Read, Review, Respond! Read all of my comments, corrections and suggestions Review your strengths and areas for development Respond to my comments by completing your ST in the red box, answering all questions and correcting any spelling, punctuation and grammar errors with green pen
Homework Create a set of revision cards to show your understanding of the key concepts and terms studied so far Norms Values Culture Primary socialization Secondary socialization Agents of socialization Social control Agencies of social control Formal control Informal control Sanctions Social structures
What do these things have in common?
Structures A bridge has a structure to it, being made up of many different parts (cables, nuts, bolts, girders, etc.) All these parts work together to build the bridge and make it safe and secure.
KQ: What is a social structure and how does it affect our lives? Date: Thursday, 20 September 2018 KQ: What is a social structure and how does it affect our lives? What order would you put these people in? You should be able to explain how you put them in order... Teacher Shop Assistant Doctor Member of Parliament Prince Builder
What did we think? Teacher Shop Assistant Doctor Member of Parliament Prince Builder Why do we value some roles more than others? Why should some jobs get paid more than others? What does it tell us about the different parts in our society?
Profession Ethnicity Gender Social Class Write a list of the different factors that we consider when determining someone’s status in society Ethnicity Profession Gender To name a few… Status – the honour or prestige attached to a person’s position in society Social Class
Key Words Stratification: the way different groups in society are placed at different levels (stratas) Status – the honour or prestige attached to a person’s position in society
Have a look at the three tables and answer the following questions. Social Class Have a look at the three tables and answer the following questions. According to Table A, which social class would the primary earner in your household come under? Repeat the above activity for Table B and Table C. TIF: How does it make you feel to know which social strata you would be considered? Be honest and write down your emotions
Classes in the UK Upper class Middle class Working class More power, wealth, income and status Less power, wealth, income and status Classes in the UK Upper class Middle class Working class Underclass?
Buzzer Reading – What is a Social Structure? Organisation and structure Social Class in Modern Britain Is Social Class still important? What other social structures affect our every day lives?
Social Structures All societies are built up of different parts and all are organised in some way. There are patterns of relationships and a set of organisations that act as the glue that keeps society stable Families – these shape our lives as they make us into who we are as they teach us the norms and values of society Education – your life is structured by school and will be until you are at least 18. Between 1/5 and ¼ of your life will be structured by education Employment- provides you with income, status and friends. Organises our waking hours and day to day life! Law/Police- Dictates what you are allowed to do, will punish you if you do not comply.
Explain what sociologists mean by Social Structures (4 mark question) Point Example Explain Theory Examiners tip- remember to use the relevant key concepts and terms 13
Do we live in a classless society? “Class was a staple part of the British way of life. Each class had unique characteristics. The upper class had stately homes, aristocratic backgrounds and posh accents; the middle class, semi detached houses, suits and bowler hats; the working class, common accents, fish and chips and council flats. This produced a society divided between Us” (the workers) and “Them” (the rich and the bosses). Pubs always had a public bar and a lounge. Even railway carriages were divided into First, Second and Third class compartments.” McDonough (2002) “Fifty years ago there was an almost official and agreed class ranking, and everyone knew where they were located. That has completely gone now. Whereas once it would have been straightforwardly, objectively wrong for someone in a middle-class profession to think of themselves as working class, that’s not necessarily true now. These aren’t terms that have an agreed meaning any more.” Decca Aitkenhead, The Guardian, 2007 Key term Subjective status/class = the status/class someone would identify themselves as.
“Fifty years ago there was an almost official and agreed class ranking, and everyone knew where they were located. That has completely gone now. Whereas once it would have been straightforwardly, objectively wrong for someone in a middle-class profession to think of themselves as working class, that’s not necessarily true now. These aren’t terms that have an agreed meaning any more.” Decca Aitkenhead, The Guardian, 2007 Key term Subjective status/class = the status/class someone would identify themselves as.
Is Social Class still important?
In your groups of 4, number yourselves 1-4 (3s are ok, 5s are not!) Date: Thursday, 20 September 2018 KQ: How can we consolidate our understanding of social processes? In your groups of 4, number yourselves 1-4 (3s are ok, 5s are not!)
RECIPROCAL READING ROLES Assigned roles: 1 ‘BIG BOSS’ – tells the group what to read. Makes sure everyone joins in. Decide when to stop and start reading. Will instruct the others when to carry out their roles. 2 ‘SUMMARISER’ – tell the group what you have read in your own words. You must only summarise the important information. Be concise! 3 ‘QUESTIONER’ – as you are reading the text, formulate questions which will help the group to understand what has been read. Then test your peers. 4 ‘CLARIFIER’ – highlights anything you do not understand or require help defining.
These are all called informal agencies of social control These are all called informal agencies of social control. They exert pressure to make sure you stick to the law, rules and norms of society. If you stick to the rules you are rewarded through positive sanctions such as praise, presents or just general approval. If you break the rules, negative sanctions are applied in the form of disapproval or punishments. To name a few… Peers Media Religion 19
School This delivers knowledge and skills to prepare you for the big wide world through the formal curriculum. There is also another side to the socialization process in schools through the hidden curriculum. You know that schools have rules. Most schools have a particular dress code or uniform (which is different for boys and girls). You are expected to be on time and respect the authority of your teacher in the classroom. You are expected to conform to the rules and you encounter problems if you don’t. Formal curriculum: what students learn in their timetabled lessons, for example Maths & English Hidden curriculum: the ways in which the organisation of teaching, school regulations and routines shape pupil attitude and behaviour, that is, what students learn at school that is not taught in lessons.
Peer group Friends of a similar age have an important influence on your life. You expect your friends to behave in certain ways and they expect you to do the same. Peer groups can be a positive influence on your behaviour but they can also lead you in a deviant direction by expecting you to follow their lead. For example, many people say the reason they started smoking was because their friends encouraged them to do so. Peer group pressure can also play a big part in the development of your gender identity.
Mass Media The media through television, films, the internet, magazines, newspapers and books affect us all. They put us in touch with images and information that we would not receive through any other source. Much of our political socialization, for example, comes through the media and our attitudes and emotions are affected by scenes we see in films and on the television.
Formal social control The main agency of formal social control is the criminal justice system. This involves: The police who make sure we conform to the laws created by the legislature and investigate case of law breaking. The judiciary who deal with those who are accused of breaking the law. The probation and prison service who look after people who have been found guilty of breaking the law. The education system could also be seen as an agency of formal control. Schools, colleges and universities all have formal rules and impose negative sanctions on anyone who breaks them. Legislature: the section of the government that is responsible for making laws. Judiciary: the section of the government that has the power to apply the law, that is, the court system including judges
Explain what sociologists mean by agencies of social control (4 mark question) Point Example Explain Theory Examiners tip- remember to use the relevant key concepts and terms (such as culture/values/ norms/socialization)
Clear definition explained using key terms Agencies of social control are the groups and organisations in society that control or constrain people’s behaviour and actions. For example, informal agencies like schools and peers control through positive and negative sanctions and approval whereas formal agencies like the criminal justice system impose formal sanctions for breaking the law. Example explained using key terms Green pen!