The Holocaust The Development of the Final Solution: the answer to the Nazis’ “Jewish Question”
1. Two Debates about the Development of the Holocaust 1. Intentionalists: -HITLER PLANNED THE HOLOCAUST (KILL THE JEWS) FROM DAY 1 2. Functionalist: -DEVELOPED OVER TIME AS A RESPONSE TO OUTSIDE PROBLEMS/EVENTS One or the other? Or a combination of both?
Anti-Semitism Hostility towards or prejudice against Jews or Judaism
2. Pre-1930’s Roots Historically, the Jews were considered SCAPEGOATS* for 1. KILLING CHRIST 2. BLACK DEATH And any other natural or economic problem ; however, anti-Semitism generally only a problem during poor economic times *Left alone if they converted to Christianity
Racism + Social Darwinism In its simplest form, Social Darwinism is “survival of the fittest” applied to human sociology and politics. In the late19th century, racism combined with the concept of Social Darwinism created ideas similar to Hitler’s.
3. Then, World War One happened Germany BLAMED, have to PAY FOR WAR. Economy is in shambles, guess who is blamed? The JEWS When the economy is down, racism goes up Propaganda helps incite hate towards Jews.
Anti-Semitism in Germany Hitler blamed Jews for German losses after WWI and the economic depression that spread thereafter
Examples of Propaganda Posters -notice the dark colors, big nose, dark curly hair and emphasis on money
Hitler takes over Germany and established the “Jewish Question” (What is to be done with Germany’s Jews?) 1933 HITLER elected to power, crushes all opponents. 1934 BOYCOTT of Jewish Businesses
Hitler takes over continued 1935 NUREMBERG LAWS deprive Jews of citizenship and therefore rights Jew = RACE (BLOOD) not RELIGION (SO CONVERSION DOESN’T MATTER NOW) JEWISH = 1 JEWISH GRANDPARENT
Symbolization in Nazi Germany Jewish Passport: “Reisepäss” Required to be carried by all Jews by 1938. Preceded the yellow star. Nazis required the yellow Star of David emblem to be worn by nearly all Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe by 1941.
Organization Genocide is a group crime, so must be organized. The state usually organizes, arms and financially supports the groups that conduct the genocidal massacres. Plans are made by elites for a “final solution” of genocidal killings.
“The Jewish Question” How do you get rid of 500 000 Jews? Attempts: MADAGASCAR PLAN EVIAN CONFERENCE (US AND CANADA SAY NO!) Jews randomly beat up all over Germany, 78 000 leave, but over 400 000 stay. Why?
Polarization Extremists drive groups apart. Hate groups broadcast and print polarizing propaganda. Laws are passed that forbid intermarriage or social interaction. Political moderates are silenced, threatened and intimidated, & killed. Public demonstrations were organized against Jewish merchants. Moderate German dissenters were the first to be arrested and sent to concentration camps. Attacks are staged and blamed on targeted groups. In Germany, the Reichstag fire was blamed on Jewish Communists in 1933. Cultural centers of targeted groups are attacked.
The Violence Escalates AND JEWS CAN NO LONGER LEAVE….. 1934: Nazis already executing MENTALLY HANDICAPPED in T4 EUTHANASIA program 1938: Kristallnacht “the NIGHT of the broken glass. Jews arrested and thrown in concentration camps, such as Dachau.
Krystallnacht – Nov 9th, 1938 “Night of Broken Glass” Jewish homes and stores were ransacked in a thousand German towns and cities
Dachau The first concentration camp was opened in Germany in 1933
T-4 Euthanasia Program
60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the People's community during his lifetime. Fellow German, that is your money too.
