“The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell Background Notes and Vocabulary “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell
Richard Connell 1893 – 1949 Born in 1893 in New York Father was a newspaper editor. Connell began writing at age ten. He covered baseball games. Connell attended Georgetown and Harvard, where he became the editor for the school paper. Served in WWI Connell and his wife lived in London and Paris before settling in California.
Connell’s most famous story, “Most Dangerous Game” was published in 1924. He won the Henry O. Grady award for it, and it was turned into several movies. Connell wrote over 200 short stories in his lifetime, winning several awards, and having many turned into movies. Connell died of a heart attack in 1949.
Background Big game hunting was prevalent in the early 1900’s. Wealthy hunters would travel all over the world to hunt exotic, big game. This would ultimately lead to many species extinction around the world. Hunters would take their kill and mount the animal in their homes to show their skill.
Big Game
Cossack – members of a people from southern Russia who are known for their fierceness. They are usually military warriors and some still exist today. Usually when a male child within this group was born, a weapon was immediately put in his hand. As soon as groups were formed, Cossacks were used for military purposes. However, they gradually lost their power under Russian domination during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Plot The sequence of events in a literary work Exposition – Introduces characters, setting, and basic situation Rising Action – all events leading up to the climax Complications – struggle between two opposing forces (conflict) Climax – high point of interest or suspense Falling Action – where all the loose ends are tied up and all complications are solved Resolution/Denouement – a general insight (knowledge) or change is conveyed
Vocabulary Caribbean (19) Amazon (19) palpable (19) indolantly (20) bizarre (23) gargoyle (23) cosmopolite (24) debacle (25) lascars (27) naïve (27) scruples (27) blandly (29) grotesque (29) knouter (29) tartar (29) futile (31) repast (dictionary)