Managementul Documentelor - “O activitate critica pentru companii


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Presentation transcript:

Gabriel Pantelimon Xerox Business Services Manager Bucuresti, 20 November 2003 Managementul Documentelor - “O activitate critica pentru companii?” Controlul costurilor, Satisfactia clientilor si Productivitatea

Agenda Background Sondaj Concluzii Mediul de afaceri Ce este un document? Importanta Documentelor/Managementul Documentelor Costul cu Documentele Atitudini vis-à-vis de Outsourcing Alegerea furnizorului Concluzii Objectives as stated in proposal.

Background Scopul studiului IDC a fost acela de a evidentia tendintele in gestionarea proceselor legate de documente din interiorul companiilor si daca aceste procese pot fi imbunatatite in sensul economisirii de bani, cresterii eficientei si productivitatii S-au urmarit provocarile pe care le au companiile in mediul actual de afaceri si legatura acestora cu procesele legate de documente Suplimentar, s-au urmarit si evidentiat atitudinile vis-à-vis de outsourcing

Sondaj 956 interviuri in intreaga Europa Dimensiunile companiilor 5000+ 11% 2001 la 5000 14% 500 la 1000 48% Diagrams show size of company, job title of the respondents and industry sector of all participants in this survey. 1001 la 2000 27% Dimensiunile companiilor

Sondaj 956 interviuri in intrega Europa Functii in companii CFO 15% HR Director 17% Altii 3% Line of Business Chief Executive Manager 5% 23% Diagrams show size of company, job title of the respondents and industry sector of all participants in this survey. Chief Information Officer 37% Functii in companii

Sondaj 956 interviuri in intrega Europa Industrii Business Services Public Sector 16% 24% Pharmaceutical 5% Utilities/Telco 12% Manufacturing Diagrams show size of company, job title of the respondents and industry sector of all participants in this survey. 26% Finance 17% Industrii

Mediul de afaceri – Principalele provocari Care sunt cele mai mari provocari pe care le are compania dumneavoastra in acest moment, va rugam sa numiti 3 in ordinea importantei? This slide show the leading challenges companies claim to be facing at the moment – respondents were asked to rank the top 3 business challenges in order this shows the proportion of mentions given to each reason. The next slide will show the leading reason

Importanta Documentelor Sunteti de acord cu urmatoarea afirmatie: Documentele sunt citice succesului operational al companiei mele Transformation must include productivity gains and many believe that transformation exercises can be delivered – the cynical represent a small percentage (those that agree with the often promised, rarely delivered statement)

Ce este considerat un Document in Europa? The impact of documents and the future importance of documents does rely on what a document is. As already mentioned the importance of process in document process has intensified with the use electronic based business process and the term document must surely expand to reflect this. Additionally, trying to address the cost structure and efficiency of an organizations DPM processes requires an understanding of what the term "document" means to individual organizations. What is actually defined as a "document"? This has many implications especially when, within the same organization different definitions can lead to a lack of common DPM policy. The IDC survey asked respondents to state what they recognized as documents. Overall recognition for the different forms documents can take was high as is shown in figure 2. However, there is still a sizable minority that does not recognize the term "document" to include fax, email, electronic document files, web or multimedia content.

Costul Documentelor Puteti estima cam cat cheltuie anual organizatia dvs pe managementul si productia de documente? Pentru cei care au raspuns nu. Este aceasta pentru ca? If defining a document is hard, identifying the costs associated with all the document activities is almost impossible for many organizations. Indeed, with documents such an engrained and accepted overhead, is it any wonder that the cost and productivity savings of common DPM policy haven't been properly addressed yet? There is certainly a lack of knowledge around the costs of documentation. The IDC survey showed that only 10% of the organizations interviewed could estimate how much they spent on documentation, indeed, 65% admitted that they weren't tracking the total cost of documentation at all. It's amazing when you then look at other results in the same survey, for example, 47% of organizations claimed that their document processes were centralized. Those with centralized process were more confident that they knew all the costs, but the difference was minor with only 40% of those with centralized processes claiming that they knew all the costs rather than an average of 35% for the whole survey. So, even with processes that are centralized organizations weren't confident that they were tracking all the costs. Also it makes it very difficult to judge the overall effectiveness of document policy if the total amount spent on documents is not measured – certainly it makes measuring improvements, judging the success of any particular initiatives and further investment harder to justify. One area where potential improvements could be identified was in document waste. IDCs survey revealed that on average 19% of printed documents were wasted. Thinking about your organizations spending on printed documents – what level of waste would be acceptable? How much would 19% represent? Could this be just the tip of the iceberg? So is documentation a minor cost that isn't worth investigating in your organization? Or is it a major strategic activity where gains both in cost and productivity can be made if only the process were understood and managed? The only guidance that can be given is that the average estimated cost of documentation in the organizations surveyed is over 1 million Euros and represented between 5-15% of their revenue. Also when looking at the impact of documents 45% of executives time was spent with documents – how important is it to examine and make changes to improve the efficiency of activities which impact 45% of your executives time?

Costul Documentelor Credeti ca urmariti toate cheltuielile cu documentele din organizatia dvs? Ce procent din venitul companiei dvs este cheltuit cu documentele?

Atitudini vis-à-vis de outsourcing Care dintre afirmatiile de mai jos corespunde cel mai bine cu realitatea companiei dvs?

Atitudini vis-à-vis de outsourcing Care considerati ca ar fi cel mai important beneficiu al externalizarii?

Selectarea furnizorului Care dintre urmatoarele criterii le considerati importante atunci cand va alegeti un furnizor de servicii?

Concluzii Organizatiile incearca sa raspunda provocarilor legate de productivitate/profitabilitate, mentinerea clientilor si controlul costurilor Procesele legate de documente reprezinta activitati care, restructurate, pot aduce reduceri de costuri, eficienta si cresteri de productivitate In cazul unora dintre serviciile externalizate de catre companii, s-au inregistrat scaderi ale costurilor de 10-50%, este deci probabil ca reduceri similare sa se poata obtine si din externalizarea proceselor legate de managementul documentelor Multe companii nu sunt constiente de costuri si astfel nu introduc documentele ca parte a unei transformari majore 90% dintre organizatiile intervievate nu au putut estima costurile cu documentele Doua treimi au admis ca nu urmaresc costurile totale cu documentele Add section about docs being the lifeblood