Teacher Guide This lesson is designed to teach kids to ask a critical thinking question that you can’t just put into a search box to solve. To do that, we encourage them with smaller questions that search can help them answer. Make sure that you read the notes for each slide: they not only give you teaching tips but also provide answers and hints so you can help the kids if they are having trouble. Remember, you can always send feedback to the Bing in the Classroom team at BingInTheClassroom@Microsoft.com. You can learn more about the program at bing.com/classroom and follow the daily lessons on our Partners In Learning site. Want to extend today’s lesson? Consider using Skype in the Classroom to arrange for your class to chat with another class in today’s location. And if you are using Windows 8, you can also use the Bing apps to learn more about this location and topic; the Travel and News apps in particular make great teaching tools. Nell Bang-Jensen is a teacher and theater artist living in Philadelphia, PA. Her passion for arts education has led her to a variety of roles including developing curriculum for Philadelphia Young Playwrights and teaching at numerous theaters and schools around the city. She works with playwrights from ages four to ninety on developing new work and is especially interested in alternative literacies and theater for social change. A graduate of Swarthmore College, she currently works in the Artistic Department of the Wilma Theater and, in addition to teaching, is a freelance actor and dramaturg. In 2011, Nell was named a Thomas J. Watson Fellow and spent her fellowship year traveling to seven countries studying how people get their names. This lesson is designed to teach the Common Core State Standard: Reading Informational Text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.5 Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? © Frans Lanting/Corbis Having this up as kids come in is a great settle down activity. You can start class by asking them for thoughts about the picture or about ideas on how they could solve the question of the day.
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? Snaking westward through southern Brazil, the Iguazu River eventually drops off the Paraná Plateau, forming the magnificent Iguazu Falls. The waterfall marks the point where the river crosses into Argentina. Both Brazil and Argentina have established national parks on either side of the falls, which together total more than 850 square miles of protected habitat for many rare and endangered species. Depending on time, you can either have students read this silently to themselves, have one of them read out loud, or read it out loud yourself.
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? 1 Map Search Where is the Iguazu River? What countries is it between? 2 Web Search What languages do they speak in Argentina and Brazil? 3 What animals live near the Iguazu River and falls? 4 Find a resource online for helping translate words from one language to another. 5 Video Search Find a resource online for helping you pronounce words in another language using sound or video. There are a couple of ways to use this slide, depending on how much technology you have in your classroom. You can have students find answers on their own, divide them into teams to have them do all the questions competitively, or have each team find the answer to a different question and then come back together. If you’re doing teams, it is often wise to assign them roles (one person typing, one person who is in charge of sharing back the answer, etc.)
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? 5 Minutes You can adjust this based on how much time you want to give kids. If a group isn’t able to answer in 5 minutes, you can give them the opportunity to update at the end of class or extend time.
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? 1 Map Search Where is the Iguazu River? What countries is it between? 2 Web Search What languages do they speak in Argentina and Brazil? 3 What animals live near the Iguazu River and falls? 4 Find a resource online for helping translate words from one language to another. 5 Video Search Find a resource online for helping you pronounce words in another language using sound or video. You can ask the students verbally or let one of them come up and insert the answer or show how they got it. This way, you also have a record that you can keep as a class and share with parents, others.
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? 1 Map Search Where is the Iguazu River? What countries is it between? (Possible queries: “Bing/Maps: Iguazu River”, “Bing/Maps: Iguazu Falls”) From http://www.bing.com/maps/?FORM=Z9LH2#Y3A9LTI1LjY5NzI2MH4tNTQuNDQ1NjkwJmx2bD01JnN0eT1yJnE9aWd1YXp1JTIwcml2ZXI=: Students should look on a map and note that the river crosses through several different countries, beginning and ending in Brazil and Argentina.
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? 2 Web Search What languages do they speak in Argentina and Brazil? (Possible queries “what languages are spoken in Brazil?”, “what languages are spoken in Argentina?”) From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Argentina and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Brazil: The spoken languages of Argentina number at least 40 although Spanish is dominant. Others include native and other immigrant languages; two languages are extinct and others are endangered, spoken by elderly people whose descendants do not speak the languages. According to Wikipedia statistics, the most known/used languages in Argentina having their own Wikipedia are in order : Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, French and German. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, and is spoken by more than 99% of the population. Minority languages include indigenous languages, and languages of more recent European and Asian immigrants. The population speaks or signs approximately 210 languages, of which 180 are indigenous. Less than forty thousand people (about 0.02% of total population) actually speak indigenous languages in the Brazilian territory.
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? 3 Web Search What animals live near the Iguazu River and falls? (Possible queries: “animals near the Iguazu River”, “what animals live near the Iguazu River”, “protected animal habitat Iguazu River”) Answers will vary, but may include lists like the one found here: http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/153766/ -otters -jaguars -ocelots -monkeys -raccoons -tapirs -coati -anteaters
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? 4 Web Search Find a resource online for helping translate words from one language to another. (Possible queries: “online translator English to Spanish”, “online translator English to Portuguese”) Students may find many resources including: http://www.spanishdict.com/translation, http://translation2.paralink.com/, http://translation.babylon.com/english/to-spanish/ And http://translation2.paralink.com/Portuguese-English-Translation/, http://translation.babylon.com/english/to-portuguese/, http://www.bing.com/translator
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? 5 Video Search Find a resource online for helping you pronounce words in another language using sound or video. (Possible queries: “Spanish pronunciation help online”, “Portuguese pronunciation help online”, Bing/Videos: pronunciation Spanish animals,” Bing/Videos: pronunciation Portuguese animals”) Students should find video links of Spanish and Portuguese vocabulary to help them answer the question. Possible resources found here http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=pronunciation+Spanish+animals&FORM=HDRSC3# and here http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=pronunciation+Portuguese+animals&qs=n&form=QBVR&pq=pronunciation+portuguese+animals&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=
The area around the Iguazu River and falls offers protected habitat for animals. What are three different animals who may be found near the falls, and what would they be called there? This slide is a chance to summarize the information from the previous slides to build your final answer to the question. By this point, students should have learned that Spanish and Portuguese are the primary languages in Argentina and Brazil, respectively. They should also be able to name a few animals who live around the falls, and have gathered resources for translating the names of these animals into Spanish and Portuguese. Answers will vary, as an example: Monkey/mono/macaco, bird/ave/pássaro, and jaguar/jaguar/jaguar!