Assistant Deputy Principal of Year 10 WELCOME & PRAYER Mr Andrew Donaldson Assistant Deputy Principal of Year 10
YEAR 10 CARE GROUP TEACHERS Dunlea A – Mrs Janet Flematti (Room: FG13) Dunlea B - Mr Barry Hicks (Room: FG05) Evans A – Mrs Katriese Wilder (Room: FG06) Evans B – Mrs Daphne Peters (Room FG07) Golding A – Mr Patrick McHale (Room: FG08) Golding B – Miss Rachael Thomson (Room: EG03) McGarry A – Mrs Peggy Fitzgerald (Room: FG11) McGarry B – Mrs Janice Bell & Miss Cherie Milne (Room: FG12)
WELCOME Mr Robert Marshall- College Principal Mr Andrew Billingsley- Deputy Principal Mrs Dianne Bridge- College Psychologist Mrs Erin Gallen- VET Co-ordinator Ms Chris Tonkin- Career Counsellor
COLLEGE PRAYER Dear Lord, Help us to live the Gospel values as exemplified by Irene McCormack. Assist us in recognising injustice and finding Irene’s courage to act in the face of it. Give us her vision and passion to serve those in need.
treat each day as your gift to be celebrated and shared. Grant us her openness and serenity to treat each day as your gift to be celebrated and shared. May we use the words of the College motto Prayer, Service and justice as the guiding light for our daily lives. Irene McCormack - PRAY FOR US Amen
SENIOR SCHOOL Mr Robert Marshall College Principal
NAPLAN- WACE Requirements Year 9 Performance NAPLAN- WACE Requirements Students N R W T 2017 53 59 48 35 2016 49 52 31 17 2015 51 47 29 2014 42 36 21 2013 45 37 24
Year 9 Performance Year 9 Reading Writing Grammar & Punctuation Spelling Numeracy Sch Aust Top 20% 18 20 24 15 19 11 Low 20% 9 10 16 Year 7 2015 13 12 17 8 14
Bishops Religious Literacy WA Distribution Comparison Year 9 Performance Bishops Religious Literacy WA Distribution Comparison Difference Top 20% Low 20% 2017 -7 21 25 2016 -31 10 32 2015 -37 8 34 2014 -32 7 2013 -45 5 27 2012 -41 3
Transfer of Students Students who continue at Irene McCormack Catholic College will have a better education. Our College will be a better school if the students stay.
Reasons for Transfer of Students Course Availability Wednesdays off Religious Education Uniform School Fees
Academic Performance Educational research shows that students changing schools is the most significant influence on student performance declining. SCSA Awards ATAR performance Year 10 Results
Course Availability The Year 11 and 12 courses will enable students to access all the university or TAFE course, for which they have the entry level requirements.
Course Availability Diploma of Nursing Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing Certificate III in Fitness Certificate IV in Dental Assisting Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) Certificate III in Make-Up Certificate IV in Design [Graphic Design] Certificate III in Police Studies Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Painting and Decorating Pre-Apprenticeship) Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology Certificate III in Health Services Assistance [Accute Care] Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Carpentry and Joinery Pre-Apprenticeship) Certificate IV in Visual Arts Certificate II in Engineering (Heavy Fabrication Pre-Apprenticeship) Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) (Electrotechnology PreApprenticeship) Certificate IV in Mental Health Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking Certificate III in Commercial Cookery Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology (Automotive Electrical PreApprenticeship) Certificate IV in Sport Development
Wednesday’s Off Workplace Learning Program – one day off Campus. ATAR students have a class every day.
Religious Education Education for the whole person – emotional well being, spiritual dimension of life. Religion and Life ATAR, as a Social Science course, is used be as many students as English for one of 4 ATAR scoring courses, which is more than any other course.
Uniform Students are not differentiated on family circumstances. Connection with and commitment to College responsibilities, including learning. Sense of self discipline - If students can do simple things well, there is more likelihood of achieving more challenging goals. Leadership and role modelling. Preparedness for many aspects of adult life when uniforms and standards need to be complied with.
School Fees Family circumstances. You are welcome to discuss any fees issues with me.
Jordan Va’a Kristina Bott Student Testimonies Jordan Va’a Kristina Bott
Transfer of Students Students who continue at Irene McCormack Catholic College will have a better education. Our College will be a better school if the students stay.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT Ms Chris Tonkin Process of managing life, learning, work and leisure over our lifetime. Lifelong Learning Ms Chris Tonkin Career Counsellor
CAREER DEVELOPMENT All Year Groups – Assistant Deputy Principal and Care Teachers: Individual Pathway Plan (IPP) Career Portfolio Self Awareness & Goal Setting a new account with CEWA address & password.
