Using Transitions Effectively Grade 8 Copyright © 2015 by Write Score LLC
Lesson Focus: Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationship among ideas and concepts.
Why use transitions? Transitions are words or phrases that are like a bridge between ideas. They keep the reader from getting lost and confused. When used correctly, they create cohesion among ideas.
Transition words can… Examples incorporate commonly used words. So, By this time help lead the reader to the next event. Suddenly, Immediately alert the reader that additional information is forthcoming to support what has already been stated. Next, Then introduce a contrasting idea. But, However, On the other hand
Mentor Paragraph: During this Great Depression, the farmers of America were greatly affected, maybe more than any other single group of persons in the nation (Bubble Bursts, 133). What came to be known as “Hoovervilles” popped up across the country, composed primarily of unavailing farmers and their families. In the central area of the United States is where most farmers were affected as it was made of mostly plains and open dirt roads. It was here in central North America that
Mentor Paragraph: (con’t) farmers gained their most known name used throughout the Depression, “Okies”. These, simply, were the farmers that harshly suffered during the economic downfall. Through times of terror and hardship, when the nation’s economy bottomed out, America’s farmers were faced with the most complex quandary ever; the national farming crisis of the Great Depression.
Partner Practice: Read the essay. Highlight the transitional word or phrase at the beginning and end of each paragraph. Add transitions to the beginning and/or end of any paragraph that does not have one. Review highlighted transitions. Discuss with partner if they are used appropriately. If not, replace with new transition.
Peer Edit: Trade papers with a peer. Highlight transitions at the beginning and end of each paragraph. Place a check next to any highlighted transition that is not used appropriately. Place a question mark next to transitions that could be upgraded. Return paper to peer.
Independent Practice: Review your peer edit. Add transitions to the beginning and/or end of any paragraph that does not have one. Replace transitions with check marks next to them. Review and upgrade transitions with question marks next to them.