Global Engine Tracking System Overview - Supplier View June 23, 2009
Introduction This is a brief walkthrough of the order acknowledgement functionality in the GETS system The screens in this presentation are the screens the engine supplier or JV will see
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Accessing GETS Logon: Click here to logon to the application once you have been notified via email on your GETS access Requesting Access: Follow these instructions to be authorized to access GETS Open your Internet Browser and type the URL “”. New Users Requesting Access – please follow the instructions on the page. After your access request has been submitted online and approved by your Supervisor/Manager, the request will be reviewed by the Virtual Plant Administrator and appropriate access granted. At each stage of this process, the requester and approver will be kept informed via email notifications by the GETS system.
Enter your GEX user name and password Login Screen Enter your GEX user name and password
Order Board Dashboard This shows you have 25 orders due in the week of September 7 that are waiting for your acknowledgement The Dashboard is the first screen you’ll see after login. This view shows all orders placed on you, by week and acknowledgement status
Understanding Order Board Status Supplier / JV must review orders that are Pending Acknowledgement, Rejected, Order Changes and Cancellations GEX Team must review Orders Pending Confirmation
Order Acknowledgement
Order Acknowledgement Roll your cursor over “Order Board” in the navigation bar, then click “Supplier Acknowledgement” The engine supplier uses the Supplier Acknowledgement screen to view and acknowledge/promise orders.
Order Acknowledgement You will only see your own orders, not for any other supplier You can search for orders by Order Status, Shop Order or Spec Number You can also search by date range (promise date or request date) Leave search parameters blank to view all orders Click Show Now to view selected orders
Order Acknowledgement Each Specification is linked to a Plant Notice Report – Option level BOM Will allow the supplier to split the order into multiple lines with different promise dates Reason Code will be mandatory for promise date changes All orders that meet your search criteria are displayed on the bottom half of the screen. The following slides describe the value shown in each field.
Order Acknowledgement Order Entry Date – the date the customer placed the order on the COF Specification Number – the CSL Spec Number Click the Specification Number hyperlink to view the Plant Notice Report
Next Click here to view the PNR details Plant Notice Report Report type can be: Increase Orders – new quantity on previously ordered Shop Order Reschedule Orders Increase – Qty increase to an order currently on the order board Reschedule Orders Decrease – Qty decrease to an order currently on the order board New Shop Order – First time this Shop order has been ordered on the plant – this notice will include option level content Cancelled Order – Cancellation of order currently on order board Next Click here to view the PNR details
Order Acknowledgement BC Number – For internal use by Cummins Customer Code and Customer – Cummins identification of ship-to customer SO# - Shop Order number Request Date – date by which customer expects shipment to be loaded at the port (exact meaning can vary depending on terms of delivery) Promise Date – date by which plant promises to ship engines – defaults to request date (exact meaning can vary depending on terms of delivery) Quantity Total – the total number of engines of this shop order requested by this customer on this date O/S the quantity that has not been shipped
Order Acknowledgement Status – Acknowledgement status of order. Possible values are: Open - Pending Ack – new order that the supplier has not yet acknowledged Open – Ack Pending Confirmation –order for which the supplier has requested a different promise date, but GEX Order Mgt has not confirmed. Open – Ack and Confirmed- order for which the supplier has requested a different promise date, and GEX Order Mgt has accepted. Open – Request Rejected - order for which the supplier has requested a different promise date, but GEX Order Mgt rejected the change. Order Completed / Closed – order has shipped Open Ack - Partially Shipped – Supplier has acknowledged order and shipped partial quantity Order Change – Pending Ack – Order that has changed since supplier acknowledged it; must be acknowledged again. Open Ack System Approved – Order was acknowledged by supplier with no change requested Cancelled Order – customer has cancelled order on COF
Order Acknowledgement By default, the Promise Date is set to the Request Date For each order that is pending acknowledgement, the supplier must determine whether the request date can be met.