Career Expo - Wednesday 9th May, 1.30pm - 5.30pm. CAREER EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Held across the year by tertiary/training institutions. Advertised in daily notices and the newsletter. Some are specific for Year 10 students only – Yr. 10 Info Night UWA 10 March. Most open to Year 9-12 and the public – ECU General Info Jo13 Feb, ML 20 Feb. Career Expo - Wednesday 9th May, 1.30pm - 5.30pm. Select engagement opportunities in Yr.10 by invitation, or request.
POST SCHOOL TRANSITION OPTIONS Apply for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship. Apply for one fulltime, or two part-time jobs. Apply to study at a TAFE, or a private Registered Training Organisation. Apply to study at a university- direct entry, alternate entry options. Start a business while studying or working part-time. Take a gap break to volunteer and/or travel.
SENIOR SCHOOL OPTIONS Selection of courses to maximise being selected for: Direct entry to a University course. A specific alternate entry pathway to a university course. Direct entry to a TAFE course. Gaining an apprenticeship/traineeship. Gaining one fulltime, or two part-time jobs. School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship in Year 11/12 – Ms. Gallen. Apply for offsite 1-2 day workplace or VET opportunities – Ms. Gallen.
Also with Mrs Bridge, Ms Gallen, Mrs Brown in Student Services. CAREER COUNSELLOR Transition planning Developing self-awareness & personal management skills. Career exploration; group and individual engagement opportunities. Course selection information and advice. Career Education and Awareness Student information sessions and career expo. Parent workshops, information sessions, individual appointments. Counselling- Students self refer, or referral by ADP, teacher or parent. Applications- Group information sessions; individual assistance as required. Also with Mrs Bridge, Ms Gallen, Mrs Brown in Student Services.
(VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING) VET (VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING) & WORKPLACE LEARNING Check daily notices DAILY for any information, events and opportunities Be informed on your requirements and investigate courses that best suit your needs and strengths and chosen pathway Talk to the experts - those that can help Ms Erin Gallen VET Coordinator 9562 2438
VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (VET) COURSES AVAILABLE AT THE COLLEGE: Certificate III in Visual Art Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation Certificate II in Sport and Recreation (Soccer, AFL, General) Certificate II in Business Certificate II in Information, Design and Media Technology Certificate II in Construction Pathways Certificate II in Community Services Certificate II in Visual Art (Design and Graphics) To note: NON-ATAR students are required to complete a Certificate II to meet WACE requirements. Our College offers a variety of courses for students to choose. Certificate courses are open to ALL senior students.
VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (VET) COURSES AVAILABLE EXTERNALLY: ONSITE: Current certificate courses on offer for 2018 include: One Year Programs Certificate II in Data and Voice Communication (Electrical) Certificate II in Building and Construction (Trades Pathways) Certificate II in Plumbing and Gasfitting Certificate II in Hairdressing (Salon Assistance) Certificate II in Furniture Making Two Year Programs Certificate II in Automotive Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology Other options: Profile Courses – fully funded A number of courses are offered by North and South Metropolitan TAFE each year. Students need to apply for these competitive 1 and 2 year courses. 2. Fee for Service – courses fees apply Training providers offer VETis (VET in Schools) courses to students in a variety of areas which incur course fees.
WORKPLACE LEARNING (ADWPL ENDORSED PROGRAM) – ONSITE The Workplace Learning Program at the College offers GENERAL students enrolled in Career and Enterprise an opportunity to attend a chosen workplace one day per week with up to two workplaces during the year. The workplace provides a student with an experience in an industry area that is relevant to his/her interests and considered a possible career or training pathway. Students work in a wide variety of industries including retail, hospitality, real estate, hairdressing, IT, childcare, education, aged care, automotive, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, plastering, painting, agriculture, healthcare. BENEFITS Employability/core skills Exposure to industries of interest Exposure to the world of work Industry specific skills and knowledge Develop contacts/networks On the job training Possible trial for future employment Development of interpersonal skills Shows passion and interest
Assistant Deputy Principal of Year 10 Mr Andrew Donaldson Assistant Deputy Principal of Year 10
VISION FOR YEAR 10 To work in partnership with students, parents and staff to create opportunities in all facets of College life, including teaching & learning, pastoral care and faith and life. To provide a safe and nurturing environment so students respect themselves, others and the College environment. To research and develop an understanding of future pathways for students in Senior School.
