PALS 2017-2018
How can you be a part of something bigger? How can you make a difference in the life of a Lopez student? Let me share with you how you can!
What does P.A.L.S mean? Peer Assistance Leadership Service
What Do PALS Do? Let me share with you a bit of what a Lopez PAL does.
Training in PALS -You get to miss most of the school day for NEISD PALS and Mediation training -You get to do fun activities -You can meet the other pals from different schools, some could be a new friend.
Trust Exercises Intense, gigantic friendship bracelet making to the extreme Adventurous blindfolded school tours Exaggerated invisible ball toss Extreme balloon volleyball Trust Falls (we are building trust with our PAL group)
Peer Mediation Mediation is where students help other students solve problems without the involvement of teachers or others school staff. It is a conflict between two students, and we help them agree to the solution that solves their situation. This is an effective way to solve problems amongst yourselves. ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️
We meet with our Palees on Wednesdays and Thursdays during their lunch periods. With our palees we have 100% confidentiality,which means what we talk about together stays between us. We are mentors to a great group of 6th grade students.
ALE Days Board games Special Olympics Bake and decorate cookies ALE pantherama Make new friends Once a week
Service Projects Wounded Warriors Carnation Sales NEISD Homeless- Hygiene items donation This year we collected items to donate to Hurricane Harvey victims
Recycling Every Friday the PALS split up into groups and we go to each classroom and collect the recycling for that week. This is a great chance for us to spend time together, interact with teachers, and have a good time while doing something great for our school and our community!!
Field Trips and Special Olympics Off campus PALS training Off campus Mediation training (Meet PALs from other schools Get to leave campus for a good cause) Support and bond among the class and others Attend the NEISDSpecial Olympics with our ALE students
Red Ribbon Week
PALS Throughout The Years
What has PALS done for or meant to me?
Is PALS for you? Do you like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? Do you like cake?
How do you become a PAL Step 1----Pick up a packet in the Counseling office. March 26- April 11. Step 2---Fill it out and turn it in Packets are available NOW and DUE in the counseling office April 11th by 3:30 Keep in mind this is a class, it will take the place of one of your electives
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” ~ Helen Keller SYNERGY
Any Questions?