Clauses & Sentences By Gina Giamei Summer 2016
It is a group of words with a subject and a verb. What is a clause? It is a group of words with a subject and a verb.
There are 2 types of clauses. What are they? independent clauses dependent clauses
An Independent Clause has a subject & a verb. expresses a complete thought.
An Independent Clause David is happy.
A Dependent Clause has a subject & a verb. does not express a complete thought. needs to be connected to an independent clause.
A Dependent Clause because he got 100% on the test.
What type of clause is this? When I came to Boston
What type of clause is this? I did not like the food.
Beware of Fragments! A dependent clause that is not connected to an independent clause is a fragment. a common writing error Examples – Because Lisa will move to California. After my parents arrived.
What are the 3 basic types of sentences? Simple Compound Complex
A Simple Sentence is 1 independent clause. Example - The student always does her homework.
a coordinating conjunction A Compound Sentence has 2 or more independent clauses a coordinating conjunction
Coordinating Conjunctions F A N B O Y S o n o u r e o r d r t t
A Compound Sentence Jack met Jill at an Italian restaurant, and they had spaghetti. Henry wants to buy the jacket, but it is too expensive. Boston is famous for clam chowder, so many tourists try it.
has at least 1 dependent clause. A Complex Sentence has 1 independent clause. has at least 1 dependent clause.
A Complex Sentence Tina is tired because she only slept for three hours. Because Tina only slept for three hours, she is tired.