as early as possible on the day of absence – 8.30 am at the latest - and subsequent days where necessary. A student MUST telephone the setting EACH DAY of their absence so that the setting can plan accordingly. It is not acceptable for a student to send a text message to the Professional Mentor or Class Mentor to notify them of an absence from setting in place of the telephone call to setting. The University will treat any breach in these arrangements very seriously. If a student fails to attend a placement for 2 consecutive days without contacting the setting, the Class/Professional Mentor should ring the appropriate Placements Office immediately (0161 247 5070). ANY DAYS OF ABSENCE MUST BE MADE UP IN THE SCHOOL OR SETTING. This applies to both the block placement and the Placement Days.

We ask students to keep informed Check SBT Moodle page regularly Read Helen’s emails! Check PDR Moodle page Contact UVT if any unresolvable problems. Students are asked to ‘Keep an eye on emails as I [Helen] will send announcements that will remind you of requirements for each week, and any placement updates. Also check the PDR moodle site to remind you of tutorials and requirements’. We understand that students are busy on Placement, but misunderstandings occur when they don’t read messages and consult the Moodle page.

Students can be put at ARoF for poor files. Student files Use the Contents of School Based Training Files . (Appendix 1 SBT Handbook). SBT files must be set up and well-organised before you begin the placement. Files should have distinct sections that are clearly labelled. Anyone who needs to access your file should be able to find their way around it. You are required to read and be aware of policies indicated on the checklist. Make notes on these. Students can be put at ARoF for poor files. PDR tutorial 3 (w/c 22 or 29 Jan) – bring your files Students told to have their files in school either at all times, or at least once a week, and definitely for any formal meetings or reviews you have with your CM. CM is asked to make comments on the progress of these files – there is a column for them. Show CMs the new Contents page.

Being professional Time-keeping Dress Attitude Social media Mobile phones Understanding the demands on staff time

How students will be assessed Teachers Standards Grading Criteria SBT Interim and Final Reports There have been some changes to the SBT report –

Overview of Placement Days ‘Guidance Allocation of Teaching Timetable (p12) Share this, Placement Overview (p9) and Appx 1 with your CM. Get to know your class with lots of observing, discussion and note taking. Use your BBT learning journal and proformas. Complete as many activities and tasks as possible. Bilingualism Portfolio Contextual Analysis. Days 7-10: SBT targets and Action Plan to be discussed. Identify areas of subject knowledge to focus on. Prepare and send documents to UVT SHOW P12 AND P9, APPX 1, OF HANDBOOK TO CMs Guidance on what to do, and how to allocate your time for each of your Placement Days. We shall go through the timetable for the Block when we meet again in March. Remember this is guidance only – your CM may want to arrange things differently, depending on the class and school context.– for planning and teaching. Ensure your CM is aware of the REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PLACEMENT, what you have to do, and their role, by showing him or her the handbook. I suggest you print out the suggested timetable and have it at the front of your SBT file, then tick or highlight when you have completed each requirement. Your CM will check you are on track with these throughout your placement, using Appx 1 3 . ON-GOING: For learning journal, refer to BBT moodle page, sessions 2 and 3. This is precious time to really get to know your class before the block placement. You have a number of TASKS to complete on these days – we shall look into them in more detail later. Ensure that your CM is aware of these, and that you have planned opportunities to complete them in your Professional Development time. We say to students that some of these activities may have to roll over into the Block Placement, depending on their situation. BILINGUALISM PORTFOLIO: this is on the students’ PDR Moodle site. There are a mix of tasks to be done in class with EAL children, and more academic tasks, involving reading journal articles (there are links for these in the document). Which of these the student focuses on will depend on the opportunity they have to work with EAL children. If there are EAL children in your class, then the practical tasks are the obvious things to do; if not, but there are children elsewhere in the school, could we ask you to provide the opportunity for your student to work in other classes for some sessions? If there are no EAL children at all, then the student is asked to focus on the readings. What we don’t want is for the student to say ‘oh we didn’t have any EAL children, so I couldn’t do any of the portfolio’, which is what some of them will say! ACTION PLAN: This year, acting on CM feedback, we are are asking students to discuss their action plan with you, in the last 4 days of the Placement Days. They will have already had a tutorial at MMU with their personal tutor towards the end of January, where they will be discussing possible targets, but we think this will help to set more realistic targets, pertinent to your setting. We ask that they be finalised during your first weekly review meeting of the Block Placement. In practice, you may have decided on firm targets at the end of the Placement Days. If we monitor this new procedure, take your feedback, then we can see how effective it is.

