Church Purpose 10th February 2018
Church Purpose INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Church is the expression of LOVE Jesus defined this in Matthew 22:37-40 That is: Love GOD & Love PEOPLE Working in Church is all about the out working of this love
Church Purpose We have the perfect system in which it is possible for the outworking of love: The Motivation = Jesus Christ, 1 John 3:16 & 18-23 The Power = work of the Holy Spirit in us, Romans 5:5 Confidence and Hope = acceptance of God and His reward for us, 1John 4:16-21 1Peter 4:7-11
Church Purpose How the Church is organised for the outworking of love: Acts 2:42-47 LOVE GOD LOVE PEOPLE Nurture / Edification {Helping one another to know Him} Fellowship {meeting together} Worship {putting Him first by acknowledging Him and His work} Benevolence {participating in God’s work of meeting people’s needs} Prayer {communicating with God and connecting with God’s purpose} Outreach / Evangelism {helping others to encounter Him and to know Him}
Church Purpose Redefine the Church as a body which should function according to its purpose How does your work in a department fit into Church purpose? How does your department meet these outworking of love?
Individual / Group Activity Church Purpose Individual / Group Activity
Church Purpose Any Questions