Disengaged Employees February 2011
Introduction Key Insights Survey Question Graphs In appreciation for your participation in this survey, we have created this exclusive summary of results. The data you provided is being leveraged in our research. Thank you for your participation. This document has these three main sections: Key Insights Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics If you have any questions or concerns please contact: Scott Koopman Panel Coordinator E-mail: skoopman@infotech.com McLean & Company
Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics Key Insights McLean & Company
How does self-reflection help? Take time to self-reflect in order to increase likelihood of becoming reengaged Every employee has the choice to not play the victim. The Employee Managers can’t realign the stars. Employees need to be masters of their own engagement destiny. Employees need to understand and communicate their own values, interests, skills and goals. Employees should initiate conversations with managers, ask for coaching, and talk to managers if they are feeling disengaged. Employees should take control of their own destiny: seek clarification, understanding and action. Employees should take a moment when it’s needed to reflect on their role, expectations and outlook. An employee is more likely to reengage if they take the time to self-reflect. Reengaged Did not reengage 19% 35% 32% 30% How does self-reflection help? An employee who is able to take responsibility for their own thoughts, feelings and reactions is personally empowered – they actually feel more in control of their own work life, which in itself is a major driver of engagement. % of Respondents who were Successful 25% 20% 15% 13% A lot of it is personal. There are things that happen in the organization that start the ball rolling, but you allow the snowball to get bigger and worse. There is nothing anyone can say to turn you around until you make the conscious decision to alter your mindset. – A reengaged employee after 8 months of disengagement. “ ” 10% 5% 0% I reflected on the situation and determined whether I wasI reflected on the situation and determined whether I wasI reflected on the situation and determined whether I wasI reflected on the situation and determined whether I was being realistic with my expectations McLean & Company Note: A successful result was classified as individuals who remained at the organization and became reengaged.
Managers should work together with disengaged employees to understand reasons for disengagement Tips, tricks and safety. Examples Be concise. The issue should be condensed to a single sentence to ensure it is clear, understandable, and focused. Diagnose the root of the issue: Is it a skill or will issue, or is it an issue with a person? It may be a non-work related issue (i.e. they’re distracted, not disengaged). “Do you have what you need to do your job and know what is expected of you?” “Is there something going on that I should be aware of?” “How would you do x, y or z?” Identify the underlying issue, together. Take your time. Don’t rush or jump to conclusions. Prioritize and agree on issues. Analyzing the consequences helps to determining what is most important to discuss. Analyzing the consequences helps to determining what is most important to discuss. Focus on one issue at a time. Consider seriousness, time-sensitivity, what’s important to the employee, and what is controllable. “What are the consequences of this problem to me and you, to our relationship, to the task, to any other stakeholders?” Note: A successful result was classified as individuals who remained at the organization and became reengaged. There is a significantly higher likelihood of a successful result when it comes to disengagement if the employee has a manager that understands the reasons behind the disengagement. This demonstrates to the employee that you care about them and their contribution. McLean & Company
Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics Key Insights McLean & Company
Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics Key Insights McLean & Company
Like This? Want More? Watch your inbox. Within the coming weeks, McLean & Company will be launching several more short surveys that will offer similar results to these. If you participate, you will receive the results for every project you participated in. To ensure you are included or for more information please email Scott Koopman McLean & Company