What am I? I am half horse and half eagle. I have a horses body, large wings, a sharp beak, a long tail, eagle shaped feet at the front and horse hooves at the back. I am made of fur and feathers. I can walk and fly. I live on land and fly in the sky.
Diagram with labels
My Life Cycle Egg- The egg is born and the mother sits on them for 5 weeks to keep them warm and allows them to grow. Hatchling- In this stage they grow feathers and fur, their beak grows and their wings grow solid bones. Higriff- This is known as a mature hatchling. Their tail grows, they get taller and they start to fly and run on their own. They learn to catch their own food now. Hippogriff Adult- Is fully grown now and can fly/eat by themselves. They live in pairs or small groups but venture off by themselves and sleep together at night.
Where do I live? I live in the forest. There are big tall trees, green vegetation, wild animals and a lake near by. There needs to be sections of cleared forest so that I can fly and land. I sleep under a tree at night and become active during the day.
What do I eat? I like to eat green vegetation and small forest animals, such as: squirrels, mice and foxes. I am an omnivore. I need to drink water to survive.