Possible Topics: Real-Time Scheduling RT scheduling algorithms (background: EDF, RM, etc.) (Wireless) Fair scheduling Adaptive scheduling for soft RT systems Software Engineering/Methodology/Formal Methods SCR, Requirements Capture, 4 Variable Model, Reference Model Specification-based testing Reachability/model checking algorithms Real-Time OO (RT UML, RT Java, TMO) RT Compositionality RT Monitoring and Testing (naccio?) Distributed Simulation for Hybrid Systems Applying qualitative reasoning to system modeling and analysis- Abstract interpretation (?)
Computation Paradigms and Embedded Systems Time Triggered (TTA, TMO, Chiotti) Event Triggered Hybrid Systems and Simplex Architecture Embedded Systems Emerging layered architecture (?): Hardware/OS/middleware/application Wireless embedded systems (Bluetooth, Smart Space) (www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds7-2/) Real-Time Java, Embedded Java (J2ME), JVM, MIPD Power-aware computing and communication Embedded RT-OS, RT Linux Applications (smart space, medical devices) Service discovery in Mobile Commerce (www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds7-2/service.html) Tools for Embedded Systems RLL, etc. Simulink Ptolemy