Meet with Class Mentor (CM) Days 1-3 Meet with Class Mentor (CM) Observe in all 3 ages phases for half a day (EY,KS1,KS2), using teacher and child observation sheets from website. Complete the Early Years Task 1: Observation of Adult- Led Activity (Appendix 4) Gather information on how the EYFS setting is organized and managed. Start to use EYFS Experience Checklist (Appx 3) Start Early Reading and Phonics Tasks 1 & 2: (p21 of the handbook) EARLY READING AND PHONICS TASKS: this year, all the material for these tasks or in electronic form. This is a move towards lessening the paperwork, and digitising the SBT files and resources. We’re not there yet, but it is our aim, and has been encouraged by our External Examiners. The tasks themselves are on p21 of the Handbook. Phonics RoLOs and lesson plan proformas are on the website, under BA1 student resources. Students are asked to make notes for the tasks, and keep these in their SBT folder.  

Continue with Phonics Tasks 1 & 2 Consider Cultural Diversity Day Visits 4-10 Complete Science Task Complete Number Tasks Continue with Phonics Tasks 1 & 2 Consider Cultural Diversity Assessment 1. Science task. The purpose of the activity is to identify children’s ideas (these might be misconceptions about forces-floating and sinking). Details of Core Moodle page. This task can be completed in either EYFS, KS1 or KS2 and ideally should be completed on one of your day visits 4-10. However, if you are unable to do this it can also be completed within your main block. 2. Complete the Number Tasks during these Day visits: counting and calculation tasks – Tasks A and B (pp21-28) [I think those are the page numbers – not completely sure]. These tasks can be completed in either EYFS, KS1 or KS2 and ideally should be completed on one of your day visits 4-10. However, if you are unable to do this it can also be completed within your main block.   3. Continue with Phonics tasks 1 and 2: 4. Any festivals or activities taking place during your placement? Bilignualism tasks: Complete any tasks in the portfolio that is appropriate in your placement context. On-going throughout the 3 years. SBT Moodle page has the portfolio. 5. Assessment: Investigate oral and written feedback to children. How does the Class Mentor carry out individual and group assessments? How are children helped to review their own progress? What provision is made for children on the SEN record/ with EHC plans? Look at children’s work and discuss levels of attainment with the Class Mentor. Begin to develop records on individual children with your annotations.

Day Visit 4 Support a group in either maths or English in base class, using teacher’s planning Setting-based Tutorial 1: behaviour management focused observations (see Appx 6) School/Setting-based Tutorial 1: Carry out a focussed observation on behaviour management in base class during this day visit. Observations and reflections to be discussed with Class Mentor/Professional Mentor at the end of the day. (See Appendix 6 for behaviour management question prompts for both students and Class Mentors). We haven’t written in any other tutorials with the Placement Days, but we suggest if possible, it would be a good idea to have one or two in the days that follow.

Early Reading and Phonics Task 3: Observe a phonics lesson Day Visit 5 Plan and teach a group in base class either maths or English/Literacy, using teacher’s planning – adapted by you on MMU proforma Early Reading and Phonics Task 3: Observe a phonics lesson Day visit 5: Plan and teach a group in base class either maths or literacy using teacher’s planning that you have adapted on the MMU planning proformas.   Observe a phonics session in either base class or elsewhere in school for Phonics Task 3: Observe and teach a phonics lesson. However, you will not need to teach it at this stage.

Day 6 Plan and teach a different ability group from Day 5 in a subject agreed with your CM – using teacher’s planning, adapted on MMU proforma Day visit 6: Plan and teach a different ability group from Day Visit 5 using teacher’s planning that you have adapted on the MMU planning proformas.

