Kingdom Protista
KINGDOM PROTISTA Conglomerate of organisms which do not fit into other 4 Kingdoms Moneran (bacteria), Animalia, Plantae, Fungi Much more complicated than Monerans They represent the intermediate step in the evolution of the other three kingdoms Protozoan is the Greek word for “first animal” Contains about 65,000 species
Eukaryotes have cellular organelles, and prokaryotes (bacteria) do not KINGDOM PROTISTA Made up of a complex eukaryotic cell (unicellular) or cells (multicellular) Eukaryotes have cellular organelles, and prokaryotes (bacteria) do not Prefix uni One (single) Prefix multi More than one (many) Kingdom has organisms that demonstrate both animal and plant-like characteristics Some members make their own food (________) autotrophs heterotrophs Some ingest food from outside (____________)
Organisms separated based on feeding behaviors KINGDOM PROTISTA Organisms separated based on feeding behaviors Autotrophs Heterotrophs green algae brown algae red algae diatoms dinoflagellates euglenoids amoeboids ciliates zooflagellates sporozoans plasmodial slime molds cellular slime molds water molds (good pics also)
All Protozoa can reproduce asexually One “parent” for reproduction Called binary fission During binary fission, one protozoan cell divides into two identical individuals.
KINGDOM PROTISTA Inhabit aquatic (______) areas and terrestrial (_____) areas water land Protists are classified into 12 Phyla which can be placed into 3 main groups plant-like fungus-like animal-like
Kingdom Protista
tiny beating hair-like structures Animal-like protists All heterotrophs classified by the 4 ways they move: 1) Cilia - tiny beating hair-like structures Coordinated movement between individual cilia 2) Flagellum(a) - whip-like tail(s) Back and forth wave motion
classified by the 4 ways they move: Animal-like protists classified by the 4 ways they move: 3) Pseudopodia - projection of cytoplasm that sticks out like a foot (“false foot”) 4) Sessile - No locomotion (_________) movement
Animal-like protists - Examples 1. Amoeba just visible to the naked eye comes from the Greek word amoibe which means “change” unicellular moves by pseudopodia which give appearance of cell changing size and shape aquatic - lives in ponds, ditches or slowly moving streams Amoeba movie # can cause disease – amoebic dysentery ingests small organisms like bacteria and other protozoans
Animal-like protists - Examples 1. Amoeba feeding sequence psuedopodia surround and engulf food particle process called phagocytosis
Animal-like protists - Examples 2. Paramecium Unicellular, slipper-shaped move by coordinated beating of many cilia aquatic - mostly found in ponds and streams usually do not cause diseases in humans
Animal-like protists - Examples 2. Paramecium - continued Feeding occurs in the funnel-shaped gullet (buccal cavity) where food is drawn in by external and internal cilia to form food vacuole pg_07.htm ingests organic detritus and other small organisms like bacteria and other protozoans
Animal-like protists - Examples 2. Paramecium - continued Food to waste pathway
Animal-like protists - Examples 2. Paramecium - continued Reproduction 1. Binary fission (________) asexual N = nucleus F = Fission plane
Animal-like protists - Examples 2. Paramecium - continued Reproduction 2. Conjugation (________) sexual Form structure called conjugation tube to exchange genetic material
Animal-like protists: The Sporozoan Characteristics of Sporozoans (Animal-like) Sporozoa do not move on their own mostly common in tropical areas protist that reproduce by forming spores they are usually parasitic sporozoans named Plasmodium causes malaria its caused by female mosquitos humans get malaria when bitten by an infected mosquito
PLANT-LIKE PROTIST Have chlorophyll Make their own food They can live in 4 main environments: soil freshwater tree bark salt water they produce large amounts of oxygen which are used by other living organisms they are grouped according to color & stucture into 5 main groups: 2) diatoms 3) dinoflagelletes 1) euglena 5) algae 4) red dinoflagellates
PLANT-LIKE PROTIST Cont’d they are grouped according to color & stucture A) Euglena D) Red Dinoflagellates B) Diatom E) Green Algae C) Dinoflagellates
PLANT-LIKE PROTIST Cont’d A) Euglena- one celled alga that moves with one flagellum lives in fresh water reproduces asexually red eyespot near front end to find light…Why? have chlorophyll and can make their own food ( ) autotroph
PLANT-LIKE PROTIST Cont’d A) Euglena Continued- contains disk-shaped chloroplasts organelle is the site of photosynthesis and gets its name from the presence of the green pigments (the chlorophylls)
PLANT-LIKE PROTIST Cont’d B) Diatom beautiful one celled protists come in many shapes EX: boats, rods, disks, triangles important food source for water dwelling animals cell covering is made up of 2 overlapping parts Think of a box with a lid made of the same material as glass cell coverings do not decay (when dead) used for toothpaste, scouring powders, & filters
PLANT-LIKE PROTIST Cont’d C) Dinoflagellates Algae that is usually found in oceans Usually brown or red in color Have hidden chlorophyll due to dark pigments Move by two flagella Read & Highlight hand-out on Dinoflagellates
PLANT-LIKE PROTIST Cont’d Red Dinoflagellates produce large numbers which turns the ocean red responsible for “red tides” produce chemicals that kill thousands of fish humans can become ill if they eat shell fish that have absorbed these chemicals common off the coast of Florida or other warmer areas
Red Tide
Absorbed red dinoflagellates Red Tide Kills Fish Absorbed red dinoflagellates After encountering and absorbing a red tide..a stingray becomes disoriented. They have the appearance of not being able to see or control what they are doing. Eventually the ray will stay at the surface lying horizontally and die.
PLANT-LIKE PROTIST Cont’d E) Green Algae spirogyra Come in many different forms can be unicellular or multicellular they produce O2 in H2O serve as food for fish, snails, and crayfish usually found in “colonies” Colony – a group of cells that live together courses/envr429-rm/ Use for lab conjugation pictures desmids chlorella
PLANT-LIKE PROTIST Cont’d Algae Examples EX: volvox colony Arranged in a single layer with flagella facing outward The flagella beat and the colony spins through the water EX: Kelp (brown algae) …aka….“sea weed” used by humans for food also used to thicken food such as ice cream and jelly
Mixed Algae
FUNGUS-LIKE PROTIST Slime Molds: fungus-like protists that are consumers live in cool, damp places EX: forest floor feed on bacteria growing on rotting logs and decaying leaves some are parasites (very few)
FUNGUS-LIKE PROTIST Life Cycle of Slime Molds: Step 1 – slimy mass that moves like an amoeba beautiful colors of red, yellow, or violet Step 2 – stops growing and moving produces spores inside a structure on a stalk Step 3 – spores develop into little cells w/ flagella then each cell loses its flagella and grows into a slimy mass again
Life Cycle of Slime Mold 1 3 2 Life Cycle of Slime Mold
If you look at a drop of pond water under a microscope, all the "little creatures" you see swimming around are protists.
All protists have a nucleus and are therefore eukaryotic. Protists are either plant-like, animal-like or fungus-like.