Stephanie Ikeogu Good Mornings
Technique Starting Position Bar position at the base of the neck with pronated hand grip Feet should be between hip and shoulder width Toe should be pointed outward about 10 degrees Knees should be slightly bent Toro should be erect with shoulders back, head tilted back, chest up and back flat or slightly arched Elbow should be held up to keep bar in position
Downward Movement Upward Movement Flex hip slowly. The buttocks should move straight back and knees should stay slightly flexed The back should stay flat or slightly arched with high elbow position The bar should be slightly behind the toes The torso should be parallel to the floor Upward Movement Extend hip slowly with knees slightly bent Back should be flat or slightly arched with high elbow position
Spotting No spotter: do exercise with power or squat rack One spotter: stand in front of person. As the bar is lowered, place hands under the bar for guidance Two spotters: one person stands at each end of the bar, grabbing the bar at the end of the lift.
Muscles Involved Gluteus Maximus Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Biceps Fermoris Erector Spinae
Variations Good Morning can also be performed with: Split Leg Good Morning Single Leg Good Morning Good Morning can also be performed with: Two dumbbells held at the shoulders A light resistance band looped the neck and toes
Common Errors Knees being completely extended and being locked out The back being rounded causing the bar to be completely supported by the neck