CM to complete one RoLO during one of these days KS1/2 base-class: plan and teach whole class in an agreed subject (on each day visit) EYFS base-class: plan, organise and assess learning in continuous provision for one session on each day visit. Observe 3 more phonics lessons Teach a phonics lesson if possible. Discuss Lesson Study activity (block placement) with CM Meet with CM to draft Action Plan and SBT targets. Day visits 7-10: If your base class is in KS1/2: Plan and teach the whole class using teacher’s planning that you have adapted on the MMU planning proformas on Day Visit 7, 8, 9 and 10.   If your base class is in EYFS: Plan, organise and assess learning through observations and questioning within the EYFS continuous provision for one session based on teacher’s plan for that day/week on Day Visit 7, 8, 9 and 10. Use the MMU EYFS planning proformas. Observe 3 more phonics sessions. We ask student to ask their Class Mentor to complete one RoLO for them during any of the day visits 7-10. ‘Have a meeting with your mentor to discuss your targets and your own reflections’.

Other requirements for students EYFS Experience Checklist (App. 3) Observe how other adults are deployed Negotiate how you will contribute to the life of the setting Research any areas of uncertainty in your own subject knowledge Note cultural diversity in the setting Read relevant school policy documents

Other requirements (cont.) Resources available to you? Consider the organisation of the classroom Developing good behaviour and purposeful learning environment Investigate feedback to children Begin records on individual children What resources are available to you and what will you be expected to provide yourself? Look at effective displays Feedback to children: Investigate oral and written feedback to children. How does the Class Mentor carry out individual and group assessments? How are children helped to review their own progress? What provision is made for children on the SEN record/ with EHC plans? Look at children’s work and discuss levels of attainment with the Class Mentor. Begin to develop records on individual children with your annotations.

The Block Placement Teaching requirements = Progressive 20% week 1 (one day equivalent). Observe P.E. 30% week 2 (1.5 days equivalent). Teach Phonics 40% (2 days) by interim week Teach Phonics 50% (2.5 days) by final report Teach P.E. Whole class teaching and group work appropriate to the setting Other requirements 10% = file time 40% = professional development PPA time to negotiated around these SUBJECTS TAUGHTS: We have made a change from last year: students can teach either core or foundation subjects, so long as they have the opportunity to do both. There have been problems in the past with students in Y2 and Y6 classes where CMs have not wanted students to teach core subjects. We ask that you use your judgement, to ensure your student has the opportunity to teach a wide range of subjects. Students to plan and teach PE (or equivalent in EYFS) in either w5 or 6. Observation docs on website. Plan with usual MMU planning doc. If your school employs a professional company to teach PE, negotiate some time to plan and prep with personnel and then teach your lesson. (This may be done in conjunction with the person from the professional company). File time – students to ensure their planning, evaluations, reflections, assessments, evidence against the standards, etc, are all up to date

‘Focus Time’ Students to spend 3-5 days in EYFS if base class is KS1/KS2, and vice versa in a specified alternative class. Students get to know the routines, rules, staff and children. Task 1: observe children and adults and make notes on similarities and differences in how teaching and learning is organised with base class. Task 2: plan, teach and assess the learning of a group of children in the alternative class. Task 3: Evaluate the above session and suggest next steps for you and the children. Discuss with CT. This can be split into half days/whole days over the block, or be done consecutively. Can be part of PD time.

Typical Professional Development Time Activities Observe other teachers around the school Working on school-based tasks (p21 in student Handbook) Phonics, maths and EAL tasks Work on targets from RoLOs Shadow a TA Talk to/shadow the SENCO Sit in with any other outside professionals who are working with children in your class Discussion with subject leaders Becoming familiar with assessment systems Preparing materials and displays Students need to build these into their timetables and show you.

