Energy Consıderatıon ın Wastewater Management İrem ADALI 21424583 Ayça KAYA 21424947 Çağatay TIRPANCI 21525282
Energy is being used intensively in wastewater plants Energy is being used intensively in wastewater plants. The cost of energy is a large part of the budget used.
It has been determined that 19-37% of the electricity used in plants can be recovered if the excess slurry produced in the plants is anaerobically refined so that energy and sludge disposal costs, which are the most important components of operating costs, can be reduced. In general, in the wastewater facilities, 88.78% of the total energy recovery comes into play today. Energy saving has become very important in our country because of the increasing energy prices.
INTRODUCTION Rapid population growth in our country and increasing consumption due to development in the socio-economic situation lead to very negative results especially on the environment. In parallel with the increase in population and consumption, the energy demand also increases; rapid decline in fossil fuel reserves, and the search for alternative solutions to energy infrastructure and efficiency. Taking measures to reduce environmental impacts in all kinds of activities nowadays is of great importance for the future in terms of the sustainability of natural resources.
Energy efficiency is on the rise in many areas due to the rapidly depleting energy sources. There is considerable use of energy in the treatment processes in wastewater treatment plants (AAT) and in the collection and transport of wastewater. Today, increasing energy prices and stringent discharge standards with new legislative regulations increase the operating costs of AATs. Increasing energy costs and sustainability studies have often come to an end, and the resulting energy optimization has become more important both economically and environmentally.
The main purpose of the energy management schemes implemented in AATs is to reduce energy costs without sacrificing the refinement performance. The most common method for energy optimization in AATs is the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludges.The anaerobic digestion process involves partial stabilization of the slurry. At the same time, reducing the content of organic matter and obtaining the energy of the final product, the methane from the biogas, is the most important advantage of this process.
Another application for energy optimization is anaerobic treatment of household organic solid wastes together with treatment sludges, providing integrated management of high amounts of solid waste and treatment sludges.
High quantities of energy are needed in processes such as the transfer of wastewater, treatment, discharge and disposal of mud. Among these processes, the energy required for pumping and aeration (for biological treatment) constitutes the most important part of the energy used in the test. More than 75% of the AATs in the US use activated sludge as biological treatment and 60% of the total electricity needs of the plants are used in the aeration processes in these plants
It is estimated that approximately 0. 1-0 It is estimated that approximately 0.1-0.4% of energy in the world is used for wastewater treatment.
General Description of Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant MaterIal and Method General Description of Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant The main purpose of these facilities is to purify waste water from the waste water by providing carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus removal. The sludge age is designed to be 9 days in order to ensure the quality of the effluent depending on the wastewater temperature. Biological treatment consists of 3 different treatment lines in cascade denitrification type (cascade denitrification). Each treatment line consists of 2 cascades with nitrification and denitrification.
There are 7 bananas type mixers in each tank to prevent settling of suspended solid material (SSM), to increase the efficiency of ventilation by extending the air bubbles and to provide a homogenous mixture. Thin bubble membrane diffusers are placed on the bottoms of the ventilation pools. There are recirculation pumps in order to provide internal recirculation in the middle of the ventilation pools and to pump the nitrified water resulting from the nitrification into the anoxic zone.
Collection System: When water runs down a sink, drain or toilet, it becomes waste water. A system just for wastewater that moves it by gravity and pumps it to one of three treatment plants. Pump Station: Pump stations move wastewater through the sewer system to the plants. Headworks: When wastewater reaches a plant, it passes through screens that remove large materials such as plastic bags, toilet paper, sticks and tennis balls. The water then travels into grit tanks where heavy items settle to the bottom. From this point, the water flows by gravity to the Primary Clarifiers. Primary Clarifiers: Water is sent to large open-air tanks called primary clarifiers. It takes about three hours for water to pass through the tanks, and during that time solids settle to the bottom becoming sludge. Oils, grease and fats are skimmed off the top. The sludge and skimmed waste is pumped to digesters for thickening and decomposition. This is the sludge-handling process. The water from these tanks goes to the bioreactors.