Communication Methods Communication is the key to success If there are any problems/concerns you need to let us know. Care Group Teacher Subject Teachers Heads of Learning Area Mr Andrew Donaldson- ADP of Year 10 Types of Communication Note in planner Call the College to arrange a meeting or leave a message = 9562 2400 Email Care Group Teacher or myself First
Year 10 Key Dates Retreat: 25th May – Reflection Day 2019 Year 11 Course Information Evening: 25th June – Paul Rafter Centre (PRC) Parent Student Teacher Interviews: PRC 9th May – Term 2 (after Interim Report) 9th May- Career Expo 24th July – Term 3 (after Semester One report) Year 10 Exams: 11th - - 15th June- Semester 1 22nd November – 5th December – End of Year (Senior School conditions) Year 10 Final Mass & Assembly and classes conclude: Wednesday 21st November
Work Expectations Students will be pushed, challenged, expected to meet deadlines and produce their highest quality work every time. We, like you, want the children to reach their potential Late assessments will be dealt with promptly. The complete procedure in the Student Planner. No task email sent home if work handed into office by 8.45am 10% off but no detention. No task email sent home if work not handed into office by 8.45am 10% off and detention after school on that same day.
Expectations of the Students Try their best Follow the College rules Lead by example Show respect to others- students, teachers and other staff members Get involved in College Life and enjoy all there is to offer
AS PARENTS… Be supportive of your child - encourage and praise. Encourage routine and a help establish a Study Environment. Take an interest in your child’s progress. Communicate with teachers and the College. Encourage the journey to more independent learning. Negotiate and establish rules regarding social media and the laptop and other devices. Make connections with the College. Keep on Loving them!
Care Group Teacher is the first point of call for parents PASTORAL Care System Care Group Teacher is the first point of call for parents What happens during Care Group? Prayer Mark the Attendance Roll Check Uniform Check the Student Planner once a week-signed by parents Read Daily Notices C Collect written notes or emails from parents for s student absences GET TO KNOW YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER
Why is Care Group Important? It is the main support network for each child while they are at school It allows students to build a meaningful relationship with their Care Group Teacher The Care Group teacher will be their advocate while at the College The Pastoral Care System gives them a sense of belonging to a group
Pastoral Development Term 1: Term 3: IPP/ Goal Setting Study Skills Irene’s Service Learning Term 2: Career Planning Exam Preparation Future directions Course Selection Process Term 3: Course Selection Process Course Selection Interviews Irene’s Service Learning Term 4: Exam Preparation Study Skills
Grooming & appearance Grooming and appearance expectations are listed in the Student Planner. Encourage students to wear their uniform with pride Neat and tidy at all times We ask for your support in this matter.
Irene’s Service learning program Serving the needs of others in our community is a very valued aspect to our College Culture. We ask you to support your son or daughter with this program. Journal with reflection
YEAR 10 Irene’s pilgrimage An opportunity to recount the footsteps of Sister Irene McCormack with Ms White and myself Term 3 Expressions of interest
Mr Andrew Billingsley Deputy Principal Curriculum matters Mr Andrew Billingsley Deputy Principal
What do I need to think about? There are several variables that influence how satisfied you are with your career: 1. What are my values? Creativity, adventure, service to others. Work with my hands or my mind? Routine or variation in my tasks. Flexible or non-flexible hours? 2. What are my interests? Hobbies? 3. What is my personality like? Need to be with people or like being on my own? 4. What am I good at? What skills do I have? Maths/Writing/Physical Coordination? Analysis/Creativity/Motivate others?
What do I need to think about? Which courses am I currently studying? Will they assist me to get where I would like to be? University/TAFE/Work/Apprenticeship/Traineeship What research do I need to do? Who can I work with to assist me in putting a plan in place for myself and my future?
Literacy and Numeracy Essential to achieving WACE is meeting the Literacy and Numeracy requirements. NAPLAN – Band 8 (Year 9) OLNA - Category 3.
What is OLNA? Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment. If students have not demonstrated their Literacy and Numeracy through NAPLAN (Band 8, Reading, Writing and Numeracy), they have opportunities to sit the assessment, once in Semester 1, and once in Semester 2. SCSA OLNA dates for Semester 1: March 2018 OLNA dates for Semester 2: September 2018
Assistant Deputy Principal of Year 10 Mr Andrew Donaldson Assistant Deputy Principal of Year 10
Communication Methods Communication is the key to success If there are any problems/concerns you need to let us know. Care Group Teacher Subject Teachers Heads of Learning Area Mr Andrew Donaldson- ADP of Year 10 Types of Communication Note in planner Call the College to arrange a meeting or leave a message = 9562 2400 Email Care Group Teacher or myself First