Required Textbook The required textbook for this course is Roark, Johnson, Cohen, Stage, Lawson & Hartmann, The American Promise: A Compact History, 3e, Volume I (©2007, Bedford/St. Martin’s)
Required Textbook The required textbook for this course is Roark, Johnson, Cohen, Stage, Lawson & Hartmann, The American Promise: A Compact History, 3e, Volume II (©2007, Bedford/St. Martin’s)
<bedfordstmartins <> The online study guide offers help and learning activities for each chapter.
Also required for this course Reading the American Past, Volume I Important political, social, and cultural documents The documents are free when packaged with the text.
Also required for this course Reading the American Past, Volume II Important political, social, and cultural documents The documents are free when packaged with the text
Also required for this course History Matters: A Student Guide to U.S. History Online A selection of 250 proven Web sites for historical research This guide is free when packaged with The American Promise
Also required for this course A Student’s Guide to History A comprehensive guide to the study of history Exercises reinforce skills and explain tricky issues
Also required for this course A Pocket Guide to Writing in History, 5e Concise and useful advice on writing effective history papers Guidance on finding, evaluating, and using historical sources.
Also required for this course The Bedford Glossary for U.S. History Historically contextualized definitions for terms that you will encounter in lectures, reading, and exams. The glossary is free when packaged with the text.