Station 1 : Force (Body vs Body) Description of activity 1. Students will push up against the wall wit two hands (trying to push it down 2. In pairs ; back to back push up against each other for 5 seconds Varied force ; match up in Different sexes Body types Height differentials Pair press hands and push. 3. Grip strength One girl and one boy start in the middle from each team They will place their hands around the ball, one holding the top/bottom, the other one sides One command of go they will attempt to pull their opponent over the line. Make sure you are standing near or on mats and away from walls or any other objects when completing this task Or Arm wrestling : Match up with some one your own size and body weight. Swap to some one of the opposite sex and then someone who is of different body type to you Reference : Slide 6 : You tube clips
Station 2 : Momentum Description of Activity In pairs or groups of three, take two cones and set them up in a safe area 10 metres apart (Note make sure you have enough space or no objects like walls or basketball rings any where near the running site) First one person from each group will walk between the cones and return to the starting position Next they will pick up another cone and on command run 3 times between cones, up, back, up. On the final lap they will be asked to follow through and slowly decelarate. When they come to a stop they will place the cone down Change intensities if time permits 50% 75% Maximum Teacher will make comparisons between runners Slide reference ; 8 You tube clip : Physics of Football – Momentum
Momentum and Force within Sport Description of Activity Set up 4 cones on a line, 4 feet apart. From that point, set up another cone 5 metres in front and in line with original cone Use AFL balls and kick the ball off one step. Take note of the distance of the kick Using AFL balls again start at the first cone, and run to the next in front Take a kick when you arrive at the cone and take note of the distance Repeat this process with a soccer ball You tube clips : Example of this is the difference between kicking on the run and kicking off one step 1.Kicking on the run (AFL) ; 2.Short Pass (Soccer) ; 3.One step kick (AFL) ;
“BattleBowl” Set up crash mats next to each other around a 10 feet x 10 feet square of area. Make sure you have access to a line on the court. If not make one 2 teams break up into girls and boys. Set up 4 cones to designate where each group will start. One girl and one boy start in the middle from each team They will place their hands around the ball, one holding the top/bottom, the other one sides One command of go they will attempt to pull their opponent over the line. FOR SAFETY Players will not let go of the ball until commanded by teacher. This will be a command of “LET GO” Students will have both their legs planted, with bodies facing each other. Students attempt to pull the ball and opponent over the line. One foot fully over the line results in a point to other team Winner stays on in Battle Bowl ; add up the amount of wins they have before elimination.
“BattleBowl” Set up crash mats next to each other around a 10 feet x 10 feet square of area. Make sure you have access to a line on the court. If not make one 2 teams break up into girls and boys. Set up 4 cones to designate where each group will start. One girl and one boy start in the middle from each team FOR SAFETY Players will not let go of the ball until commanded by teacher. This will be a command of “LET GO” Students will lay tummy down on the mat. This is the position they will stay during the exercise When Arm Wrestling players must stay flat on the mat and the active elbow must stay on the mat at all times. Not for filling this will result in a disqualification Winner stays on in Battle Bowl ; add up the amount of wins they have before elimination.