ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2013/-14 20 September 2012 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2013/-14 Johann Engelbrecht Manager: Operations
FUNDING BASE The APP focus on delivery – discretionary fund Discretionary fund comprises of - Statutory portion (20% of 1% levy) R 53 million Balance of unclaimed mandatory R 36 million Investment income R 6 million SUB TOTAL R 95 million Project funds from other sources - NSF (Land reform project) R 21 million DRDLR (Co-operative training) R 10 million SUB TOTAL R 31 million TOTAL PERFORMANCE DIRECTED FUNDS R126 million
ALLOCATION OF AVAILABLE FUNDS SG 1: Skills Planning R 2 million SG 2: Workplace skills development R 68 million (Employed and unemployed) SG 3: Rural development/food security R 23 million SG 4: Improving training systems R 9 million (focus on AFETCs) SG 5: Improved mandatory grants system R 0,6 million SG 6: Career guidance R 1,5 million SG 7: Capacity building R 6 million TOTAL R 110 million Fund for multi-year programmes R 16 million