Bioreactors: These large open-air tanks mix in high doses of micro- organisms. The micro-organisms eat nutrients like phosphorus and ammonia, and organic material. After about seven hours, the water flows to the secondary clarifiers. Secondary Clarifiers: Water enters the secondary clarifiers, where it is held for another seven hours. Micro-organisms settle to the bottom of the tank, where they are recycled back to the bioreactor. The cleaner water flows to a weir around the edge of the clarifier and is sent to the filtration and disinfection (U.V.) building. Disk Filters:Treated water flows through cloth-media disk filters, improving quality by reducing solids, phosphorus and algae before moving on to disinfection. UV Disinfection: Treated water is exposed to ultraviolet light. This light disrupts the micro-organisms' genetic material and makes them unable to reproduce and cause disease. Back to the River: We return the water to the river. It’s clear, colourless, high in dissolved oxygen, and very low in solids, phosphorus, ammonia, nitrogen and disease causing micro-organisms.
Solid Stream Gravity Thickners: Sludge from the primary clarifiers passes to gravity thickeners for more settling. This thickens the sludge more before it’s pumped to either the digesters or fermenters. Fermenters: Sludge sent to the fermenters is thickened and some is used to provide nutrients for the microorganisms in the bioreactors. The remaining sludge is pumped to the digesters. Digesters: Sludge enters warm oxygen-less digesters where, over a period of 25 days, bacteria breaks down complex organic materials into water, methane and carbon dioxide. The digested sludge, now called bio- solids, becomes less smelly and many disease-causing organisms are destroyed.
ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTS Energy management in wastewater treatment plants means "to achieve the desired wastewater treatment discharge standards with minimum cost and to ensure the use of energy in an appropriate and constant manner so that sustainable development can be achieved".
what can be done to keep energy to a mInImum? During the design of energy management in waste water treatment plants the following basic principles must be taken into consideration: The treatment process using the least amount of energy that can provide the standards of treated wastewater quality must be selected, The areas of the treatment plant where the hydraulic minimum need of step is selected, Pump should not be used as much as possible between treatment units, Low energy requiring treatment equipment with high yield should be selected.
High amounts of energy are consumed in waste water treatment plants High amounts of energy are consumed in waste water treatment plants. In the process selection, waste water treatment processes with low energy requirements that can be provided by the desired treatment output discharge limits should be selected. Stabilization pools that do not require energy can be built where appropriate. Airless sludge bed reactors need very low energy, much more energy in facultative ventilated lagoons, and in mechanical ventilated lagoons need much energy.
Most of the energy in the treatment plants is consumed by the pumps Most of the energy in the treatment plants is consumed by the pumps. If there is no need for the pump, or if there is very little pump needed, it should be selected for construction of the treatment plant. During the design of the treatment plant, the friction losses along the pipeline are calculated after the treatment units, connection pipes and other details have been placed. Plant construction should be done in order to reduce the pumping requirement by using topographical slopes.
CONCLUSION The amount of energy used in wastewater treatment plants also depends on the equipment to be used in the treatment plant. Substantial energy savings can be achieved in the treatment plant by selecting treatment equipment that has high efficiency with low energy requirement. As a result, fewer energy sources will be used in the treatment plants, since the pumps and air blowers, which have a major share holder in energy use, are selected correctly and efficiently.
SLUDGE MANAGEMENT Since the target production of energy is targeted, the primary sludge, which has been pre-treated with condensed excess sludge mixed in the raw sludge tank, is sent to 6 decomposers each having a volume of 10000 m3. Sludge, anaerobic and mesophilic conditions (at 35-370C) of decomposing activities of acetone and methanogens. As a result of this process biogas is produced and the collection of the produced biogas, gas storage tanks.
At the 6% concentration obtained as a result of the digestion, the slurry passes through mechanical densities based on the centrifugal system and becomes a slurry at 25% density. A cogeneration unit was installed to supply the necessary electricity and heat energy to the system. In order to produce the required electricity, the gas type that burns the methane gas, which is the final product of natural gas and digesters, is used.
