What’s a Career?
What do you think? Take a few minutes. When you are ready, write down a definition for the word career. Make sure that it is specific and clear. When you are done you will share your definition with the class.
Brainstorm By your self, come up with a list of at least 20 careers. They can be ones that you are interested in or they can be careers that you would never do. This is just a brainstorming list! When you are done, share with a partner. Are your lists the same? Make a “master list.” You and your partner will share your list with the class.
What career is right for you? By your self, organize all of these careers into two categories: Careers that you would be willing to work in Careers that you would not be willing to work in Discuss with a partner. Were your lists the same? Were they different? Come up with at least 3 pieces of criteria that you use for choosing a career and be prepared to share with the class. Example: I will only work in a job where I get to spend most of my time outside. I won’t work in a job that requires me to travel or spend a lot of time driving. I really want to work in a job where I get to work with little kids.
Exit Slip Topic: My Dream Job You must write until the end of class. Some possible topics: What is your dream job? Why is this your dream job? How do you think you could get this job? What are some good things about this job? What would the challenges be? Describe a day in the job (use your imagination for this) When the buzzer goes, place your exit slip in the Grade 10 basket before you leave.