Indigo Ageing Well NOVEMBER 2017
First steps Indigo Shire formed a steering committee to oversee the project, this committee included representatives from Beechworth Health, Indigo North Health, Yackandandah Health, Upper Murray Primary Care Partnership, Indigo U3A and Senior Citizens. Working with the steering committee and the consultant who had been engaged for stage one of the project we advertised for Community Champions.
Community Champions The message given to the community was that we needed their help to ensure the project was a success. We invited people to get involved in the consultation and have a conversation about seniors needs locally. It was not just about what Council can do, but about what all of us can do. The Community Champions attended a session on 13 June in Barnawartha where they were provided with a ‘Champions Pack’ that included information about how to talk to people about the project and survey, host a conversation in their community groups and with their friends and to generally promote the project. The Champions also had input into the survey questions during this session as we were very conscious that the questions asked gave the community the opportunity to express their needs and concerns.
Community Champions Home and Community Care Staff and Meals on Wheels Volunteers attend an information session in June. We armed staff, volunteers and community champions with information packs with all the details about the project and what we wanted to achieve so they could discuss this with clients, friends and peers.
Hosted conversations Hosting a conversation - Questions Questions: Questions: What makes a place age-friendly? Do you know of such a place that is very age-friendly? If so, what makes it so? What services do you need as you age? What makes you feel part of the community? How does your community include you? When do you feel most useful? What knowledge, experience and skills would you like to offer the community? How do you keep yourself mentally and physically stimulated? What is the best way to communicate with you? What is the best way for you to have your say?
Community Champions Community Champions filled out commitment sheets at the end of the session to let us know what they could contribute to the project.
Why it worked We had genuine interest and commitment from the community which resulted in a high number of surveys completed. Steering Committee and community Champions were very engaged through entire process. Great support from our Management team. It gave us the opportunity to build on some really good relationships with community groups.
How it has changed how we do things? We have already had discussions with our infrastructure team with details about footpaths and access and relayed some of the feedback from the community about information sharing. We are working on embedding an approach across Council to look at things with an age friendly lens and realising that If it helps people on scooters and walkers it will also help kids on bikes and parents with prams. We need to share more information, some of the feedback we received was about things that are already happening there is just a lack of knowledge. Thinking outside the square when it comes to community consultation