Bell Work Treaty of Versailles After losing World War I, Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles. List the four main stipulations of the treaty.
Hitler’s Rise to Power
State Standards W.40 Explain the widespread disillusionment with prewar institutions, authorities, and values that resulted in a void that was later filled by totalitarians. (C, H, P) 2. W.43 Analyze the assumption of power by Adolf Hitler in Germany and the resulting acts of oppression and aggression of the Nazi regime. (C, H, P) 3. W.49 Utilize primary and secondary sources to describe the contributions and roles of leaders during the war, including Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Emperor Hirohito, Hideki Tōjō, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman, Douglas MacArthur, and Dwight Eisenhower. (H, P)
Objectives I can identify Adolf Hitler and describe his major principles 2. I can analyze and explain how Hitler gained control of the German government 3. I can describe how Hitler gained and maintained absolute power over Germany
Hitler’s Rise to Power: Timeline 1889 – Born in Austria Failed in school - Failed as an artist Served four years on the Western Front in WW I 1919 - Joins the German Workers’ Party (later known as Nazi, for short) 1921 – Takes control of the Nazi Party 1923 – Stages an unsuccessful uprising (Beer Hall Putsch) against the government. Sent to prison where he writes Mein Kampf or My Struggle.
Hitler: Timeline 1933 – President Hindenburg allows Hitler to become Chancellor 1933 – With the passage of the Enabling Act, Hitler legally seizes power 1934 – President Hindenburg dies. Hitler abolishes the office president. Hitler becomes Fuhrer (leader) or sole ruler of Germany.
Objectives I can identify Adolf Hitler and describe his major principles 2. I can analyze and explain how Hitler gained control of the Germany government 3. I can describe how Hitler gained and maintained absolute power over Germany