Digital Competence and Global Learning Paula Owens
Digital Competence Digital competence is the set of skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable the confident, creative and critical use of technologies and systems. It is the skill set that enables a person to be a confident digital citizen, to interact and collaborate digitally, to produce work digitally and to be confident in handling data and computational thinking (problem solving). The DCF is different to the Programme of Study for ICT, Key Stages 2 to 3.
Thinking about the DCF How familiar are you with the framework? Have you begun to develop a vision for implementing it into practice? Has your school audited the skills needed and if so how? Have your reviewed your resource needs / begun to purchase? Have you reviewed practice and how?
Let’s Play a Game .. Digital Competence thinking … e.g. What is the information telling me? How do I know the site is safe? How do I interpret information? Is it the same as other people? What does this tell me about this kind of information? How up to date is it? How could I use this?
What can we do with this? Recognise/ Describe / Explain what it shows Zoom in and out Identify our own and other countries, oceans and features Understand where the data comes from Question the data and the source Find complimentary data that will help verify how accurate the data is Insert it via a hyperlink into a presentation Grab a screen shot and save as a jpeg
Can we believe our eyes? Among the most widely circulated manipulated Hurricane Sandy images was this storm cloud imposed on the Statue of Liberty (image from real/?mod=WSJ_article_outbrain&obref=obinsite
What’s my story? What data should we share and with whom should we share it? You could: research family history if children have not experienced moving home. Ask children who have moved, (and who may be relatively new to the school) to ‘be the expert’ and explain how it feels coming to a new place. Represent using a relevantly scaled map
Me in the World What everyday items do you use each day? What everyday items do you use each day? How do they connect you to the world? Breakfast items? Clothes? Toys? Compare your map to others – what do you notice?
Fair Trade? What do you think these people do for a living? Watch a film and think of some good questions you would ask to find out more about their everyday lives. Fair Trade Climate Heroes in Peru Fairtrade Climate Heroes in Kenya Fairtrade Climate Heroes in India
Activity: Fair Trade Climate Heroes There are nine cards that tell the story of one of these heroes. You will have one of them. Use the words and text to: Brainstorm some effective questions that will help you find out as much useful information as possible. •Choose one word suggested by your picture or text to write a glossary entry •Research some numerical facts to accompany your picture (this could be the answer to one of your questions e.g. where is this place using longitude and latitude? Or, what is the rainfall here throughout the year? Or, how many kilometres is this place from where I live?) Present them as a table or graph if you can. •Research the best of your questions and write a paragraph about your picture that gives further information. •Write a short drama piece to illustrate what is happening in the picture. •Watch the film clip (you could start with this) and write 2 – 3 great questions that will help you find out more. •Work with others to sequence the cards and put the story together. •Put yourself in the picture – how do you feel? What is it like there? What can you smell, hear, touch? Give yourself a caption.
When is Fair Trade Not Fair? How do I know the information is accurate? How shall I present my information? What search terms should I use? Plan, research, mine, critique, extract, present, evaluate .. Which sites are the best and why? How do I balance conflicting evidence and views? What is fact? What is opinion? Why do sites have bias?
Using Film Media in critical ways
Using technology to make links – what’s the risk? Visits Skype Facetime Email Letters Web media Whats App Facebook