Welcome to Mrs. Thomas’ English 10 and 11 Email: cthomas@cvs.k12.mi.us Phone: 586.723.2726 Prep Hour: 5th Hour 12:07-1:06 Website: mrsthomasdakota.weebly.com
Information available on my website… http://mrsthomasdakota.weebly.com/ Syllabus Daily Assignments Extra Help
Information about curriculum… Quarter 1 – Pilot program through Pearson My Perspective Quarter 2 – Pilot program through StudySync Quarter 3 and 4 – CVS ELA Curriculum for both 10th and 11th grade
ELA Pilot Information During the first semester, we will be piloting two programs that are designed to improve reading, writing, speaking/listening, and critical thinking skills. The purpose of this pilot will be for your child’s teacher to use each program, with support from the district curricular leaders and each program’s support staff, to determine which program will best fit the needs of the students and teachers in Chippewa Valley Schools. Your child will benefit by being taught using the most up-to-date print and digital reading and writing resources. We will use a variety of feedback to determine which reading program will best meet the needs of Chippewa Valley.
myPerspectives (Q1) myPerspectives ELA is a Grades 6-12 student-centered curriculum that provides a connected approach to improving student learning and achievement. Students read texts and engage in activities that inspire thoughtful conversation, discussion, and debate. myPerspectives... promotes student ownership of their learning through goal setting, student choice, and reflection encourages social collaboration links together knowledge, skills and learning behaviors is backwards designed from defined learning outcomes with learning activities, instruction, and assessments-- always feeding back to the Performance Tasks and Performance-Based Assessment provides opportunities to personalize for learning in response to student performance and need myPerspectives Video Link
StudySync (Q2) StudySync Video Link Today’s students are deeply immersed in social learning. They are continually accessing and sharing information, communicating on multiple platforms, and consuming and creating diverse forms of media. In short, they are becoming digital citizens. StudySync engages these digitally-connected students with media-rich learning experiences, real-world topics, and a direct read-write connection, while giving teachers flexible digital tools and engaging print resources supporting teaching, differentiation, and standards-based assessment. StudySync… a dynamic literacy curriculum designed for the 21st century leaner rigorous standards-based ELA instruction anytime, anywhere, any device access differentiation with a difference multiple implementation models StudySync Video Link