Our mission is to create affordable solutions for augmentative and alternative communication immediately available to people suffering from significantly impaired mobility. Dedicated to creation of Assistive technology software, EyeComTec offers a wide range of products and services designed to enhance the lives of those with physical disabilities.
Methods of Communication from least to most assistive 0 – Classic Communication (speak or type) 1 – Physical Actions (use strong muscles) 2 – Visible Actions (use weak muscles) 3 – Vocal Actions (make noise or sound) 4 – Brain-Waves (electroencephalography)
0. Classic Communication Speak or Type Case: Partial paralysis (when some muscles don't function, like legs, hands, fingers, etc). Normally person may continue to have an ability to communicate: A. person may talk (oral communication). And use some speech recognition software to type texts (if B is unavailable). B. person may write or type messages. And use some speech synthesis (if A is unavailable).
1. Perform Physical Actions Use Strong Muscles Case: Paralysis with loss of muscular activity for most muscles Person may perform very basic activity with some strong muscle. Pressing a single button or pedal with tongue, or finger, or foot (depending on the available muscular activity) That could be enough to create a message using assistant communication via scanning (scanning is sequentially showing each letter of alphabet until the user chooses one).
1. Perform Physical Actions ECTkeyboard ECTkeyboard is a virtual keyboard that allows individuals with limited motor skills to type text by pressing a single physical button (via various types of scanning).
2. Perform Visible Actions use weak muscles Case: Complete paralysis of all the strong muscles. However, some weak muscles remain functional Person can't talk, write, or perform any physical action (Locked-In or Guillain-Barre syndrome). May communicate by making some visible actions. Blink an eye, raise an eye brow, move lips, move an iris. In that case communication is still possible with Assistant communication via scanning. However a human assistant who detects the visible action is required.
2. Perform Visible Actions ECTtracker + ECTkeyboard ECTtracker is an eye-tracking (emotion-detection) program. Based on the state of the eye (open, closed, one eye opened) it transmits the control key codes to the receiver program (ECTkeyboard), thus allowing the user to type texts by opening and closing the eye/s, raising eyebrows, moving lips or making any other visible action.
3. Perform Vocal Actions make noise or sound Case: Paralysis of all the strong muscles. Can’t speak, but may do vocal sounds. Person can't speak, write or move, but may produce some sounds or make noise. Person may sniff, blow, breathe air in/out loud, moan, etc. In these cases a person may also communicate with an aid of assistant communication (sniff when wanted letter is being shown). It is like 2, but visible action is replaced with making some noise.
3. Perform Vocal Actions ECTlistener + ECTkeyboard ECTlistener is intended to analyze sound signals from any microphone. Depending on the length and volume of the signal, ECTlistener emulates key strokes and sends control codes to the receiving software (ECTkeyboard). That allows the user to type texts by breathing in/out loud, blowing on microphone, moaning, or making any other audible action.
4. Read Brain-Waves electroencephalography Case: Completely paralyzed and can't make any sort of detectable activity Person is completely paralyzed and can't perform any sort of detectable activity. Patient can’t demonstrate his consciousness. In this case communication is only possible with an aid of some EEG device that reads and measures the patients brain activity via Electroencephalography. That is the most complicated and expensive process of communication out of all listed before
4. Read Brain-Waves ECTkeyboard + EEG-Hardware EEG hardware + ECTkeyboard. ECTkeyboard can be paired with any software (and hardware) that may send it a trigger event. If some electroencephalography device may convert brainwaves into at least one type of recognizable action that can be used to type texts with ECTkeyboard.
Advantages of EyeComTec Purely software Immediately available for download Low resource requirements Truly Contactless Free for non-commercial use Continuous use No Adware or Spyware
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