All readers by 3rd grade Guidance for the Use of Diagnostic Reading Measures in Reading First Schools All readers by 3rd grade Stu Greenberg Deputy Director Eastern Regional Reading First Technical Assistance Center The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida State University
What we will cover today Purpose of diagnostic assessments in Reading First Diagnostic measures in the context of the overall Reading First Assessment Plan Research based information about instructional utility of various diagnostic measures
If schools are implementing screening, All readers by 3rd grade Guidance for the use of diagnostic reading measures in Reading First schools. If schools are implementing screening, progress monitoring, and outcome assessments in a reliable and valid way, diagnostic measures may be necessary only in unusual circumstances.
Purpose of Diagnostic Assessments in Reading First Schools The major purpose for administering diagnostic tests to K-3 children in Reading First schools is to provide Information that is useful in planning more effective instruction.
Diagnostic Measures in the Context of the overall Reading First Assessment Plan 1. Screening instruments for the early identification of children who may need various levels of instructional intervention in order to maintain adequate growth in reading. 2. Progress monitoring assessments, to provides information about the child’s progress in acquiring critical reading skills
Diagnostic Measures in the Reading First Assessment Plan Context of the overall Reading First Assessment Plan 3. Diagnostic assessments to provide specific information to help focus instruction most effectively for individual children. 4. Outcome assessments to monitor the extent to which children have met grade level expectations in reading.
A Diagnostic Perspective on Reading Assessment
A Diagnostic Perspective On Reading Assessment Investigative Approach Diagnostic tests should only be given when there is a clear expectation that they will provide new information about a child’s difficulties learning to read that can be used to provide more focused, or more powerful instruction.
Investigative Approach Before a diagnostic assessment is given, the child’s teacher and grade level team should determine whether the diagnostic assessment that will be given actually can provide more information about the child’s strengths and weaknesses in reading than they already possess.
Investigative Approach Who? School-based assessment team Diagnostician Reading coach Teacher
Instructional Utility Of Diagnostic Measures The use of diagnostic tests in Reading First schools should be guided by current research on the instructional utility of various types of diagnostic assessment.
Meeting the needs for most Guidance for the Use of Diagnostic Reading Measures in Reading First Schools Assessments are tools that are implemented by teachers to ensure that children learn enough on time. 3. Diagnostic Assessment All readers by 3rd Grade Assessment 1. Screening 2. Progress Monitoring Core Core +Intervention 4. Outcome The core reading program is a school’s primary reading program and is designed to meet the needs of most students. Supplemental programs support the core program. Intervention programs are intensive program’s designed to meet the needs of “each” or individuals who need additional intensive reading instruction. The core, supplemental, and intervention programs have to work together to support each other and student learning. Core + Supplemental Core Reading Program Meeting the needs for most Supplemental Intervention Reading Program Reading Program Supporting the Core Meeting the needs for each (Vaughn et al. 2001)
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