Memory The persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information.
Take out a piece of paper….. Name the seven dwarves….. Now name them…..
Was it easy or hard? It depends on several things…. If you like Disney movies? When was the last time you have seen the movie? Are people around you being loud pain in the butts so you cannot concentrate?
Recall Versus Recognition you must retrieve the information from your memory fill-in-the blank or essay tests you must identify the target from possible targets multiple-choice tests
The Memory Process Three step process…. Encoding: The processing of information into the memory system. Storage: The retention of encoded material over time. Retrieval: The process of getting the information out of memory storage.
Three Box Model of Memory
MEMORY: The input, storage, and retrieval of what has been learned or experienced
Sensory Memory works as a filter Sensory Memory works as a filter. It allows us time to determine what to pay attention to.
Iconic Memory Iconic memory involves the memory of visual stimuli. It is how the brain remembers an image you have seen. For example, look at an object in the room you are in now, and then close your eyes and visualize that object. The image you "see" in your mind is your iconic memory of that visual stimuli.
Echoic Memory Echoic memory is when a person is asked to remember a series of numbers someone else was reciting immediately after the sequence was stopped. If the person responds immediately, then the chances of he/she remembering all the numbers is high. Normally stored for slightly longer periods of time than iconic memories.
Sensory Memory A split second holding tank for ALL sensory information. Sperling’s research on Iconic Memory Echoic Memory
MAINTENANCE vs. ELABORATIVE REHEARSAL Even though you live in the United States and probably see hundreds of pennies a week, it is difficult to identify the real one from fake ones. Mere repetition, such as seeing something over and over again does not guarantee a strong memory. Maintenance Rehearsal = repetition Elaborative Rehearsal = linking new information to material that is already known Improves your chances of remembering it!!!!
Short-Term Memory
Short Term Memory The stuff we encode from the sensory goes to STM. Events are encoded visually, acoustically or semantically. Holds about 7 (plus or minus 2) items for about 20 seconds. We recall digits better than letters. Short Term Memory Activity
Ways to remember things in STM…so they go to LTM Chunking: Organizing items into familiar, manageable units. Mnemonic devices Rehearsal "Mary Very Easily Makes Jam Saturday Unless No Plums." 1-4-9-2-1-7-7-6-1-8-1-2-1-9-4-1
Please take a moment to test your short-term memory. On the next slide you will find a list of 15 letters. Your task: Remember them all.
How did you do? Try it again.
Short-Term or Working Memory Use it or lose it!!!!! Working with information….. Chunking = Grouping items to make them easier to remember
Please recall the items in the next picture.
Draw the picture!
Did that make it easier to draw?
Short-Term or Working Memory Use it or lose it!!!!! Working with information….. Mnemonic Devices = Techniques for using associations to memorize and retrieve information Can you think of any other Mnemonic Devices you know?
Why are you having a hard time remembering it?? I will give you a list of four arithmetic tasks aloud. They are VERY simple. When I finish reading the first one… shout out the answer. Please do the same for the last three. Here we go… 3+2= 7-4= 6-2= 5+1= Now what was the second digit mentioned in each arithmetic task? What was the second digit mentioned in each arithmetic task? Why are you having a hard time remembering it??