Deciding to Parent MLLD- Early Adulthood
Parenting is no small task! Brainstorm reasons why people decide to parent. Good and bad Parenting is no small task! It takes a lot of consideration and preparation
Wrong Reasons to become a parent Prove adulthood To please someone else Emotional benefits Respect and status Escape a situation Because society expects it Improve a failing relationship To be “normal”
Right reasons to become a parent Want to start a family Pass on family traditions Others?
Examining Readiness You and partner are both mature enough individually (PIESm) You and partner have a solid relationship together Financially stable Long term goals align with family Prepared to change priorities
The Decision Making Process
1- Identify the exact decision to be made 2- List all options 3- Weigh the pros and cons of each options 4- Consider values 5- Make a decision and take actions 6- Evaluate the results and take responsibility for consequences