New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission STS Meeting 1/17/18
School Bus Billing Over the next three years MVC will be transitioning so all inspection fees will be collected in the vehicle registration. BOE’s will have to pay a $50.00 inspection fee each year. We will no longer be charging for reinspections. Until all three year registrations are switched to one year registrations a paper invoice will still be used.
Fee Chart
DEFINITIONS NJAC 13:20-30.2 “Driver” the authorized license operator of a school bus. “Operator” the owner or person responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of a school bus.
DRIVER RESPONSIBILITIES Possess and Maintain a CDL Submit to pre-employment and on-going substance abuse and drug testing. Submit to state and federal criminal background checks. Pass a state/federal physical examination. Provide a 10 year employment history. Inform employer of any offenses regarding license.
DRIVER VIGILANCE Although school buses provide the safest mode of transportation, there are still school bus related injuries and fatalities each year. The responsibility of the school bus driver is considerable.
WHAT AFFECTS DRIVER VIGILANCE Driver Attitude- sets the stage Student Management-controls the bus and the passengers Vehicle Training – Familiar with the bus Know the Route- Hazards, Potential Dangers, and Rail Road Crossings Adverse Weather Conditions – Driving Challenge Loading and Unloading – Check Mirrors and Danger Zones
PRE-TRIP INSPECTION Is a systematic inspection of the bus by the driver before every trip or shift to ensure that the bus is in safe operating condition. Required by both Federal and State codes. The purpose is to discover any potential problem that may cause a mechanical breakdown or problem on the road. Ensure that the bus registration and insurance card are in the vehicle. Bus displays a valid inspection sticker.
PRE-TRIP INSPECTION Prepare or Complete a driver’s daily report. If during your pre-trip inspection it is determined that a unsafe condition exists, get it fixed prior to starting your trip. State law prohibits any driver from operating a school bus which is in an unsafe condition.
REPORTING DEFECTS Every operator must have a procedure in place that is understood and followed to ensure that mechanical problems/defects discovered by the driver can be communicated in writing to the mechanic.
DAILY CONDITION REPORT NJAC 13:20-30.7 The daily school bus condition report shall include but not limited to, the following: Drivers name, date, registration number,bus number and mileage.
Unsafe Operation Prohibited NJAC 13:20-30.4 An operator shall not operate or permit or require a driver to operate any school bus determined by the inspection or operation thereof to be in such condition that its operation would be hazardous or likely to result in a breakdown of the vehicle, nor shall any driver operate a school bus which by reason of its mechanical condition is so imminently hazardous to operate as to be likely to cause an accident, a breakdown of the vehicle, or an unsafe condition for the occupants thereof.
OUT OF SERVICE NJAC 13:20 – 31.34 Any bus declared out of service shall not be operated until all “out-of-service” repairs have been satisfactorily completed. No person shall remove any marking that the bus has been declared “out-of service” No person may be transported in a bus declared “out-of-service” Any driver who receives notice that the bus is “out-of-service” shall deliver such notice to the operator.
REJECTION STICKER Non Critical Safety Item 30 Days
LAWS Wireless Telephone 39:3B-25 It shall be unlawful for the driver of a school bus, as defined in 39:1-1, to use a cellular or other wireless telephone while operating a school bus. EXCEPTIONS 1.When the school bus is parked in a safe area off of the highway. 2. In an emergency situation.
Accumulated Ice & Snow 39:4-77.1 When snow or ice is dislodged from a moving vehicle and strikes another vehicle or pedestrian causing injury or property damage the following penalties shall apply: Non-commercial - $200. - $1000. Commercial motor vehicle- $500. - $1500. No motor vehicle points
Regional Supervisors Region 1 Neil Zollinger 732-241-8956 Bergen, Morris, Passaic, Sussex, Warren
Regional Supervisors Region 2 Jim Wills 609-203-1939 Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Morris
Regional Supervisors Region 3 Gerhardt Kaniper 609-218-0647 or Ron English 609-610-8315 Mercer, Middlesex, Somerset, Union
Regional Supervisors Region 4 Gerhardt Kaniper 609-218-0647 Burlington, Monmouth, Ocean
Regional Supervisors Region 5 Brenda Risoldi 609-203-0257 Atlantic, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Salem
QUESTIONS or COMMENTS NJMVC School Bus Unit 609-633-9473