Cut and paste the Greek and Latin prefix, root, and suffixes handout. MUG Monday Title right page # “Do Nows for the week of 9/14 – 9/18” Cut and paste the Greek and Latin prefix, root, and suffixes handout. Title left page # “Do Now Reflections for the week of 9/14 – 9/18” Write a cinquian [five-line poem – cinq: French for five] incorporating three words from the list (either from the examples or another matching term). Example
Term Tuesday – Archetype (character) Right Side PG. # write down the definition: Definition: a reoccurring symbol or motif that represents universal patterns of human nature. Common archetypes: hero, villain/shadow, mentor/wiseman, crone, maiden, trickster. Left Side PG. #: List examples of these common archetypes seen movies or literature.
Word on Wednesday Left Side Right Side Which character is described as furtive? Which character interposes between Piggy and Jack? Draw a logo for each of these characters. Example: Right Side furtive (adj): secret and sly or sordid Interpose (v): be or come between A logographic cue is a simple symbol or picture (or logo) that acts as a visual reminder of an important literary element in a text)
Throwback Thursday - Symbolism Look back to pg. # and the definition of symbolism. Left Side: With group Right Side: Copy down Identify possible meanings for each of these symbols. These are symbols that have been introduced: The Conch Piggy’s glasses The Scar Fire The Ocean Face Paint Day/Night
Reflective Friday Left Side: Considering all the visual cues Pablo Picasso gives in his painting, Guernica, what inferences can you make about the setting? Cite five or more details from this visual text in your answer.