Chapter 20 The Atlantic World
Global Travels 1500 Amerigo Vespucci sails the coast of South America and claims this is a “New World” and not part of Asia. These new continents are named the “Americas” in honor of Vespucci
The Spanish Conquistadors- Spanish explorers and conquerors In search of wealth and Land Hernando Cortez- Conquers the Aztecs Francisco Pizzarro- Conquers the Inca Diseases play a huge role in these battles
North America French They want to make money from the American and Canadian territories, not colonize Build strong fur trade 1673 Jesuit priests- Jacques Marquette & Louis Joliet explore The Great Lakes
North America British 1607 Jamestown is founded 100 settlers / majority men First English settlement in the state of Virginia Disaster- massive hunger and war with Natives
North America British Pilgrims and Puritans begin to Arrive in America in search of religious freedom. Come as families
North America The Dutch First settlement: New Netherlands – (New York)
North American Relations Dutch & French share a mutual respect for the fur trade. Maintain relations with Native Americans English fight with Natives over land rights See natives as Godless heathens
Struggle for North America The Caribbean The Dutch and English race for settlements, Island prove very profitable for planting sugar and cotton. High labor demand
Struggle for North America 1754 French & Indian War French and English fight for expanding territories French lose war and all North America territories.
Struggle for North America Disease decimates native population Small pox, measles, etc. Creates major labor shortage
Europeans in Africa 1400’s- Portuguese begin African exploration and open up trade between Africa and Europe Early trade centered around ivory and gold Interest in African slaves grew with the colonization of the Americas and the destruction of the Native American population
The Trans –Atlantic Slave trade
The Trans –Atlantic Slave trade The buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas was part of a system of Triangular trade Americas provided raw materials
The Trans –Atlantic Slave trade The buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas was part of a system of Triangular trade Europe provided manufactured goods
The Trans –Atlantic Slave trade The buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas was part of a system of Triangular trade. Africa provided slaves (labor) Costal African leaders helped capture slaves
The Trans –Atlantic Slave trade Middle passage – middle leg of the Transatlantic trade triangle that brought captured African to the Americas 20% of the Africans on each ship died during the trip
Impact of Slavery Impact on Africa Impact on the Americas Depopulation Families torn apart Impact on the Americas Labor and farming expertise African Culture Demographic changes in population
Global Trade Columbian Exchange- the global transfer of foods, plants , and animals during the colonization of the Americas
Global Trade Capitalism- an economic system based on private ownership and the investment of resources, such as money , for profit Joint-Stock Company- investors buying shares of stock in a company or venture (colonization). Investors share all profits.
Global Trade Mercantilism- a country's power depended mainly on it wealth. Wealth = Power