Your American Red Cross Down the Street, Across the Country, Around the World Thank the person who introduced you. Introduction: I’m here today because I believe in the Mission of the American Red Cross and their ability to impact lives at a time when it really matters. Thank you for the opportunity to tell you about this organization and all of the incredible things they do everyday for our community. Begin presentation.
The Red Cross story began on a battlefield. The Red Cross Story began on a battlefield in Europe. It was 1861 and the Austrian and French forces were battling in Sulferino, Italy. A business man named Henry Dunant, who was there on business, witnessed the horrific casualties that were occurring. What he saw was a life changing event. Not only for him but for millions of others around the world that continues today. Henry Dunant started a movement that lead to the Geneva Convention and the Red Cross Movement. That Red Cross movement is now in 167 nations around the world.
In 1881 Clara Barton started the American Red Cross after meeting Henry Dunant and hearing about his movement. In 1903 Congress agreed to the Geneva Convention and formally established the American Red Cross. Clara Barton
Down the Street, Across the Country, Around the World The American Red Cross Down the Street, Across the Country, Around the World We shelter, feed and care for disaster victims. We supply nearly half the nation’s blood. We teach lifesaving skills. We help the military and their families. We provide humanitarian aid worldwide. Today the American Red Cross… shelters, feeds and cares for disaster victims, supplies nearly half the nation’s blood supply, teaches lifesaving skills, helps the military, veterans and their families and provides humanitarian aid worldwide. To borrow a page from the Army… We do more things before 9:00 am than most organizations do in a day!
We serve members of the military, veterans and their families. The American Red Cross has been keeping military families connected for 130 years. In an emergency there is only one way for a military family to contact their loved one and bring them home from deployment. And that’s through the American Red Cross. No other organization has the ability to provide this service. And there is no cost to either the family or the military for this service.
We respond to over 70,000 disasters a year. Last year the American Red Cross responded to over 70,000 disasters. Disasters are not just measured by their scope. Whether it’s one family or one million families, the event is no less a disaster for those affected. The American Red Cross provides Shelter, Food, Clothing, Support…
Each year we train over 10 million people. First aid, CPR, Lifeguarding and Swimming lessons are a few of the classes that the ARC teaches. Each year the American Red Cross trains over 10 million people. It is their goal is to give knowledge and skills to save lives in the home, school and workplace. Each year we train over 10 million people.
Your American Red Cross Here in the Triangle So, let’s talk about Your American Red Cross. The one that’s right here. In 1917, just 14 years after Congress formally established the American Red Cross, the Raleigh Women’s Club founded the local chapter. Today it is one of the largest, best managed and most productive chapter in the nation. And quite frankly, not a lot of us know all that they do and how much they serve our community. This is why I’m here today to share their story with you.
Responds to more than 1,150 disasters a year in the Region The Raleigh Region responded to more than 1,150 disasters last year. And that number is just in the central North Carolina area. Severe storms and Hurricanes Tornados Floods Earthquakes Your American Red Cross provided over 2 million dollars in financial assistance in 2010. Along with financial support they also provided emotional support and counseling to those in need. For example, they provided over 31,000 nights of shelter to those who lost their homes (apartments) to fire. In a disaster you can always count on the American Red Cross to provide the essential needs such as shelter, food, clothing and support. Responds to more than 1,150 disasters a year in the Region
Assists over 10,000 military families each year. As I said earlier, the American Red Cross is the only organization that can contact a loved one and bring them home from deployment in an emergency. The American Red Cross is also the only organization that’s located on every military base. Providing Counseling Referrals to other military associations Financial Aid The American Red Cross is seen as a safe place for officers, enlisted personnel and their families to talk in confidence and to get the support and counseling they need. Last year your local American Red Cross assisted over 10,000 military families. Assists over 10,000 military families each year.
Each year, trains over 60,000 Triangle Residents to save lives. Life-threatening emergencies can occur suddenly. Being prepared for everyday emergencies should be a goal for all of us. What would you do… If someone you’re having dinner with began to choke? If a friend suffered a massive heart attack during a round of golf? Last year, your local American Red Cross trained over 60,000 Triangle residents in these life saving techniques. Each year, trains over 60,000 Triangle Residents to save lives.
Every two seconds someone needs blood. There is no artificial substitute for blood. Your local American Red Cross recruited more than 101,000 blood donors last year. I said earlier that the American Red Cross provides nearly half the nation’s blood. Here in the Triangle, your local American Red Cross provides most of the blood supply. Approximately 80% of it. There is a constant need for blood in our area. What is not constant is the donor turnout. For example: Weather conditions School schedules Economy When you need blood, nothing else matters! Recruits more than 101,000 blood donations for hospitals in the Region.
Your American Red Cross provides hope and help down the street, across the country and around the world. Your local Raleigh Region Area American Red Cross provides hope and help down the street, across the country and around the world. The need for what we do: sheltering, feeding and caring for disaster victims, supplying the area’s blood supply, teaching our citizens lifesaving skills, helping our military and their families and providing humanitarian aid worldwide is continuing to grow.
Our ability to help depends on YOU. Time Blood Money Our ability to help depends on you. We need your precious gifts of Time, Blood and Money
You can Give the Precious Gift of Time! Consider joining the more than 4,500 volunteers that give of their time to your local American Red Cross. We always need volunteers to help… Emergency Services Serving on local disasters… Assisting with Military Services… Health, Safety & Aquatic Services Teaching First Aid, CPR, Babysitting Providing first aid coverage at public events… Office Assistants Receptionist, Data entry, General Office Duties… Fundraising Special events volunteer for planning, set-up, decoration, creation & distribution of flyers… Blood Services Assisting in the Blood Center, greater… Assisting on the Bloodmobile… You can Give the Precious Gift of Time!
You can Give the Precious Gift of Blood! There is no artificial substitute for blood, so please consider giving this precious gift. You can give this gift yourself. You can organize a blood drive: At your company At your church In your community Because the demand is always there and when you need blood, nothing else matters! You can Give the Precious Gift of Blood!
You can Give the Precious Gift of Money! Your local American Red Cross is funded entirely by donations and revenue generating programs. No money comes from the government…state or national. 91 Cents from every dollar goes to services. Only 9 cents goes to overhead, fundraising and management. Your local American Red Cross is an exceptional steward of your gift of money! You can Give the Precious Gift of Money!
Our ability to help depends on YOU. Time Blood Money Thank You! Thank your audience. Leave a document (card, refrigerator magnet, one-page pamphlet, etc.) on how your audience members can help and who they can contact… (Make it easy for them to respond.)