ACHIEVING 65 x 25: SPRING UPDATE MARCH 2017 Improving post-secondary persistence and completion: Create a state-wide committee to review software for first year college students to explore and develop career and educational purpose Continue to support & develop robust transfer programs Active and engaged NH Transfer program (public and private colleges) Continue outreach campaign to non-completing adults to enroll in degree completion programs CCSNH Purpose First, 15 to Finish and Block Scheduling CCSNH Co-Requisite remediation Increase number of NH high school students attending post-secondary institutions Pilot program to place non-selected students from KSC and PSU into CCSNH schools to improve enrollment and subsequent transfer potential USNH investment in EAB Student Success Collaborative, using metrics to improve retention & persistence USNH Retention Summit planned June 2017 Continue to outreach to students who have not registered for current term Detailed review of financial aid award packages UNH “Granite State Guarantee” Expanding CCSNH “Discovery Days” and incorporating employer site visits PLA: Granite State College has been working to review, update and expand validations for training programs as well as expanding capacity Review AP data to target underperforming high schools for improved instruction Continue to address state legislature regarding higher education funding gap in order to hold or freeze tuition at public institutions