How to synchronize your perceptions Perception Checking How to synchronize your perceptions
Why would you need a perception check? It is less defensive Helps keep us from mind reading and assuming Helps us to avoid inaccurate conclusions and problems with communication Helps us to get to the bottom line of what is really going on It is a great cooperative approach to communication Can be a face saving way of raising an issue
The Perception Check A description of the behavior you noticed Two possible interpretations of the behavior A request for clarification about how to interpret the behavior
Examples Hey I noticed you have been in kind of a funky mood lately (behavior) It makes me wonder if something is bothering you, or if you are just being quiet and introspective (interpretations) Whats up? (clarification)
Example 2 – more streamlined I am not really sure if you are kidding about being cheap or if this upsets you (behavior combined with interpretation) Are you mad at me? (clarification)
But be careful because: Perception checking works wonderfully with a low context culture. The low context culture is very likely to level with you and give you an accurate picture of what is really going on. What might be the problem with a high context culture and a perception check?
What is missing from this perception check? When you stomped out of the room and slammed the door, how were you feeling? Answer: 2 possible interpretations When you said you liked the job that I did, there was something about your voice that made me think that you may not really like it. Maybe it is just my imagination. Answer: Request for clarification.
Let’s try it! Write a perception check for each of these scenarios You sent an email to your professor three days ago and have not heard back from them. You notice that your Mom has been in a grumpy mood around you lately. It seems like what you are saying is really boring your friend.