Serving High Net Worth Clients through Centers of Influence Mark Thomas, Owner & Principal Capstone Wealth Management, Inc.
Goals tend to be a glassy dreamlike statement of alleged desires and outcomes, while plans focus entirely on inputs; the activities that lead to meaningful, enhanced outcomes. We, the team of Capstone, already have the business we want. If we did not want what we have – if we were passionately desirous of and wholly committed to a higher achievement, we would have already been achieving it. The business that we have achieved is the business that we have earned. The extraordinary outcome of a financial planning practice achieves exactly what we deserve. It cannot and does not deny us the precise levels of achievement which we have rightfully earned over the last 10 years. (Paraphrased from Nick Murray)
Interactive Conversation One hour conversation – 30 ideal clients, 12 CPA’s, 3 Attorneys Client and Center of Influence business meeting agenda Capstone’s capabilities Capstone’s growth objectives Learn who wants to introduce me to friends and family to assure they get the help they need and deserve.
Interactive Conversation (cont.) B. Take-A-Way 27 clients want to introduce me to family and friends. My clients and closest COI can not articulate what I do for them. Can NOT differentiate my service from Stock Broker, Insurance Agent or Trust Officer. COI’s trust our communication process and we are the catalyst to move planning process forward.
Interactive Conversation (cont.) C. COI’s and clients told me what they wanted from Capstone to support their introductions of clients’ friends and family. Communicate regular examples of how others have introduced Capstone Social and client appreciation events to invite others to meet staff and me COI receive a 58 point of annual contact to teach and support
WIPFLi HNW Client Service Client Solutions for Life Insurance HNW Clients Own Life Insurance AICPA tool to manage client life insurance portfolio At client’s death family will look to CPA for insurance carrier and beneficiary assistance Life Insurance Needs Analysis, Solutions No longer need life insurance Example: Mr. Client Age 74, retiring business owner - $1 million term, cash value $0, life expectancy 10 years, sale of policy to secondary market $175,000. Maintain Coverage – consider alternative with a 1035 exchange
Client’s Family Estate Transfer Plan
Minimizing & Eliminating Threat to Wealth Plan by Default vs. Plan by Design Wealth Preservation Planning is Gift Planning Estate Planning is gift planning Identify threats to wealth Taxes Divorce (children) Creditors Predators (Wealth attracts flies) Beneficiaries Sometimes we have to protect Beneficiaries from themselves Spendthrift – can’t manage money Spoil with too much too soon Anti-social behavior (drugs/alcohol, wrong crowd, cult)
Minimizing & Eliminating Threat to Wealth Planning Basics First and foremost, identify assets in Consumption Bucket for husband & wife’s security Second, identify assets in Contingency Bucket Third, identify $4.25M to $16.2M of income producing and appreciating assets in Contingency Bucket to gift to Defective Grantor Trust in Custodial Bucket
Three Buckets: Establish Irrevocable Life Insurance outside of your estate in Custodian Bucket Grantor advances cash to DGT to help pay insurance premiums until investments in DGT can pay premiums and pay back previous advances. Cash advances from Contingency Bucket transfers appreciation out of estate tax free.