Anti-Semitism in Canada after Kristallnacht, many Jews tried to leave Germany. The ocean liner “St. Louis” took refugees to Cuba, where they would await to enter the US Criminal backgrounds for the passengers were made up by NAZI propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels
Cuba refused to let the ship “land”, so it headed to Florida where it found no success It then arrived off our east coast, carrying 907 Jewish people, including 400 women & children Canada decided they would not make good settlers and forced them to return to Europe, where many died in concentration camps
Jewish Passengers from the St. Louis
And then, World War II Breaks Out Nazis crush POLAND Now total of 2.5 million Jews under Nazi control
By 1939, six large concentration camps existed in Poland
The Ghettos
The Problem Gets Bigger… 8. The “Jewish” problems (Nazi perceived) compounded by the invasion of the SOVIET UNION in the Spring of 1940. Now have 5 million Jews under their control. Their response? 1. EINSATZGRUPPEN (SPECIAL SQUAD) 2. GAS VANS (DISCOVERED ACCIDENTALLY)
Meanwhile… A new concentration camp called AUSCHWITZ built to hold POLISH political prisoners and Russian Prisoners of WAR. Already using ZYKLON B in special gas chambers. (first in a sealed off cabin)
10. Jan.1942 – “Wannsee CONFERENCE” Decide all Jews under German CONTROL will be sent to DEATH camps.
The Final Solution In January 1942, senior Nazi officials held a top secret meeting to discuss the "final solution of the Jewish question," in the Berlin suberb, Wansee. Known as the Wansee Conference, this meeting did not begin the killing of the Jews, but in it, the Nazis’ articulated their plans clearly and determined on a systematic method to carry them out. In a scene from the 2001 movie “Conspiracy”, senior Nazi officials discuss The Final Solution.
Areas under German Control France, Denmark, Holland, Italy, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Channel Islands, Belgium, Poland, USSR, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Lithuania, Norway etc.
Operation Reinhardt Establishes 5 new “Death Camps” (no labor): 1. TREBLINKA 2. SOBIBOR 3. BELZEC 4. MAJDANEK 5. CHELMNO And expands AUSCHWITZ BIRKENAU Jews transported to camps by TRAINS (CATTLE CARS)
Trains transported Jews to camps
Zyklon-B Gas Chambers Auschwitz
Identifying the prisoners Jews were given 2 black and yellow triangles Together they formed the 6-pointed Star of David
Identifying the prisoners Green = professional criminal Pink = homosexual Brown = gypsy Violet = Jehovah’s Witness Black = “a-social” (alcoholic or prostitute)
“Canada” The belongings of the arrivals were seized by the SS and sorted in an area of the camp called "Canada", so called because Canada was seen as a land of plenty.
11. Then the Jews (and others) Fight back, 1943-44 1. WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING (first incident of resistance to Nazi rule
12. What the Allies knew… 1944, the ALLIES find out about AUSCHWITZ. What do they do? NOTHING Most killed this year, 14 000 a day, crematoria could not keep up and had to dig large pits and burn bodies.
13. The End (for Nazis) is Nigh… 1. Jan. 27, 1945 AUSHWITZ is liberated 2. April 1945, HITLER commits suicide 3. May, 1945 WAR is over in Europe 4. NUREMBERG Trials However, 6 MILLION of Europe’s 11 MILLION Jews are dead.
Liberation - 1945
Mengele Children
NAZI leaders Adolf Hitler
NAZI leaders Joseph Goebbels
NAZI leaders Hermann Goring
NAZI leaders Heinrich Himmler
Rudolf Hoss – Commandant of Aushwitz NAZI leaders Rudolf Hoss – Commandant of Aushwitz
Nazi leaders Joseph Mengele
Nuremburg Trials – 1945 - 46
List of Crimes War crimes: violations of laws of war. Crimes against peace: “…planning…waging a war of aggression in violation of int’l treaties…” Crimes against humanity: genocide. Conspiracy: leaders, organizers, etc responsible for acts performed by individuals.
In Germany 21 charged: 11 were executed 3 acquitted. 7 were given prison sentences
Tokyo Trials June, 1946 – November, 1948
In Japan: 25 major leaders tried: Other tribunals: 7 death sentences 18 prison sentences. Other tribunals: 5,000 tried Over 700 executed Yamashita precedent (standard): commanding officers are ultimately responsible for crimes committed by troops under their command. His crimes were committed in the Philippines.
Question for consideration Some people believe that military and political leaders must be held accountable for decisions and actions taken in times of war and civil unrest. Others believe that political and military leaders are justified in using extraordinary measures in an effort to end a conflict or restore order. To what extent should political and military leaders be held accountable for decisions and actions taken during times of war and civil unrest?