The war effort propelled the U. S The war effort propelled the U.S. economy to become the strongest industrial power in the world.
Women’s new work helped build support for woman suffrage (passed after the war in 1920).
After the war, many people wanted things to return to “normal” after the many sacrifices and changes of the time.
Workers were needed in all industries Workers were needed in all industries. Women and African Americans were hired.
The United States tried to avoid international involvements until attacked by Japan in 1941.
There was much debate before the war about the U. S There was much debate before the war about the U.S. role in world affairs.
War was backed by most. Strong feelings also prompted attacks on German immigrants and any citizens opposed to the war.
Large corporations made huge profits Large corporations made huge profits. Labor unions grew and strikes were common.
Women worked in jobs previously done by men (who were away fighting in the war), including jobs in industry, mining, and construction. They also worked as nurses, teachers, and clerks.
The government worked to gain support for war through speeches, pamphlets, posters, etc.
African Americans moved from the South to Northern cities in the Great Migration. They escaped some discrimination and worked at industrial jobs that paid well.
Wages rose in industry, but food and housing costs also rose quickly.
After the war, isolationists gained more power and blocked U. S After the war, isolationists gained more power and blocked U.S. entry into the League of Nations.
Some wanted to remain isolated from world troubles; others felt the United States needed to act as a world leader.
Government borrowed money by selling bonds and they regulated industrial production.
The United States tried to maintain trade relations with European countries at war, but attacks on U.S. shipping helped push the country into war.