Ch. 3 / Sec. 1 What is the main motive for northern European nations exploring new trade routes? (What motive would gain importance after the Reformation?)
How did technology make long distance exploration possible?
Why/how did Portugal take the lead in Africa and Asia Why/how did Portugal take the lead in Africa and Asia? (What effect will this have on the three Islamic Empires?)
How did the Treaty of Tordesillas guarantee the decline of Portuguese power?
How do the Dutch and the English gain their footholds in Asia?
(Why do the Europeans only control areas along the coast?)
Ch. 4 / Sec. 1 Was Columbus a genius or was he lucky?
What are the immediate consequences of his discovery?
What Spanish explorers are noteworthy?
How is Hernando Cortes able to conquer an empire with only 600 men?
How is Francisco Pizarro able to conquer an empire with only 200 men?
What systems do the Spaniards create in the regions they colonize?
How are the Portuguese in Brasil similar to the Spaniards and how are they different?
Describe how the Spanish move northward into America.
How do the Native Americans respond to the Spaniards?
What is the irony of Bartolome de Las Casas’ position?
Ch. 4 / Sec. 2 How is French exploration in North America different from the Spanish?
Describe the process of Dutch colonization.
What various motives do the English have for coming to North America?
Describe the process of colonization in the Caribbean.
How do the English gain the upper hand in North America?
How do the Native Americans respond to the colonization of North America, and what is their ultimate fate?
Ch. 4 / Sec. 3 How old is slavery and what was it like prior to 1500?
Why do the Europeans feel they need cheap labor in the Americas?
How does slavery begin in Africa?
Why do the Europeans feel they need African slaves in the Americas?
Who are all of the parties on BOTH sides of the Atlantic involved in the African slave trade?
Why do the terms Middle Passage and Triangular Trade describe the African Slave Trade?
How does life change for the enslaved Africans and how do they react?
What are the long-term consequences of the African slave trade on BOTH sides of the Atlantic?
Ch. 4 / Sec. 4 Why is the Columbian Exchange the most important worldwide result of the discovery of America?
What do we mean by the Commercial Revolution?
How does exploration match perfectly with capitalism?
What economic problem is introduced into Europe because of the colonies?
What is the theory behind mercantilism What is the theory behind mercantilism? (Does it sound as though it would work?)
What are the ultimate effects of the Commercial Revolution on European society?