Order Acknowledgement Promise date can be edited Order Acknowledgement For a promise date revision, comments are mandatory User will have to select a relevant reason code from a predefined list. To acknowledge the order, check the box at the far left of the order line. The Ship Promise Date, Comments, and Reason Code fields will become editable To accept the promise date with no changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. The status of that order will be updated to “Open - Ack System Confirmed”, because no changes have to be evaluated by GEX OM.
Order Acknowledgement To request a different promise date for the entire order, click the checkbox and the enter a different promise date in the Ship Promise Date field. You will be required to add comments and select a reason code to explain why you can’t meet the request date. To submit your change, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. The status of that order will be updated to “Open - Ack Pending Approval”, because GEX OM must approve any requested promise date changes from the supplier before they are updated in the system.
Order Acknowledgement The popup above will appear when you click the Reason Code button. You must select one of the listed reason codes to explain why you have requested a different promise date. After you click the check box, the reason code will automatically be populated in the Reason Code field on the Order Board page.
Order Acknowledgement If necessary, you can request to ship part of an order on one date, and part on a different date. Click the check box to edit the order, and then click “Split Qty”.
Order Acknowledgement Click the dropdown to select the number of rows into which you want to split the order. For each row, you’ll have a different promise date You can split the order into up to nine rows, provided the original order quantity was more than nine.
Order Acknowledgement Enter new Promise Date Order Acknowledgement Enter Qty The number of rows you selected will be displayed in the Split Order window. For each row, enter the promise date and the quantity to plan to ship on that date. Note: the quantities entered on each row must add up to the total quantity on the original order. When you are finished, click the Save button.
Order Acknowledgement The number of rows you selected will be displayed in the Split Order window. For each row, enter the promise date and the quantity to plan to ship on that date. Note: the quantities entered on each row must add up to the total quantity on the original order. When you are finished, click the Save button.
Order Acknowledgement When you return to the Order Board page, you’ll see that the total quantity has been converted to a hyperlink. Click on the hyperlink to view the parent and child orders.
Order Acknowledgement Click the checkbox and enter comments and reason code for the parent order You may enter comments and reason code for the child orders as well Click the Save button The order status will change to “Open – Ack Pending Confirmation”
Order Acknowledgement GEX Order Management will review all orders in the status “Open – Ack Pending Confirmation”. GEX OM will follow up with the customer to see if the proposed promise date change is acceptable If the change is acceptable, GEX OM will accept the promise date in GETS. The order status will change to “Open – Ack and Confirmed. If the change is not acceptable, then GEX OM will reject the promise date in GETS. GEX OM will enter comments to indicate why the request was rejected and recommend an acceptable promise date. The order status will change to Open – Request Rejected. If the supplier is not able to meet the recommended promise date, then GEX OM and Plant OM will discuss to come up with a reasonable solution
Supplier Performance Report
Supplier Performance Reports Order Fulfillment / Delivery Performance – measures the performance of the supplier in fulfilling orders - On Time and orders Past Due. Report Parameters include:- Request date Original Promise date Revised Promise date Promise Date Change Analysis – measures changes to promise date by reason code Cycle Time for Order Fulfillment – will measure the following Supply Chain Cycle Time – Elapsed days between Order Entry and the time an order is received at the Port of Entry Supplier Cycle Time – Elapsed days between when the order is available to Supplier on GETS and the when Supplier INVOIC is received 3PL Cycle Time – Number of days elapsed since an shipment is received from the Supplier to the point it is received at the Port of Entry Other Reports Order Board Status – Shows the count of orders by order status (e.g, Orders Pending Acknowledgement, Requests Rejected) Supplier Invoice Delivery Capability (Only for GEX Team) – Measures the following: Days elapsed between the Ship date from Supplier to Supplier Invoice date Days elapsed between the Supplier Invoice date to Cummins Invoice Date Supplier Acknowledgement Metrics – measures average time taken to acknowledge orders, orders not acknowledged etc.
Order Fulfillment The Order Fulfillment report measures the Ship date against the user selected parameter of Request or Revised Promise date This report measures the supplier’s performance on the Order Fulfillment. This is a sample report for Supplier. As orders move through the complete delivery cycle, this report will become more meaningful .