Paired Placement Guidance Students will be engaging in one of five ways at any one time: Team teaching Lead teacher Group teacher Peer observation Professional Development time and PPA The role of the University SBT tutor The role of the Class mentor Paired Placement – separate Handbook with guidance available for students, mentors & tutors with examples of how the teaching percentages can be achieved. – See Placements website Placement expectations and requirements as specified in the BA Year 1 SBT Handbook apply to this placement model too Students will plan, teach, assess and evaluate for 50% of the week by the final report point (see guidance on constructing a timetable on next slide) Lead Teaching Student A will take responsibility for the planning, teaching, assessing and evaluating of a whole class session (building up the percentage of whole class teaching each week, see BA1 SBT handbook page 17 ‘Guidance for allocation of teaching timetable’). During Student A’s lead teacher sessions, Student B may be supporting as an additional adult, observing, planning and teaching a small group or intervention group or may not be present in the classroom. Similarly, Student B will take responsibility for the planning, teaching, assessing and evaluating of a whole class session (building up the percentage of whole class teaching each week, see BA1 SBT handbook page 17 ‘Guidance for allocation of teaching timetable’). In EYFS, the suggestion is that the Lead Teacher plans for inside learning and leading the directed teaching whilst the Groups Teacher plans for and manages the outside learning environment to fit in/support/extend the focused learning experiences introduced by the Lead Teacher. This will mean that the Lead teacher and the Groups teacher will need to plan ideas together in the first instance and then each will need to take their area of responsibility and plan specifically and in more depth for this. Group Teaching When you are planning for and teaching a small group or working with an intervention group on specific, planned activities, this contributes to your 50% teaching time. Each student should take responsibility for the planning and teaching of a group during a minimum of 3 sessions per week. Team Teaching Team teaching is a significant skill area. The opportunity the placement affords for focused development of this aspect of practice will enhance the employability of the student teachers engaged in a paired placement even further. 2 sessions per week should be team teaching sessions for the students Peer Observation The student teachers should observe each other teaching and give feedback once per week. The observation should last for 20 to 30 minutes (but can be for longer). The RoLO should be used to record feedback against the Standards and the two students should meet as soon as possible after the session for a post-observation meeting. A pro-forma is available to record the outcomes of this meeting (see below). This should be filed along with the RoLO and may form part of the weekly discussion with the class or professional mentor. The university tutor will also discuss the peer observation process and outcomes during their visits.

The Bilingual Learners Portfolio and Behaviour Management Booklet Students complete these over the 3 years. Some tasks are about working with EAL children If no EAL children in your class, arrange for student to go elsewhere. There are tasks to complete which are more research- based. EAL/Bilingual and Behaviour booklets – NEW GUIDANCE: students to demonstrate they have engaged with these resources rather than complete every task - as appropriate to students’ professional development needs and school contexts. Students should check whether their placement school has any pupils who have EAL. We encourage the students to look for opportunities to work on the relevant tasks and activities in their EAL Portfolio. They will need to demonstrate by the end of Year 3 that they have interacted with the EAL Portfolio and that they are well prepared to meet the needs of EAL learners.

Paired Placements: An example of a 50% teaching timetable for Student A & Student B   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Session 1 Student A Lead Teacher Student B – Group Teacher Team Teaching 2 Team teaching Student B Lead Teacher A – Group Teacher 3 4 This is a guide and can be used flexibly to suit different contexts. If we assume a teaching week comprises 4 main teaching periods each day (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon) there are 20 teaching sessions per week

EYFS: Example of how the teaching timetable might look: 50% at Final   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Session 1 Student A Lead Teacher Student B – Group Teacher Team Teaching 2 Team teaching Student B Lead Teacher Student A – Group Teacher 3 4 If students are paired in EYFS setting then as the Lead Teacher, the student can plan for the continuous provision and other focus group activities. Student B can plan and deliver a focus group activity during this time

Trio-placements: an example Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri A B C   A C C A B C B B C B C A B A C B The key thing is to assume a week has 20 teaching sessions (2 morning, 2 afternoon) and then each student has to ‘teach’ for 10 of those 20 sessions (50%). By teach we mean be responsible for the planning, teaching and assessing in that session BUT this does NOT necessarily have to be with the whole class (in fact, it can’t!).   They should aim to operate the trio system ‘properly’ by building in times when they can have one as lead teacher, one as support teacher and one observer (who will definitely give feedback to their colleagues). The ‘support teacher’ must be responsible for the planning, teaching and assessing for their group(s) and this then ‘counts’ towards the 50%. Here’s an example of a week where each student teaches (and plans & assesses!) in 10 sessions: A,B & C are our 3 students; most days have times when the students are not timetabled and could be on PPA, observations in other classes, planning together etc. What would need to be decided is which of A, B or C is the lead teacher for that session (introducing the lesson to the class, doing the plenary, managing ‘tidy up time’ etc) and whether the other 2 are group teachers (counting towards the 50%) or teaching assistant/observer for their colleagues As a pod of three, the Team teaching session can be divided between them so each student has ownership of part of the lesson. Take turns in being Lead Teacher, Support Teacher and Observer. Opportunities for Team Teaching

