Forming Paragraphs and Positions By Mr. Silva Writing Workshop Forming Paragraphs and Positions By Mr. Silva
Introduction Intro Paragraph: o Start with 2-3 sentences in overview/summary of the topic Then THESIS List out the areas being covered in the Body Paragraph(s) Sample Paragraph Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington stood as monuments of leadership during one of the most difficult and dangerous times in the American Revolution. While these men stood as the paramount leaders of there time, they had a supporting cast that helped them to execute their plans. Washington, perhaps more than any other general, relied on his subordinates to carry out military tactics. One of these subordinates, Henry Lee, was a blend of aristocratic lifestyle, and brilliant military education. Lee helped Washington by employing American cavalry forces against the British to cut of their supply lines and siege forts. His leadership skills would lead Lee into Virginian government positions and help to build the commonwealth into what it is today. Lee’s story shows that chaos allows humans to have some of their finest moments, so chaos makes nations effective. Three of the most chaotic times in American history, in addition to the Revolutionary Era were the Progressive Era, the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression.
Body Paragraph (3) Body Paragraph (3x): o Example-give a general example of what you are going to talk about in the paragraph; use 2-5 sentences to summarize and explain the example o SPECIFIC Example: A quote or a story of the event; you must transition intso this from your example so use the last of the 5 sentences to accomplish this o Analysis: Why is the person or event important? o Evaluation: How does the event or person connect/support your position Note how the evaluation also transitions from the main idea of the body paragraph. The Progressive Era took place at the turn of the century (1900s) and ended roughly around the end of World War I and had a series of social movements ranging from women’s rights to unionization of the blue-collar workforce. Luis Capetillo embroidered shirts and handkerchiefs in order to help support her family, but she soon used her education to find a position as a lectora (reader) in one of Arecibo's tobacco factories. Capetillo began the day with news from local and international papers. She then moved on to socialist and anarchist philosophy, including the writings of the Colombian journalist Jose Maria Vargas Vila. After lunch, she read installments of novels chosen by the workers. Thus, Capetillo developed her skills as a public speaker and forged connections with leaders of the city’s labor movements. Capetillo said: "A woman will always be mother even if she doesn't have children. She will try to correct everything that might harm future generations" (Valle-Ferrer, p. 77). Capetillo’s importance is that she portrayed the prominence of women in the Progressive Era as spokespeople for all causes, Capetillo’s best qualities were emphasized by the chaos of the Progressive era in that she could fight on multiple social platforms.
Conclusion Conclusion: o Restate your thesis in the beginning o Transition from thesis to add a clever fact or present something new o Analyze that new fact: What is important about it? o Offer your perspective The fact that chaos makes nations effective is proven when people have the resolve to push through difficult and unpredictable situations such as the Progressive Era. A nation in chaos is effective because crisis forces its people to develop as a whole. Out of chaos comes stability in government, policies to address social issues, and economic expansion. Conflict is what makes humanity stronger, and when that is stronger, nations are stronger.