MLM A-Team What? The Model Lifecycle Management Activity Team Chair: Lonnie VanZandt INCOSE Connect address: INCOSE Web page: Other Web page: Number of Members: ~55 Number of Members Participating in IW: TBD
Charter Purpose identify the scope of model management and address the concerns of the community. Goal prioritize issues and establish scenarios and best practices that address the concerns of the community. Scope all models throughout the complete lifecycle
Vision We see a community of Systems (and discipline-specific) Engineers struggling to persist and to reference the artifacts of engineering over the lifecycle of each enterprise. We see a community of Stakeholders and Decision-makers forced to make decisions irrationally and intuitively due to a lack of access to the defensible argument of both legacy documentary and innovative model-based systems engineering. We see a day when engineers use distributed systems that automatically persist artifacts in compact, modular form along with the provenance of each modification. We see a day when engineers can reference the current and the historical representation of both individual artifacts and collections thereof along with the relational graphs between artifacts. We see a day when stakeholders make rational decisions using the Systems Engineers’ explicit sound dialectical and rhetorical arguments based on the provenance of content and change. Doré, Gustave, 1868, Dante e Beatrice Doré, Gustave, 1868, Dante purgatorio January 2016
Mission Prioritize the issues and establish scenarios and best practices that address the concerns of the Systems Engineering, Deciding, and Engineering communities. January 2016
Strategy Strategy: “What we are attempting to accomplish in our mission.” Meet Bi-Weekly via Webinars Post Commentary to Wiki Monthly Hold a Panel at IS2016 Publish a ConOps by IS2016 Publish Papers within and without the Activity Team Present to Peers January 2016
Tactics Tactics: “How we are going to accomplish our mission goals.” Provide a forum for collaborative discussion of model management issues Elicit recurring concepts and concerns from the community Curate the Observations Generalize Conclusions Publish Advice Draw Persuasive Visualizations of Recommended Solutions January 2016
Published Products [2014] Whitepaper “Model Lifecycle Management for MBSE”, Fisher et al
2016 IW Outcomes Team Fortification Completion of Preparation for the IS 2016 Panel on MLM Draft more MLM-System Concept of Operations Draft Agenda for IS 2016 MLM Activity Team activities
Wiki Pages ( Planned Work Wiki Pages ( Capabilities Qualitative Analysis Stakeholders Operational Analysis Difficult Questions Modeled Systems