Paired Placement: peer observation   Date of observation: Lesson/session: Observed colleague: Observer: Observed colleague: summary of main outcomes (e.g. what you got out of the observation, feedback & discussion) Observer: summary comments (e.g. what impressed you about the session/things you may adapt in your own teaching) Agreed action points and any other matters arising: Post-Peer Observation Meeting

Being a reflective teacher What difference did you make? What worked well? Not so well? Why (not)? For whom? Next time…. How you ACT on your own reflection is KEY!

Standard 6: Assessment, Monitoring and Reviewing Students must complete a detailed evaluation of each lesson that they teach – commenting on the impact on the children’s learning, their own professional development AND the next steps for children’s learning (‘P.E.N.’ at end of lesson plan). Gather samples of children’s work – marked and annotated Develop and complete Group and Whole Class Assessment and Monitoring sheets in each of the Core subjects or appropriate Areas of Learning and Development Ensure consistent use of the Additional Adults Communication and Feedback sheets Be aware of any EHC plans for children in their class. Use all this in their weekly review and Learning Journal, to consider strengths and areas for development. The Planning and Evaluation guidance on the Partnership website provides support to ensure that evaluations are reflecting on all the key aspects . Positives, Evaluation, Next Steps. Encourage students to annotate their planning – handwritten, post-its etc, are fine. Guidance given to students: Use this guidance from the document on the Partnership website to support effective evaluations: Have all the children met their objectives? Where is your evidence to support this? If not, why not? Was the planned learning experience linked effectively to the learning intentions? Was it appropriately matched (ability/needs of the children/class organisation)? Were your suggested strategies appropriate? Was the pace appropriate? Was your subject knowledge sufficient/secure to meet the needs of the children? What was the impact of your teaching on the children’s learning? What misconceptions were there and how did you address these? What were the strengths of your teaching/areas for development? Link these directly to your targets from RoLOs/PDR You should be able to use this information to feed into your Weekly Reflections. Next steps for children/subsequent sessions. This information should be carried over and included in your “Prior Knowledge and Understanding”. Include the initials or first names of individuals or groups of children who you will need to focus on in the next lesson and indicate on your lesson plan exactly where and how you will follow this up.

Supporting and assessing students during SBT Ensure student has a clear understanding of when and what they will be teaching each week. Check students are planning and using their PD time appropriately. Use the Grading Criteria to support weekly meetings. Ensure student records what is discussed at weekly meeting (Weekly Review and Reflection proforma). One formal, written RoLO per week, with specific focus. For paired placements, one RoLO per fortnight – see separate grid on forthcoming slide. Check through student’s files. PDA time should be used to support the meeting of their targets and to work alongside appropriate staff to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of assessment. Weekly Review and Reflection Proforma: NEW FORMAT: after feedback, we combine 2 of the review and reflection sheets. This should be a document that the student (and yourself where appropriate) completes. RoLO: Discuss this focus with the student before the observation and ensure they are given SMART targets (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-based) after the observation. Discuss with the student how to achieve the targets set. For the next RoLO, the student should be addressing these targets, and they should be written onto their RoLO. You will then discuss how far they have progressed against each target, and set new ones, if appropriate. Student’s files: please check these reasonably regularly to ensure they are evaluating their own practice and the children’s learning: evaluation and assessment are key components of the discussion you will have around their files. Students need to be considering the learning needs of ALL the children, including the highest attaining .pupils. Please comment on the student’s file. There should be a checklist at the front of the student’s file for you to initial when you are happy with the contents. The UVT will sign it at Interim.

