Hero By Anil and Thivyan
“Can the world buy such a jewel?”
Claudio says this to Benedick in Act 1 Scene 1 (pg 7) showing his feelings at first sight. He refers to her as a “Jewel” showing how he is portraying her as a possession that he desires and “Jewel” also demonstrates how she is precious and unique.
“I will do any modest office my lord to help my cousin to a good husband”
Hero says this to Don Pedro in Act 2 Scene 1 (pg 29) shows how she cares for Beatrice and would it shows her loyalty as she would go through any lengths as a ordinary Elizabethan woman would do. The word “lord” shows her respect towards Don John who is of a higher status.
“O God defend me. How I am beset “O God defend me! How I am beset! What kind of catechising call you this?”
In Act 4 scene 1 Hero says this during the wedding to show her innocence as she is being humiliated by Claudio. “Catechising” would be asking a series of questions to which you expect a series of set answers, just as Claudio has been doing. She keeps telling Claudio that nothing happened the night before, but Claudio insists she’s wrong since he saw it with his own eyes, what he doesn’t know is that it was all a set up, and that he should trust Hero.
“Writ in my cousin’s hand, stol’n from her pocket...”
Hero in Act 5 Scene 4 is sharing the letter in which Beatrice has written to show her love towards Benedick. Hero is playing along with the rest of the group showing how she is willing to go along with the plan and help Beatrice get together with Benedick.
“He is of a very melancholy disposition”
Hero says this to Beatrice in Act 2 Scene 1 Hero says this to Beatrice in Act 2 Scene 1. She is referring to Don John as she finds him very strange. The adjective “melancholy” shows how she thinks of Don John as sad.
"Leonato's Hero, your Hero, every man's Hero"
Don John says this to Claudio on Act 3 Scene 2 (page 49) Don John says this to Claudio on Act 3 Scene 2 (page 49). Don John says this because he wants Claudio to believe that Hero is not the faithful type so he can take away his brother's honour. Hero is an object of deceit and lies which makes her very vulnerable because she doesn’t know whats being said about her and she cant defend herself. The word "every" shows that she isnt loyal to any man and throws herself at any man.
"She's too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise, and too little for a great praise"
Benedick says this quote to Claudio in Act 1 Scene 1 (page 6) Benedick says this quote to Claudio in Act 1 Scene 1 (page 6). He calls Hero too "low" which suggests she is short and that shows she isnt tall and elegant like girls of higher status, too "brown" which shows she' working class and that’s where shes brown by the sun by working in the fields which was not popular in the Elizabethan times because they wanted pale and ivory skin which was a sign of beauty and class. She is "little" which shows her status in society.
"They have the truth of this from Hero"
Benedick says this on Act 2 Scene 3 (page 39) Benedick says this on Act 2 Scene 3 (page 39). This shows that Benedick thinks of Hero as one that wont lie or get involved with pranks. This shows that Hero is trustworthy and sensible because Benedick is convinced that what Leonato, Claudio and Don Pedro said about Beatrice is true when he hears that it came from Hero.
"For the lady is very well worthy"
Don Pedro says this to Claudio in Act 1 Scene 1 (page 8) Don Pedro says this to Claudio in Act 1 Scene 1 (page 8). He says that Hero is "worthy" . The word "worthy" shows respect for Hero from the higher class and this makes Hero a respectable woman and highly regarded as a person.
"I noted her not but I looked on her"
Benedick says this to Claudio in Act 1 Scene 1 (page 6) Benedick says this to Claudio in Act 1 Scene 1 (page 6). Benedick didn’t pay attention to her and he just "looked on her" which shows that Benedick doesn’t think much of her and hasn’t got any deep respects for her. Benedick thinks Hero is not worthy of any special attention from him.