By burning the methane gas in the cogeneration unit, steam is recovered by recovering the electric and waste heat from the system. Thus, thanks to the biogas power generated by the system, the power drawn from the network and the operational cost of the plant will also be contributed. Utilizing waste heat, the heating needs of the plant can be provided at the same time. The waste steam used in the exhaust sludge drying unit is at extra cost.
The drying system is a heated sludge drying process that takes place indirectly and by using the heat of the vapor without contact with the sludge. The waste gas obtained from the cogeneration unit is dried in the sludge drying unit with the steam obtained by benefiting from the heat. The dewatering effluent sludge is dried to 90% dry liquor and is transformed into granulate as final product. The final product is used as fertilizer in the agricultural sector as fuel in the solid waste incineration centers, contributing to the economy.
In the sludge drying unit, biological mud which has a dry matter content of 25% is made to be dry mud, that is to say, 90% dry matter. This excess moisture in the wet puddle is evaporated by heat transfer with 6 sludge driers. The heat required for the desiccants, which are closed-to-be-dried, each 100 tons / day wet sludge, is supplied with hot oil obtained from the cogeneration unit.
Dryers are disk type dryers and are the most durable and reliable construction equipment used in this area. Thanks to the indirect drying principle, used to dry and dry the closed circuit system and the amount of polluted air-steam is significantly reduced. Thanks to drying, in many respects both environmental and wet wastewater treatment mud which is an economical problem transportation and storage problems. Waste mud, economical to use as fuels a dried product.
The whole plant needs energy and at the same time, in order to meet the thermal energy requirement gas turbine type cogeneration unit was established. Gas turbine type cogeneration unit was established. Necessary natural gas and waste water for the production of electricity 2 grains in 4.6 MW power capable of burning biogas obtained gas turbine is used. Thanks to these gas turbines when the electricity needed for the plant is obtained heat exchangers and steam boiler systems, by evaluating waste exhaust gas at high temperature of thousands thermal energy.
RESULT ACCORDING TO CALCULATIONS As a result of evaluation of the obtained data; The average monthly electricity generation of the plant is 1569030 kW-hours, When the energy consumption of the plant is examined; average monthly energy consumption of 3221930 kW-hours, Energy consumption per wastewater treated per unit of treatment varies between 0,213-0,444 kW-hr / m3, The amount of water consumed per capita per month is 5007 L / N- month, The amount of energy consumed per person is 1652 kW-hour / person, Plant specific energy consumption, per wastewater and 19.8 kW-hr / person per year and 0.33 kW-hr / m3, respectively, The recovery efficiencies for the entire plant are 88.78% for the August 2012 average and 46.34% for the nine-month average, It is determined that the consumed energy (due to ventilation, mixing, pumping, sludge treatment etc.) is proportional to the amount of treated waste water or the pollution load entering the wastewater treatment plant.
Because of the increased energy costs, energy management in wastewater treatment plants has become an important issue. In order to use the energy efficiently in the wastewater treatment plants, the hydraulic well planning of the wastewater treatment plant, the desired treatment discharge by using the least energy-consuming treatment process and equipment that can meet the standards.
Processes used in existing plants should be carefully monitored in terms of energy and treatment performance and should be examined to see if specific energy consumption is within acceptable range. The results of the analysis made in this way will also be an important source of data for future installations.
Energy savings can be achieved by optimizing the layout and design of wastewater treatment plants, pumps, ventilation equipment, sludge treatment equipment and mixing equipment. Ensuring efficient and efficient operation of wastewater treatment plants in accordance with energy efficiency principles (training of operators), design and engineering companies operating in the field of wastewater treatment facilities should be informed about this and effective and efficient energy use should be included in future projects.
Obviously, higher energy efficiency means lower energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower operating costs for wastewater treatment plants.
Sewage treated wastewater; parks, gardens, sports facilities, leisure and recreation areas, highway edges, fire extinguishing and industrial use, and the plant is prevented from spilling about 200,000 tons of waste into the sea. The facility is also a state-of- the-art wastewater treatment plant in which biogas is converted into biogas electricity and the dry product is supplied as solid fuel to the cement plants in the final product and biogas of the waste water in the country.