ATH Chapters 1-3 Response Questions For Chapters 1-3, use the chart below to help you keep track of your reading. Summarize the setting and then summarize the main events in the chapter. Try to keep your summaries short-just a few words or phrases- DO NOT WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! Look at Chapter 1 for an example. Setting Plot Important things Ch. 1 First-the woods, Later- around the dinner table in the kitchen Luke playing in the woods. Mom calls him inside in a hurry. Government cutting trees to build houses. Family worries someone will see Luke, so they make him hide Luke is 12. He has a dad, mom, Matthew & Mark (brothers). Most think government is BAD! Ch. 2 Ch. 3
ATH Chapters 4-6 Response Questions Setting Plot Important Things Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Why did mother ask Luke to eat at the bottom of the stairs instead of at the dinner table with the rest of the family? Create a different solution to this problem. What could be the problem with having to sell the hogs? Explain.
ATH Ch 7-8 Response Questions Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences and proper CUPS. In chapter 7 we learn about “Barons.” What is a Baron AND what sorts of things do they wear? Using details from the text, how does Luke really feel about Mom not tucking him in anymore? In chapter 8, dad gets mad at Luke. Why does he react this way? Do you think Luke really saw what he saw at the end of chapter 8, or do you think it was an illusion? Explain.
ATH Chapter 10 Response Question For Chapters 10, use the chart below to help you keep track of your reading. Summarize the setting and then summarize the main events in the chapter. Try to keep your summaries short-just a few words or phrases-DO NOT WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! Setting Plot Important Information Chapter 10
Journal Response Questions Chapter 11-13 Directions: Answer these questions in complete sentences. Practice restating the question in your answer. What were some clues Luke observed in chapter 11 that makes him feel sure that there is a 3rd child hiding in the Sports Family’s house? What season are we in? How do you know? Put yourself in Luke’s shoes. What would you do if you were him at the end of chapter 13?
Journal Response Questions Chapter 14-15 Directions: Answer these questions in complete sentences. Practice restating the question in your answer. After he found himself outside, Luke felt that he should go back. Why do you think he went against his own feelings? What would you do? Compare/Contrast the Sports Family’s house with Luke’s own house. What happened as a result of surprising the occupant? When Luke said, “Population Police,” she let go of him. Why?
ATH Ch 16-17 Response Questions Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences by restating the question. The sentences should follow proper CUPS. Compare/Contrast Jen’s and Luke’s parents’ ideas about using the family computer. How does Jen illustrate that Government leaders are the worst ones for breaking laws? Describe Luke’s reaction when Jen didn’t answer his signal of the third day. What does Jen mean when she tells Luke, “You don’t exist.” What is the main conflict of the novel thus far? How do you know?
ATH Ch 18-19 Response Questions Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences by restating the question. The sentences should follow proper CUPS. According to Jen, why wouldn’t her dad be able to bribe the population police if they found her? Why did Luke mention hydroponics to his dad? Why does Jen continually offend Luke? Do you think she does it on purpose? Why or Why not? Jen says books are just propaganda. What does she mean?
ATH Journal Response Chapter 22-24 Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences by restating the question. The sentences should follow proper CUPS. Why does Jen appear to be completely unfazed by the danger? “Hope doesn’t mean anything,” Jen snapped. “Action’s the only thing that counts.” What was she trying to tell him? Luke could not talk himself into going to the rally. Would you have wanted to go or stay home in the hopes that the problem could be solved some other way? Explain. When Luke says, “If your rally works, I’ll be walking in your front door,” what does he mean?
ATH Ch 25-27 Response Questions Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences by restating the question. The sentences should follow proper CUPS. Why does Luke’s mom object going over to meet the “new neighbors”? Calculate how many days Luke waited for Jen. Explain how you got that number. How was Luke able to get into Jen’s house? When he was inside, what was the first thing he did? Why do you think he did this? Why couldn’t they take a bereavement day or place Jen in the family plot? What do you think might have happened to the bodies of the other kids killed at the rally?
ATH Chapter 28 Journal Response Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences by restating the question. The sentences should follow proper CUPS. Jen’s dad told Luke he only worked for the Population Police, but he tried to sabotage them as much as he could. What could he have meant by that? What was Jen’s dad trying to explain to Luke about totalitarian governments and the famines? Why did the government think it was all right to keep certain groups in poverty? Before the banging at the door, Jen’s dad made an offer to Luke. What was its significance?
ATH Journal Response Chapter 29 Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences by restating the question. The sentences should follow proper CUPS. PARAPHRASE what Jen’s dad did to try to throw off the Population Police. Luke was hoping that before the Population Police would kill him he could tell his parents he loved them. But that would have been impossible, even if they granted him permission. Why? Restate Luke’s reasoning for and against getting a fake ID. How could Luke change things if he wanted to?
ATH Journal Response Chapter 30 Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences by restating the question. The sentences should follow proper CUPS. Where was Luke going to go and what did they tell everyone there about him? Why was it so important to Luke to leave and start a new life? How did Luke’s mom fill her last few days with him? How would you feel if you were Luke? In other words, put yourself into Luke’s shoes. Would you feel excited, nervous, anxious? Why?