Record of Lesson Observation (RoLO) Focused and regular – at least one a week; where possible, in addition to the phonics/ Maths RoLO. Phonics RoLO separate and specific. On the website. Mathematics RoLO – separate and specific. In the Early Mathematics Handbook (purple) Set targets after each one. Student works on these for next RoLO Grid RoLO paired placement SLIGHT CHANGE TO FORMAT RoLOs –1 RoLO complete per week. All students need to plan and deliver at least one phonics session, even if they are in KS2. They can use their Professional Development time to observe phonics sessions and some of their teaching percentage to deliver sessions. Highlight the sections on these RoLOS, provide written feedback for phonics session, using the specially designed phonics RoLO. Students are required to evaluate their lesson, and set targets for their teaching of phonics – all on the RoLO. THE SPECIFIC PHONICS ROLO IS NOW ON THE WEBSITE. IT NEEDS TO BE HIGHLIGHTED AND COMPLETED. A REGULAR ROLO WILL NOT DO! Clear guidance on how the grade will be determined – inside SBT Report.

Alternative RoLO for Paired Placements   Subject knowledge Addresses misconceptions or understanding of children’s learning. S3 Secure subject knowledge is evident. Student has secure understanding. S3 Selects appropriate pedagogy for teaching. S2 Children are engaged in learning and display enthusiasm. S1 Student displays good model of standard English both written and spoken. S3 Planning Identifies learning intentions in planning. Challenges all children. S1 S4 Takes into account children’s prior knowledge + understanding. S4 Plans are clearly differentiated. S5 Plans opportunities for children to take responsibility for their own learning. S2 Is independent in planning and contributes own ideas. S4 Develops and makes own resources. Annotates planning on a regular basis. S6 Will readily change and adapt planning if required. S6 Plans display a clear learning objective. Opportunities for assessment are included in planning. Teaching Learning objective is shared with the children. Learning objective maybe displayed. S4 Student is aware of their impact on children’s learning. Pace of the lesson is appropriate. Session time is maximised. Teaching is creative and engaging. Range of teaching approaches are used. S2 S4 Obvious differentiation in teaching. Student is aware of any barriers to children’s learning. S5 Teaching meets the needs of all children. Takes into account children’s individual targets. Effective use of questioning. Allows children to think independently and problem solve. S1 S2 Refers back to the learning objective throughout lesson. Explanations and instructions are clear and easy for children to follow. S7 Opportunities for collaborative learning are evident. I.e. talking partners. Assessment AFL opportunities evident and used to assess children’s learning. S2 Allows children to reflect on their own learning. Monitors progress being made and is able to reflect on this. Uses written and oral feedback to monitor pupils’ progress. Uses school’s marking policy. Classroom and behaviour management Gains respect of children. Displays positive and purposeful atmosphere. S7 Has established clear rules and routines for behaviour. Sets high expectations. S7 Uses a range of behaviour strategies. Effectively manages children’s behaviour. Can motivate and enthuse the children and has strong, positive relationships. Class mentors provide a minimum of 1 written Record of Lesson Observation (RoLO) per week per student. Over the placement, the RoLOs will focus on the different elements of the placement and address different subject areas (with a main focus on Core subjects) e.g. student as lead teacher and student as group teacher. RoLOs may be produced for parts of a lesson, not necessarily a whole lesson. This year we have introduced an alternative grid RoLO format for use during the Paired Placement in order to simplify the workload for mentors. In a paired placement, the mentor will use two different formats – the traditional format and the grid RoLO. They will complete the traditional format for student A in the first week of teaching and the grid format for student B. In the second week student A will receive the grid RoLO and student B will receive the traditional format. This pattern will continue for the duration of the placement. The reverse of this RoLO has space for “Additional Notes” and “Points to Consider”.

Joint observation with UVT (around 20mins) Interim Report Stage w/b 23rd April Joint observation with UVT (around 20mins) CM highlights grading criteria, in discussion with UVT CM works with student to set targets Student writes response to each target UVT writes grades on ‘Interim Grades and QA’ form. Students to focus on these targets in week after Interim Mentors to support students through demonstrating good practice in target areas. Students to observe/talk with other teachers, focusing on targets. Focus of Weekly Review in week after Interim should be targets from report. Interim Report – NEW FORMAT –. This is now a two-way process. Class/Professional Mentors highlight grading criteria, work with students to set targets for each standard and student responds to these targets. Share areas of strengths and development with student – make specific reference to QTS standards. Only RI needs support and ARoF students require an action plan. JOINT OBSERVATION: The UVT will arrange a date for a visit to the school/setting via a letter to the student. The student will be asked to pass this letter to you. If you could tell them whether or not the suggested date for the visit is convenient or not, this would be much appreciated, as the UVTs have to pack a lot of visits in to a short time! After saying that, there is a 3-week window during which the UVT can visit, and their visit may not fall within actual Interim Week. The focus of the visit will therefore be amended according to its timing. Interim reports are not sent to University Visiting Tutors (UVT); instead, grades are captured on ‘Interim Grades & QA’ form by UVTs (No split grades), which they send to the Placements Office, and share with CMs. The report itself should still be completed during Interim Week, but not sent to the UVT or Placements Office. If you have any concerns about the student, and the visit is planned to take place after the Interim Week, please contact the UVT asap.

