Preview What do you think motivates the United States to explore space today? Include two or three possible motives. Should the United States spend more or less money on the exploration of space? Give reasons for your answer.
European Exploration and Colonization What were reasons for European exploration? How are the reasons for European exploration in the 1400 and 1500’s similar to the reasons the United States is exploring space today?
Graphic Organizer-Use this to take notes on! Causes and Effects of European Exploration Graphic Organizer-Use this to take notes on!
Causes of European Exploration # 1-Increase Trade As a result of the Crusades, the Europeans developed a taste for spices and other luxury goods from Asia. Muslim traders carried these goods to the eastern Mediterranean, where they sold them to Venetian merchants who then brought them to Europe. The goods were very expensive since various middlemen involved all made a profit. European countries wanted to establish direct sea routes to Asia so they could reduce costs and gain better access to Asian goods.
Causes of European Exploration # 2-Increase Political and Military Power Increased trade and commerce would help European states accumulate wealth and pay for larger, more powerful armies. Exploration offered European states the chance to form overseas empires, thus adding to their wealth and power.
Causes of European Exploration # 3-New Ideas European rulers, supported by the Catholic Church, wanted to spread their religious beliefs and convert people to Christianity. Europeans wanted to learn more about the world. The ideals of the Renaissance helped inspire their thirst for knowledge.
Causes of European Exploration #4 New Technology Magnetic Compass Astrolabe Advancements in mapmaking Caravels-new light, seaworthy ships
How are the reasons for European exploration in the 1400 and 1500’s similar to the reasons the United States is exploring space today? European Exploration Space Exploration Increase Trade Increase Political and Military Power New Ideas New Technology
Activity-Explorer a Sunken Ship Find out what European explorers had on their ship by studying key artifacts. Your objectives: Identify and record key information about the objects on an explorer’s ship. Categorize eight objects of exploration as one of the following: a navigation tool, a motive for exploration, or a newly introduced product from the Americas.
Processing Activity: Suppose that you are an explorer returning to Europe from a trip to the New World. Write a page in your exploration log that includes An explanation of why you explored the America’s A description of one new technology that helped you as an explorer A description and a sketch of one item you are bringing from the Americas
Effects of European Exploration #1 Colonization of the Americas European countries created large empires by claiming lands in the America’s. They destroyed great civilizations whose root went back thousands of years. Many people migrated from Europe to the New World.
Effects of European Exploration #2 Columbian Exchange Columbian Exchange-transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the eastern and Western hemispheres. It had a major impact on the world’s cultures and environment.
Think about it… Without the Columbian Exchange- The America’s would not have had grains like wheat, rice, and oats. The Americas would not have had onions, bananas, grapes, coffee, or citrus fruits. The Americas would not have had livestock like horses, cattle, pigs and sheep. Europe would not have had foods such as potatoes, corn, beans, tomatoes, peppers, peanuts, squash, and chocolate. Potatoes and corn helped Europeans eat better and live longer. As a result their population increased.
Think about it… Because of the Columbian Exchange- Manioc, a root crop native to Brazil, thrives in the poor soils of Africa and nourishes millions of Africans. Sweet potatoes and chili peppers become staple foods across Africa and Asia. More than 1/3 rd of the crops grown in China today come from the America’s.
Think about it… Because of the Columbian Exchange… Clover, spinach, mint and artichoke from the Old Word (Europe, Africa, and Asia) choke out native species in the New World (America’s) Rats brought over on European ships became a plague across the America’s.
Effects of Exploration #3 Global Economy The world became more connected. Economic activity increased as expanded global networks opened up new channels of trade and commerce. The world trade system doubled in size during this period.
Effects of Exploration #4 Death and Slavery
Death and Slavery Native Americans have no immunity to diseases (smallpox, measles, influenza, etc.) that people of Europe and Asia had been contracting for thousands of years so they begin dying in horrifying numbers. By the 1800’s more than ten million slaves had been shipped to the Americas to support the plantation economy. Around one in six died en route. Millions of Africans were uprooted and African societies were torn apart. The slave trade introduces guns to many parts of Africa.
Using your notes complete the T-Chart
Think About It! Write About It! Was the Columbian exchange worth the negative effects? Why or Why not? The Columbian Exchange was/was not worth the negative effects because…