Order Fulfillment - Details Click on the details to view the engines shipments that are behind schedule Will have capability for the user to measure the order Fulfillment against any of the following Request Date Original Promise Date Revised Promise Date If the promise date is in the middle of the week but it is shipped by the Friday of the week it will be deemed to be an on time delivery For a particular week; it will be possible to change the “Friday definition” to may be a Thursday or the Sunday if need be
Promise Date Change Analysis
This measures the average time elapsed between two different events Cycle Time Measures This measures the average time elapsed between two different events This measure is useful in identifying the bottlenecks between various events and should be used to improve overall Supply Chain Cycle Time
Supplier Invoices Delivery Capability This report displays the average lead-time taken for Supplier Invoicing after Order Shipment and also reports the lead-time between Supplier Invoice to Customer Invoicing.
Supplier Acknowledgement Metrics Report displays Supplier Order Acknowledgement statistics e.g. average days to Ack. etc. This is a new measure to track average time taken for supplier acknowledgements and identify any issues with order acknowledgement process.
Roles, Application Features & Key Definitions
GETS web portal Role and Rights Supplier Order Management team would be able to: View /Edit orders by different status – such as open orders, partially shipped orders Acknowledge orders and Edit the order promise date for new and order changes (increase/decrease) Split the quantity and assign promise date for a particular order line For example, an original order line with quantity 25 and a promise date of August 16, 2009 may be split into two different deliveries with 2 different promise dates – August 25, 2009 – qty 15 and August 30, 2009 – qty 10 Select a predefined reason code for changes made to promise dates Edit the comments column - Add an explanation for promise date changes View and track communication - View comments from the GEX team for supplier recommended order changes rejected by GEX Order Management team View the Plant Notice Report (2770) for a selected CSL Spec Search orders for a specific SO or Spec Search for orders between a date range of request /promise dates Acknowledge Specification Change Notifications with an effective date at Supplier plant Lookup a Shop Order’s BOM and Compare BOM’s by SO# and Date Track Performance Supplier Order Fulfillment – On-time and Past Due Supplier Delivery - Cycle Time Measures Analysis of Promise Date Changes Supplier Invoice Delivery Performance
Supplier Order Management Supplier OM responsibilities (high level) Review Order board on GETS web portal (daily) New Orders with status Open order – Pending Ack Cancelled Orders with status Cancelled Orders Rejected Orders with Status Open order – Request Rejected Order Changes with status Change Orders – Pending Confirmation Discuss with plant manufacturing team’s on new orders, new shop orders, Order Promise Dates etc. Acknowledge orders on GETS web portal within the agreed timeline with an Order Promised Date Acknowledge Specification Change Notices with an effective date Communicate with GEX OM as needed Questions about order acknowledgement Issues with promise dates Other delivery/shipment issues or questions Other Supplier responsibilities Shipping: Send engine Shipment dispatch advice (DESADV EDI) to GEX Invoicing: Send Supplier Invoice to GEX (INVOIC)
Key Definitions Order Entry Date – Date when the order is placed on the Cummins Corporate Order File for the first time Request Date – The date requested by the customer that the engines should leave the leave the Supplier’s port of exit . This date can only be changed by the Customer. Cummins and Supplier’s cannot change this date. Promise Date – The date when Cummins commits to the customer that the engine will leave the Supplier’s port of exit . It may be noted that initially the Request Date and the Promise Date will be the same. Supplier’s can request a change the promise date if they cannot meet it, using the GETS Order Board page Specification # - Cummins identifier for a specific engine configuration. Customers use this to place orders. Also known as CSL Spec#. BC Option – BC Option containing the Transfer Part number that is used by Cummins to receive engines into the system. This is internal to Cummins GEX. BC Number – Engine Transfer Part number that is used by Cummins to receive engines into the system. This is internal to Cummins GEX.. Total Quantity – Total quantity requested by the Customer for this order O/S Quantity - Outstanding quantity - part of the Total Quantity that is yet to be shipped to the customer
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