Post-Interim Target Focus Week Discuss your targets with your class/professional mentor to unpick exactly what you need to focus on and what this should look like. Use Professional Development time to observe other teachers modeling what your target area looks like (planning/teaching/assessment). Put your learning into practice and discuss your developments with your class/professional mentor In the week following the Interim Report focus fully on the SBT Interim Report targets. We ask the students to do these things:

If you have a concern about your student….. Before/around Interim: Early Intervention Grade 3 students: ‘RI on track’ or ‘RI needs support’ RI (need support) complete an RI Action Plan Grade 4 students: ‘At Risk of Failure’ Problems after Interim Senior Moderator Visits If you have any concerns about your student before interim, please discuss these with the student and contact the visiting university tutor who will carry out an early intervention visit. If the student is a Grade 3 overall at interim, but you feel that the student is on track, then write ’RI(on track)’ on the grid, and there is no need to do anything further – it is often quite natural that they will be at this stage after their very first placement at interim. The UVT will probably contact you within 1.5 to 2 weeks to check the student is progressing. However, if you and the UVT have cause for concern, and you feel they need extra support, or there is any doubt about the student’s capacity to drive their own progress, then you should write in ‘RI (with Support) and fill in the ‘Requires Improvement Action Plan with the UVT and share this with the student. The focus should be on exactly what the weaker areas are, and how they can move their overall grade to Good. This can be found on the partnership website, under ‘Mentors and Tutors’. There is a completed example in the Mentor’s Handbook. If the student is not progressing, then they could be placed as AROF. This will then trigger an additional support visit and a Senior Moderation visit. If they are graded 4 at Interim in any area or cell the student is deemed to be ‘at risk of failing’. A student can also be placed AROF if they are not meeting Part 2 of the Standards, even if they are deemed to be making good progress in Part 1. Further details are in the document entitled ‘Guidance on the Requires Improvement and At Risk’ processes to be found on the partnership website, again under ‘Mentors and Tutors’. The student will get an extra support visit and very clear targets so they know what they have to do to Improve. Don’t be afraid to do this as it is often what they need to help them move forward. It shouldn’t be a surprise to the student if they are graded AROF. The student must have a copy of the report for them to work on their targets. There must be a clear audit trail of ROLOs. All other guidance is on the website: the Mentor Handbook goes through this process clearly. On rare occasions, a student may experience difficulties after the interim visit. Once again, do not hesitate to contact the visiting tutor for additional support and guidance Two different formats of Senior Mod visit – as above for ARoF students and as QA to ensure consistency across our partnership schools, report to exam boards, etc

Final Report stage w/b 21st May Before the UVT visits, prepare the Final Report, in discussion with student and PM Confirm final report content and grades with UVT No joint observation needed, unless student is RI/ARoF Comment on how far student has progressed against previous targets Share report with student and agree 3 targets. Email to UVT by end Thursday 24th May Complete the SBT Evaluation on-line. Final Report – Class/Professional Mentor highlight grading criteria, write summative comments and agree three targets with student. Report emailed to UVT to check and forward on to admin team.

Demonstrating progress from Interim to Final Report   Standard Prompts 4 (Not Meeting) 3 (Requires Improvement) 2 (Good Pass) 1 (Outstanding Pass) S1a Establish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect Unable to establish a safe and stimulating environment to engage pupils’ interest in learning Insufficient mutual respect for pupils to accept and follow leadership and direction Requires the presence and/or intervention of other professionals to assist in establishing and maintaining a safe and settled learning environment Able to establish a safe and stimulating environment to engage and sustains most pupils’ interest and learning Sufficient (mutual) respect for most pupils to accept and follow leadership and direction Beginning to demonstrate the necessary understanding, presence and management skills to maintain a purposeful and safe learning environment Able to adopt and adapt a range of approaches to establish a safe and stimulating environment to engage and sustain pupils’ interest and learning Mutual respect allows for a range of approaches to learning and classroom organisation Increasingly utilizes an extended range of strategies to maintain a purposeful and safe learning environment Uses innovative and creative approaches to establish a safe and stimulating environment that sustains pupils’ interest in learning Highly respected which allows for a wide range of approaches to learning and classroom organisation Able to demonstrate innovative and creative strategies to set up and maintain a purposeful, safe learning environment S1c Demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of pupils Unable to demonstrate the positive attitudes, values and behaviour expected of pupils. Beginning to demonstrate the positive attitudes, values and behaviour expected of all pupils. Consistently demonstrates the positive attitudes, values and behaviour expected of all pupils and these show an impact on the conduct and behaviour of all pupils Always and effectively demonstrates the positive attitudes, values and behaviour expected of all pupils and these show a positive impact on the conduct and behaviour of all pupils S5b Have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these Lacks understanding of the factors that inhibit pupils’ learning Limited understanding of the challenges and opportunities of teaching in a diverse society Generally respects and accommodates individual differences between pupils and has an understanding of how a narrow range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn Some understanding of the challenges and opportunities of teaching in a diverse society Respects and accommodates individual differences between pupils, has an understanding of a range of factors that can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn and can adapt teaching to help overcome these Developing a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities of teaching in a diverse society Consistently respects and accommodates individual differences between pupils and has a very good understanding of a range of factors that can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn Has a good understanding of the challenges and opportunities of teaching in a diverse society S7a Have clear rules and routines for behaviour in the classroom and take responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour in the classroom and around the school, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy Rules and routines are not yet established or consistent with the school’s behaviour policy Limited awareness of and engagement with the responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour in the classroom and around the school Beginning to apply clear rules and routines for behaviour in the classroom applied in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy Beginning to take responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour in the classroom and around the school Has clear rules and routines for behaviour in the classroom applied in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy Consistently reinforces good and courteous behaviour in the classroom and around the school Pupils demonstrate a shared understanding of rules and routines for behaviour which are embedded and implemented consistently in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy Actively encourages pupils to behave well in the classroom and around the school and to display high levels of courtesy and cooperation This is an extract from Classroom Organisation and Behaviour Management. This is included to demonstrate that although the student was graded as 2 for this area at Interim, it was a weak 2 as shown by the mixture of shadings of 3s and 2s with only one more area shaded as 2 than 3. At Final Report the student is grades as 2 again, but this time it is a strong grade 2 with some elements of grade 1. Points to be made here: Where a student is ‘just’ a grade 2 at Interim, it would be wise to indicate this in the comments box so that at Final the comments box can show that although the students is now a strong 2 there are also some elements of grade 1. It may be obvious from looking at the shading but the comments are an important illustration of examples to support the shading. Where a statement relating to an element of a Standard remains the same at Final as it was at Interim, this should be highlighted in the Final Report colour. This is not evident in this example, where two statements in S1a and one statement in S7a remain the same and should therefore have been re-highlighted in purple.

Mentor Survival Guide: a Summary Everything is in the Handbook or on the Partnership website Clear communication - make sure that the aims, focus and expected outcomes of mentor meetings are clear and agreed. Recorded on the weekly review and reflection meeting record by the student. Signed by both Observations - be clear about what you will be looking for Feedback - check that your student has understood and knows what follow up is required. Please don’t assume! Make sure you have all the necessary documents and that you are familiar with them and the deadlines for action and reporting. Brief the trainee on school policies, rules and organisation and make the relevant paperwork available. Encourage an evaluative and problem-solving approach to teaching, leading to independence and further professional development. Your role is to build capacity in your student(s) so that they are prepared for their subsequent l placements.

Examples of Class Mentoring be-better-mentors-margaret-mentors- emma#video_title_bar student-teachers-feedback-and-target- setting#video_title_bar

Thank you! For hosting the BA1 placement For supporting the professional development of our teachers of tomorrow For your commitment to mentoring the students so that they can achieve their full potential For attending today’s briefing – we hope that you’ve found it useful. Any questions? .